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  • janstett
    Oct 18, 11:37 AM
    NEC has developed a chip that can decode both, as you have hinted at. The optical technology is coming along (I saw something on Digg a little bit ago that noted some progress in that arena), but still not there yet.

    I'm curious to see how that plays out. Samsung at first wanted to put out a hybrid player, as well as another company whose identity I forget; but apparently Sony's Blu-Ray licensing explicitly forbids combo players. So I don't understand, is NEC's chip a clean-room solution or did they find some other solution?

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  • AppliedVisual
    Oct 18, 07:28 PM
    With the new codecs Sony can barely justify 50GB discs for movie distribution. How in the world can you justify 300GB discs?

    That's easy... The next video format, which is already forming alliances within the industry. Currently known as SuperHD or Super Hi-Vision with 4K and 8K resolutions.

    Or... We can put all 6 Star Wars films on a single disc in full 1080P glory.

    But seriously, the new codecs aren't that magical and even with VC1 or H.264, it's pretty easy to run into a barrier with a 25 to 30 GB disc size. Sony shouldn't have any troubles with fitting films at full quality on a 50GB disc. Also keep in mind that the layer substrate within BluRay is a lot thinner than DVD/HD-DVD discs and they claim that a disc could potentially hold up to 12 layers... Sony has done lab tests and industry demonstrations with prototype 4-layer discs, but the exposure has been very minimal.

    Also Holographic storage is going to be the next form of optical media, almost surely anyway unless something incredible comes out of nowhere. It has a lot of room to grow as a format as well and as capacities increase, we will begin to move from compressed video to uncompressed and/or lossless codecs. So when the 3.6TB holographic storage media hits, we'll be able to put full HD res 1080P24, uncompressed 32bit color transfers of features plus full uncompressed 8 channel audio on a single disc with room to spare.

    HVD or something like it would be keen for an Ultra HD format or a 4k format in 10-15yrs but right now it's a solution to a problem that doesn't exist for movie playback.

    Yep, but I think that day will be here quicker than 10-15 years. While there will be a move to continue to push HD resolutions higher as I mentioned. I think we're going to see an even bigger push to max-out the quality of the image resolution we can deal with now. Current HDTV sets are shipping with the ability to display a full 1080p uncompressed signal. While BluRay and HD-DVD do a fair job of using this ability there's still noticeable compression artifacting and color limitations, black crush, etc.. Just imagine what would be possible with an uncompressed or lossless codec.

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  • dukebound85
    Apr 12, 06:24 PM
    she is clearly carrying a bomb

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  • Chupa Chupa
    Sep 12, 11:28 AM
    Engadget is reporting that Woz will be in the audience today. When is the last time Woz showed up at anything Apple? This event could be bigger than we thought if it gets Woz to show up.

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  • Dr Kevorkian94
    Mar 24, 03:03 PM
    Happy Birthday now there should be a party

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  • gugy
    Nov 16, 12:39 PM
    this is totally bull. Apple is in no position to stab Intel in their back at this time. Plus, Intel is being very reliable delivering on schedule the chips Apple needs. Maybe in few years if their relationship deteriorate I might consider seeing Apple moving into AMD. But it is not happening anytime soon.

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  • iansilv
    Oct 6, 12:26 PM
    Again, I love competition- thank you Verizon.

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  • Cleverboy
    Jan 13, 10:13 AM
    Agreed that it was stupid, and may hurt credibility, but i still love reading gizmodo, and would not wish to see them banned from MW or the next CES. People do stupid things, if they do it again, ban them, but i say let them off the hook for this one.They did not emphatically apologize for poor judgement. Briam Lam himself says that the only thing he didn't approve was doing it during press conferences... but when the error has occurred, you need to apologize for the whole incident, not say, "Sorry, we only wanted to screw around with some people, not others." Vendors PAID MONEY to attend this event. Gizmodo willfully inteferered with press conferences, and hasn't editted the article to include anything resembling a wholesale apology. --Just, "Look at this COOL thing we did! Isn't it hilarious! You can do it too!"

    Sorry, they bring anything on themselves to be so childish. I honestly went looking for why people were making more out of this than they should have. I read the CNET article and Brian Lam's casual response.
    BY BRIAN LAM AT 01/10/08 06:04 PM
    @OMG! Ponies!: @rafe: Relax. It was a joke. Just because we don't do things the way you do, I don't see why that is stupid. The site has proved its intelligence. Did you see that we got Bill Gates to cop to Vista not being so good today? The point is that if we do things the way you do them at CNet, we're CNet. If you do things the way Giz and Engadget do them, you're actually...Crave. (Which I like, and do not call stupid.) Why is this so emotionally disturbing to you both? Motorola, well that was a mistake, as my explicit orders to my video person were to not interrupt press conferences. But that is for me and Moto to sort out tomorrow.
    So... "presentations", fair game, "press conferences"... avoid them... but "whoops" if we did. That's infuriatingly bad.

    BAN THEM. My opinion. It would have been different had they owned up, but they're not... which means they're proud of it. No good.
    Gizmodo is responsible for this because it vouched for the prankster and obtained a credential for him. Media organizations put their reputations at stake each time they obtain a credential for someone, whether it's to a high school basketball game, a trade show or a political event.Gizmodo WAS the prankster ( This wasn't a "rogue" guy. Just read their own description of it.
    Confessions: The Meanest Thing Gizmodo Did at CES
    CES has no shortage of displays. And when MAKE offered us some TV-B-Gone clickers to bring to the show, we pretty much couldn't help ourselves. We shut off a TV. And then another. And then a wall of TVs. And we just couldn't stop. (And Panasonic, you're so lucky that 150-incher didn't have an active IR port.) It was too much fun, but watching this video, we realize it probably made some people's jobs harder, and I don't agree with that (Especially Motorola). We're sorry. [Thanks to Phil Torrone for the gear, video, editing and mischief by Richard Blakeley]

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  • TheMonarch
    Sep 7, 10:20 PM
    if the price is right he'll care about anything

    Bling bling? ;)

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  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 8, 04:20 PM
    Perhaps! New Hardware is coming out (iMacs???) and the promo will be a buy a Mac get an iPad for $X.

    One could dream...

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  • IJ Reilly
    Oct 23, 10:27 AM
    I would love for apple to use 10 billion to innovate fantastically, enter new markets, go green, and more. I don't think it's going to happen- the purpose of 10 billion in the bank for apple is having 10 billion in the bank. Apple's expertise is in taking big risks (at least large for a compnay of their size), a good number of which pay off very, very well. But people- investors, CEOs, are risk adverse, and a huge pile of cash to operate on, so big they can operate and continue to invest in risky and exciting products, mitigates their risks. For apple, a pile of money might actually be worth more than investing that money at a high rate of return.

    Huge cash hordes are only good for three things, in order of desirability: reinvesting in future growth (which is why it's called capitalism); returning to the stockholders in the form of dividends; or holding for a rainy day. The last reason, which you seem to think is the best one, should be seen by investors as a signal that the company lacks confidence in the future.

    Actually, there's a fourth use of excess cash: a stock buy-back. Apple isn't doing this with the money currently, either.

    I agree, the huge stockpile of cash is an issue. That's money that should be working for Apple, and IMHO that should be in the form of purchasing other companies that will strengthen Apple in key areas, like music distribution and/or audio/video/graphics production.

    And I also agree with you on the dividend issue. A small investment of that money into dividends may have the exact effect as you describe. On the other hand, putting that money into new products/enhancing existing products, may do more for Apple's long-term health vs. providing a dividend to improve the 'optics' of the company in shareholders' eyes.

    New investments in technologies and products would be by far the best use of the money. With Apple's cash, they could set up a research arm similar to Xerox PARC or the old Bell Labs and place themselves in the forefront of new technology for a long time. Instead, they seem to be notably stingy with their R&D dollars. Purchasing technologies by buying out smaller companies could also be advantageous, and Apple does do some of this, but not much -- not enough to make even a dent in their cash hoard.

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  • Mord
    Apr 27, 01:45 PM
    Ok, I'll agree with you on all counts. Still not sure where the argument is?

    Never did I say that no one should "count" as you have mysteriously attributed to me...

    I think it is wholly inaccurate to scientifically label them as the opposite gender, despite all of the above.

    It's not "wholly" inaccurate, the scientific community disagrees, I find the opinion distasteful.

    That's pretty much it summed up.

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  • kvizzel
    Mar 17, 05:44 AM
    That's messed up.

    The kid is going to have to pay.

    You know, karma is a bitch.

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  • solvs
    Jan 10, 11:45 PM
    All of this to gain what?:(
    Attention. Or to make a lame joke that went way too far. I would be more shocked if they weren't banned from CES, and probably others. I doubt they'll get banned from Macworld this late in the game, especially after having come clean instead of someone else finding out and outing them, but they'll probably be watched more. Anything goes wrong, they'll be the first to be blamed, even if it's just a copycat. I wouldn't be surprised to find those affected not wanting to advertise anytime soon either, nor sending them products for awhile. Free advertising or not. Businesses aren't really known to have senses of humors about such things. A prank is a prank, but this is big business here and they're supposed to be professionals. There goes any credibility they had left.

    They may not get any punishment for it, but if they want to make sure something similar (or worse) doesn't happen again, I'm sure they'll be more careful, but I'm also thinking those affected might want to make an example of the pranksters and the site.

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  • maczter
    Nov 20, 12:29 PM
    ...VIA has done more to hurt AMD's acceptance in the mainstream than Intel could ever have hoped to do.

    Anyone know who's making the fantabulously spotty logic boards for the MacBook Pros? They bought one for me at work and it's getting ready to go in for its 3rd logic board replacement. I've used Macs since '92 and owned several of my own since '96 and I've never had to replace anything but a worn out (noisy) fan in a PowerMac. This thing's really starting to annoy me.

    it would mean backstabbing and betrayal if apple went with amd.

    Seriously though, what's the big deal? These days CPU's don't cost much more than mid-range GPU's, but you don't hear anyone freaking out when Apple offers both NVidia *and* ATI GPU's in the Mac Pro and the iMac. :eek:

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  • logandzwon
    Mar 17, 08:39 AM

    Anyway, if you actually care about the morality of your action, (or technically lack of action,) only you can decide if you did the right thing or not. If you sleep soundly at night then it wasn't immoral.

    Ethically, your probably going to heat if you tell people about it. Modern-day ethics say stealing form an individual by a corporation is fine. An individual stealing from a corporation is bad.

    Eitherway, it will not come out of his paycheck. However, if he is new he might be fired. If he has done it multiple times he might be fired. Realistically, if it wasn't you it would have been someone else though. We all make mistakes, but apparently that isn't the correct job for him.

    BTW... I love all the post by people suggesting that to "fix" the issue by going back and lying about what happened.

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  • citizenzen
    Apr 15, 09:56 PM
    Typical promotion of homosexuality. What else is new. They gotta find new ways to bankrupt us here in California.

    I'm beginning to think that on a lonely, quiet Friday night this is the most action that Calidude can hope for.

    I'm 50 ... and married, Calidude.

    What's your excuse?

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  • stoid
    Aug 8, 07:20 AM
    Sorry to say this, but you're simplifying things too much. Just because a monitor has the same size/resolution, doesn't mean that the LCD sources are identical.

    FYI, Apple is using LCDs from Lg.Philips, Dell's LCDs come from Samsung. As a matter of fact, the 30" from Samsung for example is an exact copy of the Lg.Philips panel that they developed for Apple: same module dimensions (even fixation holes), electrical interface, etc.
    Because Dell is doing copy-paste, some of the specs are indeed identical. However, Apple displays use IPS (in-plane switching) LCD technology, while Samsung uses PVA (patterned vertical alignment). Consequence of this is that optical specs are slightly different:
    - higher brightness for Dell (because of higher LCD transmission of PVA)
    - higher contrast for Dell (but only perpendicular: contrast decreases very rapidly if you look off-axis at PVA-based panels)
    - superior color stability for Apple (large color shift with viewing angle for PVA, especially for grey tones)

    The latter characteristic is why Apple chooses for Lg.Philips, and why Apple displays are better for graphical applications, despite the slightly lower specifications on paper.

    Be careful! wnurse may not have gotten a nap, and can get very cranky when people point out differences between Dell and Apple monitors. ;)

    Seriously though, wnurse, lighten up and chill out! :cool:

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  • twoodcc
    Dec 10, 08:51 AM
    well i got a new computer case and new cpu cooler last weekend, and today is the day i take one of my systems all the way down and build it back up.

    the case is a Cooler Master 922 HAF. it was on sale for $89. the cpu cooler is a silenx extreme silent cpu cooler effizio. wish me luck! :cool:

    Sep 12, 07:25 AM
    why would they take the uk store down if there were not going to add movies for us here!! woohoo..

    Apr 13, 08:49 AM
    I imagine they have to scan kids because desperate smugglers/addicts have hidden drugs on their children in the past.

    May 8, 11:01 PM
    It is folding at stock speed with threading turned off and it is doing big normal units at 3 minutes per frame. For some reason it hasn't gotten any -bigadv units since I set it up like this. It is using all 6 cores at least.

    awe man. well at least you have it going. it's too bad you don't have it running bigadv units though.

    3.7 is still really good, hope it stays there ok.

    thanks. yeah i can live with 3.7. i just hope it stays stable

    I'm starting to think that gpu's are the only way to go from now on; you tend not to lose wu's on them and if you do it only takes a couple of hours to catch up to where you were on the last one, not the day or 2 like bigadv units.

    Hope that Alienware rig works ok now, can you get anymore gpu's in it?

    yeah that's true, but the gpus use more power and so then more heat than the bigadv units. with bigadv, you get more points/power usage, which is a big deal. but they can be a headache.

    thanks. no, the alienware only holds 2 double wide gpus. now i have to in there and they are both going.

    May 4, 02:40 PM
    If guns are so important to society, why is it taboo to have an adult conversation about their impact on that society?

    That is an EXCELLENT question.

    Apr 25, 04:20 PM
    Yes, they did. They encouraged it and called no one. This went on for a very long time too. Some of you need to go watch the video before you comment. I fixed the link. You will not believe what you see.

    Dear McDonalds: Boom. You just lost a whole lot of customers. Also, you should fire those idiots you have working there and refuse to provide them a reference. They don't deserve anything more after that display of sheer inhumaneness. Even on a human level standing around laughing is wrong. Whatever "company policy" is - not even calling the cops is ridiculous, heinous and shows signs of a deep inability to be human.

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