china flag image

china flag image. I#39;m no flag-waving xenophobic
  • I#39;m no flag-waving xenophobic

  • janitorC7
    Jan 15, 10:52 PM
    Overall I liked it but there were some obvious things lacking.

    I think that there are somethings that were cut out, because they were not ready, I think that time-capsule was supposed to be part of a greater home integration kit.


    china flag image. US Flag courtesy of ITA Flags
  • US Flag courtesy of ITA Flags

  • Coolerking
    Sep 12, 08:34 AM
    I can hear it now "By the way, Macbooks and Macbook Pro's now come with Core 2 Duo Processors...Now on with the show!"

    Eh well, A guy can dream can't he?

    china flag image. the Chinese said that they
  • the Chinese said that they

  • Gatesbasher
    Mar 24, 08:13 PM
    Pardon? Want to try that again?

    I can't speak for him, but DOS was tolerable. No iteration of Windows has been. That's probably what he meant.

    china flag image. Rates
  • Rates

  • jezza63
    Jan 12, 12:04 AM
    AppleTV to include wireless operation of another mac similar to screen sharing but much faster and including audio. Can operate AppleTV with wireless keyboard.

    china flag image. Flag of China
  • Flag of China

  • manhattanboy
    Apr 5, 04:47 PM
    I'm going to start a TV channel that only shows commercials.

    Its called network television.

    No. The idea is very good in fact:

    I think Apple should release an app that just sucks down your dollars merely for opening it. :D

    china flag image. The Chinese flag: red with a
  • The Chinese flag: red with a

  • ianray
    Dec 13, 02:08 PM
    The report also claims that the Verizon iPhone is already shipping to Verizon warehouses, and the carrier will maintain control over all stock until launch in order to control information leaks.

    The idea of Verizon (or any operator) controlling information leaks seems a little implausible to me -- BoyGeniusReport often publishes leaked screenshots from operators, for example.

    That said, there seems to be growing consensus that the Verizon iPhone is coming -- and coming soon!

    china flag image. Republic of China.svg
  • Republic of China.svg

  • hob
    Jan 9, 03:32 PM

    china flag image. China Flag
  • China Flag

  • Some_Big_Spoon
    Nov 16, 12:46 PM
    Well, no one said ditching.. I'm sure Apple's got their gear running on all sorts of things, just in case. Where Apple's machines are in the market, the Intel name and specs are far more valuable than AMD, no? Intel's got a fire under them now, and the sleeping giant's gathering steam, so while I'm sure Apple's got many plans, I can't see them expanding x86 suppliers for a long, long time..

    But, then again, who wants to watch movies on a 3" screen? :-)

    I can't see Apple ditching intel this early somehow.

    china flag image. Tomorrow I will be in CHINA
  • Tomorrow I will be in CHINA

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 28, 05:48 PM
    Ok fellows, thanks for the waiting, my new house is a mess but at least all my furniture is here now. I follow both of your examples ( wlh99's E-mail project and the great explanation that Knight showed here). I first started a new project in order to avoid confusion and made some changes, the result is what I think " a working timer " with start, stop and reset buttons. If I see the code now it seems a bit obvious why the timer never stopped before. I can tell you right now that I never reset the global variables inside any cancel or reset button thus the timer always continued. I think that the first variable (NSInteger seconds = 0 before the first method) gets called only once after that we reset it to 0 using the reset or cancel method (we can do it separately like knight said), in my case I assign reset to be the one to set that to 0 and cancel to invalid the timer.

    Knight and wh99, if you like to see the project running and tell me your throughs, just give me your E-mail addresses (I have Warren's already) so I can share it with you. For obvious reasons I'm not posting it and if some of you wonder why, it's for same reasons nobody posted the complete working code despite being able to make a timer in less than 3 minutes. (yes, I know it's because you think it would not help me and I understand)

    Special thanks to Knight and wh99 for their patience and instructions.

    Thanks also to everyone who gave his opinion on this matter.

    * Here is photo of the log and UI

    china flag image. Chinese companies invest over
  • Chinese companies invest over

  • thedude110
    Sep 7, 10:31 PM
    THis is a place where people are serious about what they are doing and what is going on.

    Kanye West is also serious about what he's doing and what's going on.

    Sigh ...

    china flag image. Chinese flag. Hello China!
  • Chinese flag. Hello China!

  • tveric
    Oct 5, 01:28 AM
    Methinks you don't have a good grasp of public key encryption. (Or at least how it's supposed to work).

    The encryption key is the one that is top secret because it's the one you keep private, and is the one which would allow DoubleTwist (or anyone else) to masquerade as iTS. The decryption key, by it's very nature, is vulnerable and in effect "public" (since it must be on the client machine, so it can be discovered). There is a flaw in the FairPlay system that Jon has exploited before (as I mentioned earlier in the thread) which has to do with the fact that the files are personalized locally on the client machine, so if they can fool iTunes into personalizing third party files, they're in like Flynn. (This also has the effect of making a private key or equivalent available on the system which may be the chink in FairPlay's armor).

    Essentially, the FairPlay system is one that implies a certain amount of trust. Once you authorize a machine all of the purchased tracks from that account on the machines can be decrypted. Even if they are not on the machine at the time of the authorization and the machine is not on the network at the time (I have played back encrypted videos on DVD-R on my iBook while it was not on the 'net.)

    I don't know how often it needs to "phone home" so you can't just load up 5 machines with protected content, detach them from the network and deactivate all of your machines at iTMS... Then spend the next year working on 5 more systems...


    good lord, if anyone actually got through reading all this, can there be any doubt left that all consumers want is DRM-free content??? There's a simple rule that exists - the more complicated the DRM you put on your content, the less likely that people are going to buy it. Hence, people are downloading music and movies for free, and ripping Netflix DVDs to their hard drives to burn their own copies.

    You can't put the genie back in the bottle. Until there's DRM-free movies and music for sale online, so-called pirated downloads will continue to dwarf legal downloads. End of story.

    china flag image. But if you live in China,
  • But if you live in China,

  • marddin
    Nov 11, 07:35 PM
    Has everyone involved doubled checked to make sure their NAT settings are all correct? I've been playing in parties of 2-4 people w/o a problem.


    All of our NAT types are open. We even did test connection to make sure on the dashboard but it still horrible.

    such a let down

    china flag image. CHINESE TAIPEI

  • tbrinkma
    Oct 6, 03:02 PM
    The 30% figure was for users in the NYC METRO area. People just don't read anything anymore except snippets and headlines.
    Also, very recently another frequency spectrum was rolled out in certain markets, Including NYC which should improve performance.

    Verizon has its own problems too. And iphone users actually surf the net lol.

    More than that, the 30% figure was for *one* user in the NYC METRO area. The tech support response in question was from an *APPLE* tech, commenting that the hardware of the phone itself appeared to be operating within expected parameters. The user was complaining about a high level of dropped calls. There didn't appear to be anything from AT&T, much less a statement that 30% dropped calls is normal or expected.

    china flag image. Flag of China
  • Flag of China

  • aLoC
    Jan 13, 05:27 AM
    He didn't come across as too arrogant to me, if anything he was too humble. I am referring to the way he said Apple was very "fortunate" to have had breakthough products over the years. As if it was luck and not hard work. When people work hard and succeed they should take credit, not put it down to luck.

    china flag image. China flag.
  • China flag.

  • ZipZap
    May 3, 07:01 PM
    I don't really get this... You already pay fees for the data - why do they care for how you use it?

    Because from the carrier perspective you pay to use data on a specific device. I am just not sure why people fail to understand this point.

    When you tether using mywi or another app, you are mis-using data. Some might say you are stealing.

    Lets not fain ignorance on this issue. I dont really care if folks tether outside of the T&C, but dont pretend that you are doing something that is permisable from the perspective of the carriers.

    china flag image. China Flag Map. China Flag
  • China Flag Map. China Flag

  • Jimmni
    Apr 4, 08:20 AM
    I really don't get why you didn't just knock at the door of the house and explain that your Xbox was stolen and since it's been connecting to your internet connection you know it's in their house. They'll not be able to tell there's no way you could know for certain. If the parents knew, then at least it would spook them, and if they didn't they'd probably be glad to return your property and give their kid a severe kick up the backside. The police very rarely get things done in situations like this, though it sounds like you at least got a cop who really did try.

    china flag image. nationalist flag of china.
  • nationalist flag of china.

  • ssdeg7
    May 2, 02:24 PM
    I preferred the slide tabs than the old ones. I hope we get back to them soon.

    china flag image. Map of China Chinese Flag
  • Map of China Chinese Flag

  • Chris in SJ
    Jan 9, 05:12 PM
    Just wait, it will eventually play

    Ummm.. just out of curiousity.. when you say 'eventually' do you mean 1 minute? 5 minutes? 30 minutes? 90 minutes?

    I have been waiting here for 15 minutes and it's still not playing..

    You'd think they would just not make it available until they could meet demand..

    - C

    china flag image. CHINA - Wen Tang
  • CHINA - Wen Tang

  • fluidedge
    Jan 14, 11:45 AM
    what the hell can you do with a 32 GB flash drive?

    The OS alone must take up 15GB leaving you with 15GB. 15GB. On a Macbook PRO. People actually do constructive work on these things. 15GB is about 10 photoshop files to some people. No music. No 'movies' nothing else can fit on 15GB. 15GB is about 1/5 the size of my itunes library.

    What is the fliping point of a 32GB flash drive in an Apple? I see absolutly no use in putting anything less than a 128GB flash drive in a professional class laptop. And thats not going to happen for a good 3 or 4 years yet.

    32GB flash drives would be perfect for the next gen Asus EEE PC though - just to store a bit of music and some documents and few apps.

    Oct 10, 09:07 PM
    Yeah, Apple isn't going to sit back and let Zune steal its lunch!

    Those who bought the 5.5g ipods lately probably are going to feel bummed.

    Can't speak for the others, but as a happy new 80GB iPod owner, I wouldn't be bummed. A new iPod doesn't make mine any less great!

    Apr 11, 12:58 AM
    16GB WIFI only iPad 2.

    I went back and forth with the idea of "needing" 3G but I have an iPhone, hardly ever travel, everywhere I go has WIFI and I have a MacBook and an iMac. I figure with the money I save, I can use on accessories...or just save :-).

    Plus, my friend works at Best Buy and gives me half off accessories.

    Any recommendations on apps that are must haves?

    Nov 23, 07:13 PM
    Well, since I didn't open it yet hopefully they will be helpful. If not I'll return it and just get one online. I'm also hoping that the girl knew what she was talking about...

    If you didn't open it then they HAVE to return it, then you can repurchase. The only exception would be if you had purchased online and configured it differently than what they stock in the store. That would HAVE to be returned via the online store.

    Mar 23, 06:15 PM
    This is fascinating!
    Out of curiosity how built up is your area? Is this a neighbour you've spoke too before? I think I'd feel worse if one of my neighbours stole something rather than some thief I never met before. That said they're mostly old folk, Paul Scholes and a pub so I don't expect any of them to steal from me!

    Anyway. I can't wait to hear how this ends. It sounds like it's all going to work out if you can just get the police into that house. Surely you'll be able to prove it's yours there and then by some serial number, hard drive key or something?

    They couldnt tell if they were on your network Jimmi, it drops so much :p

    to the OP, i hope you get your x360 back soon, good luck.


    Sep 12, 07:36 AM
    Does this mean we won't be seeing iTunes 7.0? I mean if they were releasing a new iTunes wouldn't they make the changes on the new release?

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