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  • coopheal
    07-14 11:37 AM
    We took both of them to the doctor and the doctors treatment some how is working for only one... even if u change the doctor same thing..

    Be it EB2 India or EB3 India or EB2 China or any other category. All of us are suffering. Some of us more than others.

    But... as much as you like it their will not be a EB3-I only bill or admin fix.

    Only thing which will fix the issue is EB reforms (more visa, elimination of country limits, STEM expemtions etc) which IV is fighting for.

    IV is not your partent. All of us combined make IV. If you are affected more then show by acting accordingly.
    Lobby now, meet your representatives now so that come March next year when CIR may be discussed our provisions are not only included but also have a solid backing.
    If we do not do our share or work now, we will be disappointed when CIR or any other immi bill come up.

    Show your commitment by contributing to IV. Meet law makers.

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  • NolaIndian32
    04-09 04:49 PM
    I am happy to report that Team IV Memberships have started rolling in from a few non-IVians who support us legal immigrants!! This is very encouraging.

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  • tonyHK12
    10-27 10:35 AM
    Lets look at Rep. Smith - Reclaim American Jobs Caucus | Congressman Lamar Smith (

    border control, we are against amnesty. NOT GOOD ENOUGH. Provide solutions, if not a path towards legalization with due fines, what alternative do you suggest?

    what do you think?

    Good question.
    The first point is illegals have to be paid at american laborer wages. They are currently dragging down labor wages. if the wage is monitored like H1b and set by the govt, enough american citizens of the 15 million unemployed, will take these jobs and illegals will have to leave.
    Most people may not know, there are millions of American farmers, roofers, etc, who can't find a job because of illegals. We compete with americans at the same salary and with the disadvantage of visa overhead.

    Not enough money? This is a big misconception and false statement thrown out by supporters of illegals. here are a few numbers thrown quickly:

    a) It costs 1.5 billion dollars a year to put one armed soldier on every 100 yards of the border. Employment for 30,000 in the army.

    b) it costs about 1 billion to deport 1 million illegals by plane. Do this for 2 years and enough will leave on their own.

    These costs are trivial compared to a 2 Trillion annual budget and b) is a one time cost if we have a). Billions will be saved in welfare, housing, food stamps, education.

    protecting the border is as important as fighting wars, which have already cost 100s of billions, if not more.

    Will talk about H4 later, but the motto has always been - 'best person for the job' at legitimate American wages.

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  • friend_in_NC
    06-29 01:19 PM
    Thanks for sharing the self filing thread info. I will start exploring that option.


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  • neelu
    12-26 06:11 PM
    Just sent out 10 more invites to friends - Hope they join in.

    I'll follow-up with phone calls, too...

    Thanks a lot, rsayed!!!
    We need more members like rsayed!

    Please pass the Add ONE member message to the new members too. that way, it will have greater impact.

    Come on guys, now that we are back from our vacations, let's make the final push for the Dec 31st goal.

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  • flthere
    07-14 12:12 AM
    EB3I dates never really crossed 2001 after the JUL 07 drama which screwed all EB3 in my opinion.

    1) USCIS never looked at those cases which got ported out. So if they try to process cases in 2002 they might end up finding lesser cases needing approval than they actually counted, could be bcoz of porting or people who gave up and left the country. USCIS is auto porting the date if you have old labor and i140, I know few friends who got GC like that.

    2) At this pace EB2 will be current by mid next year, once it is processing time for 485 is at least 4 months which will fall into 2012, so the same huge number of spill will come to EB3 ROW. If the spill over is too much USCIS may consider spilling it to worst retrogressed countries.
    -ve aspect: If USCIS starts doing quarterly spill over this may not happen. So as per my logic USCIS will start doing quarterly spill soon.

    3) The as&***s who decided to change the spill to vertical might get bitten by a mad donkey or a dog and might change it back to the old model. I don't see any &&)) why all the spill has to go vertically from 2007, bcoz we irritated USICS or DOS by kissing their weak spots.

    4) As per my Karma or belief model whatever IV does, hurts EB3 more. I don't think any admin fix will fix the vertical spill or recapture.

    Good luck EB3 i guys and try to keep ur frustration levels to LOW.

    Thanks for the advice but your points have too much of optimism. Once Eb2-I reaches July-07, depending on how many months they open it up, we'll see a flood of EB2 applications again. And no one with sane mind is going to file EB3, we'll only see EB2 in most cases. Also everyone whoz waiting to file 485 now have got enough US experience to be eligible for EB2. I doubt, even with spillover, if EB2-I will become current even by 2014.

    EB2 are more skilled by definition than EB3, and hence the priority for EB2. When we all applied under EB3 (or erred by attorneys), we knowingly filed under EB3. Simple.

    Solution: 1) Wait 2) Port over to EB2 if possible 3) Just don't care, live your life in peace.


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  • gbof
    04-12 11:22 AM
    Lets use this thread to post any updates, report any delays in EAD renewal after changed Lockbox locations.

    Mine was paper filed. Should reach Phoenix today.

    Same for me. Mailed at Phoenix on 4/8, should be delivered today

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  • StarSun
    02-08 09:12 AM
    I am booking my ticket forApril 2nd and April 5th.What should be the arrival time in DC on 2nd and Departure time on 5th?Please help.Thanks

    Try to be in DC on Saturday by noon and look for a red-eye on Tuesday night. The final details will be announced later, but the above mentioned option allows for a total participation in the event.


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  • amitjoey
    12-19 03:41 PM
    We have reached 40%. To reach 50% we need $6000 more. If more people can contribute, we can reach this in no time.

    The core and a lot of serious members have already contributed.

    There are 2 mind sets of people on this forum:
    1) I have contributed $500+ , I do not need to contribute $20 more, In anycase what is my
    $20 going to do?.
    2) I have never contributed, but I am ashamed of making my first contribution of only $20.
    (Although that is what I am comfortable doing at this time.)

    Both the above mindsets are wrong because If we have 7000+ members, out of which say 1000 have already contributed, that leaves us with 6000 members. If 6000 members contribute $1 each, we are at $ 6000 - 50% met.
    Now all are not going to do it.
    So you see $20 is still a good amount to start.

    For the future, we definately need more members. So the add a member campaign is very important.

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  • illusions
    04-07 09:06 AM

    Great news!, Good luck in all your plans. If i were you i'd take the whole family for a vacation lol :)


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  • gc_chahiye
    10-05 10:05 PM
    Those are not Labor approvals, those are Green Card approvals.

    ah now it makes sense. Also JunRNs comment about Sch A clarifies everything. thanks to both of you!

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  • John Wayne Gacy by *Demonflame

  • NolaIndian32
    04-09 04:49 PM
    I am happy to report that Team IV Memberships have started rolling in from a few non-IVians who support us legal immigrants!! This is very encouraging.


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  • abhisam
    04-19 10:07 AM
    just an update from my end. I had sent my EAD renewal application to NSC by mistake when it should have gone to Phoenix lockbox. My check was cashed today from Phoenix center, so looks like NSC forwarded my application to the right place.

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  • smuggymba
    09-29 09:17 PM
    Menendez Wants CIR During Lame Duck Session

    By Jerry Kammer , September 20, 2010
    On yesterday's "Al Punto," the Spanish-language TV network Univision's Sunday morning news program, Sen. Robert Menendez said he will introduce "comprehensive immigration reform" legislation in hopes of getting it passed during the upcoming lame duck session of Congress.

    "If we are going to be ready for the opportunity that perhaps will exist during the session after the elections -- where many senators are retiring and have the freedom to vote without political considerations -- we have to have something so that we can make progress at that moment in November," the New Jersey Democrat said in an interview with host Jorge Ramos.

    If the bill does not pass in November, he said, he and other supporters of the legislation will be ready to move when the new Congress convenes in January.

    In a separate segment of the same program, Ramos interviewed Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, who rejected claims that the state's controversial new immigration law, widely known as SB 1070, is racist and anti-Hispanic.

    "The Hispanic population is part of our DNA, and that's why it's so painful when persons think that it is based in racism," Brewer said. (This is a translation of the program's Spanish-language voice-over of her remarks.) She called Hispanics "a fundamental part of our culture."

    "We passed SB 1070 because we cant accept the costs of illegal immigration," Brewer told Ramos.


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  • pd052009
    04-06 12:29 PM
    Countdown: 25 More days to go (Incl. today)
    Required Yes Votes : 5000

    Read from the below link for more details (Support Thread for "I485 filing w/o Curr. PD" initiative)

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  • yvjoshi100
    08-14 08:49 PM
    GCVir, I have sent a personal message for you.Can you please check it and give a call to me.


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  • alisa
    04-07 11:50 AM
    Very true.
    I think Americans have to decide.
    Do they want to work with Indians/Chinese in America?
    Or do they want to work with Indians/Chinese in India/China?

    Their choice :)

    Protect everything. Protect all the jobs. Drive all the high-tech jobs out of America.
    And then either become a lawyer, or go look for a job in India/China.

    If you want to see the effects of protectionist bill like these, one only needs to look at manufacturing sector. US gov. and unions protected its local manufacturing workers, wages went up and eventually the whole sector went to China and other countries. Its happening with automobile sector now. Let's hope software industry is not next.

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  • doxa
    05-31 08:41 AM

    DOL filed my application for permit on March 2006. /so my Pd march 2006/ They approved this application.Then ,we sent the i-140 application form to USCIS.They sent it back,because the DOL made an error concering my salary.The DOL corrected this error and approved once again in October 2006. Now my i-140 is approved,USCIS transfered my case to NVC and to my atthorney in which the priority date is October 2006.Now I waiting for CP .What can I do in this situation? Thanks for Your respondings.

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  • samswas
    05-05 08:02 AM
    Finally, done

    PD: June 7th 2006
    SC: Texas
    I-485 Status: Card Production Ordered
    LUID: 05/04/2011

    Thank you all IV friends.

    One question,

    Yesterday I sent my EAD renewel application. should put stop payment on check or should I call USCIS.



    Congrats MC!

    07-11 05:35 PM
    This is the only escape route they have.
    Nothing else would calm down all potential lawsuits.

    I would be very surprised if they start working on cases submitted in July even if current and they get extra visa numbers. There are people like me who had submitted thier I-485s (with I-140) under EB2 back in August 2006 and were current back then. I'm still waiting.

    Michael chertoff
    05-11 11:42 AM
    You will donate 25 dollars 4 years member or will calculate like 25x12x4 :)

    You Idiot EB1. dont mess with dont know the pain of waiting. stay out of my way.

    If you like to start some nonsence, contact me directly, i can easily handle your attitude.


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