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  • Qwest905
    Apr 6, 01:34 PM
    for the wife

    preordered for myself the playbook =)

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  • brianfast
    Apr 16, 04:07 PM
    The Apple ecosystem is no more open or closed then any other system, Apple, Android, Rim, Windows etc.

    Apple has by far the most restrictive ecosystem. You can't even load applications that are not approved by Apple.

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  • If Nicki Minaj and Eminen had

  • thenewperson
    Apr 29, 02:31 PM
    They won't make Lion "uninstallable" on it. But it might be "unbearable" for all but the most casual of users. ;)

    On a side note, I've noticed there's now a "Show downloads" button to the left of the Search Field:

    Image (

    Yes!!! I've wanted the Downloads to look like this.

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  • longofest
    Oct 2, 03:04 PM
    As usual, any hack that will come out will probably be hard to use, and <1% of the general computer-using population will ever use it. I don't see this as a big threat, really...

    I'd say less than 10% of the general computer-using population even *heard* of the previous iTunes 'Play Fair' stuff (such as Hymn, Harmony, etc.), much less even thought of using it. Don't believe me? Ask your Mom, Grandma, non-geek friends, etc.

    More people have heard of the 'DeCSS' programs, but, again, how many have actually used them? I'd say less than 1% of the computer-using public. And most of these people, like me, would only use it to exercise 'fair use' rights (i.e. I'm going on a plane trip, and I rip a DVD I own to my HD to save battery power, then I delete the files after watching it).

    Here's the thing... he isn't making a crack for FairPlay. He is giving a "copy" of FairPlay to other stores, etc, so they can also sell FairPlay encrypted songs and movies. It is basically opening up the iPod (as far as non-programed content goes).

    Of course, Navio and Real have done similar things, and we haven't heard from either for a while. Only real difference now is that he's a big name.

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  • Nicki Minaj was on hand for

  • juannacho
    Apr 26, 11:07 AM
    Am I missing something totally obvious here? But what's that slot above the earpiece speaker meant to be exactly?

    Like I say maybe I missed something as looking at their comparison images they seem to imply the current iPhone 4 has one already?!!?

    What gives?

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  • KeriJane
    Apr 9, 12:50 PM
    Let's see....

    They're FINALLY going to some sort of UNIX thing.... Like Apple did.
    Theyre FINALLY getting some sort of responsible backup system.... Like Apple did...
    They're FINALLY going to self-contained applications, like Apple...
    They're FINALLY building in PDF support like Apple
    Etc, etc....

    Why not just skip 8 and 9 and call it Windows 10? Or WINDOWS X.... Just like SURPRISE! Apple did! :p

    All of which are necessary and seriously overdue. But how can anyone say it's not just another cheap ripoff of Apple yet again?

    My big question is... How is MS going to maintain strict control and ownership of a UNIX core?
    Isn't that why they've been sticking with their inferior, outdated and disasterously defective proprietary MS technology up until now?

    Have Fun,

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  • Nicki Minaj

  • TheUndertow
    Apr 25, 12:42 PM
    I would LOL if it stood for iPhone 4S(print).

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  • Nicki Minaj arrives at the

  • *LTD*
    Apr 23, 07:43 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)

    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8H7)


    All you have shown is a deep-seated fear of advertising. And it's been stated that Apple doesn't actually collect this data, so it isn't even being used for iAds.

    How exactly, specifically, will this cell phone tower tracking info compromise your personal safety? What exactly is there to fear? There must be something more than targeted advertising, which is at best an annoyance you have to live with anyway.

    Some people just don't like to be tracked. If the data fell into to hands of an untoward person, then there might be an issue.

    Who is this "untoward person"?

    What would the "issue" be?

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  • Nicki Minaj. Nicki Minaj

  • KeriJane
    Apr 9, 01:28 PM
    Some of it is copying, but it's good for consumers. The program packaging is because Microsoft is planning to release an App Store for Windows.

    I'm just glad Microsoft is focusing on consumer features in their operating system instead of just enterprise features.

    That's what Microsoft does. Copy Apple and make the copy so bad that Apple can't quite sue them. MS has been doing that for DECADES.
    That's why I call MS "The Worlds Biggest Out-Of-Focus Copying Machine".

    It's not good for consumers in the long run. We get stuck with expensive and inferior copies of Apple products. Yuck.

    A Microsoft App Store is almost too hilarious a concept to think about. Thinking about it might make good therapy for depression but could have side effects related to excessive laughter.
    If they're very lucky it will be Zune2.

    MS has been focusing on Enterprise features? Odd. Our MS based computers at work are actually worse to use than Windows computers at home. Perhaps our IT guys are just being cruel?

    Have Fun.

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  • I bit the Nicki Minaj bob.

  • Platform
    Oct 3, 06:43 PM
    What a surprise...hehe

    No one else could really do it as well anyway ;)

    Leopard needs more new features...Safari, OS general improvements etc...:D

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  • Nicki Minaj had bright orange

  • Geckotek
    Dec 19, 09:03 PM
    Also if Apple was going to release a CDMA phone why haven't they for countries like China where I is the dominate cell phone tech. Instead they went with the second place carrier who supports GSM.

    CDMA is not even close to being the dominate tech in cellular in China.

    Correct. Some numbers to back that up.

    China Mobile (GSM) = 558M subscribers (World's largest carrier)
    China Unicom (GSM) = 152M subscribers
    Verizon (CDMA) = 92M subscribers
    China Telecom (CDMA) = 85M subscribers
    China Mobile (TD-SCDMA*) = 17M subscribers
    *not the same CDMA Verizon or China Telecom uses so doesn't really count

    As you can see, GSM subscribers in China FAR outweigh the CDMA subscribers. Also, Verizon has more CDMA subscribers than China (not counting TD-SCDMA since it's not the same tech).

    However, China Mobile's GSM network is 2G. They are rapidly rolling out TD-SCDMA as their 3G replacement. This will eat away at the GSM subscriber base. This is also why China Unicom has the iPhone and China Mobile didn't. A lot of people wondered why the larger company didn't get it.

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  • SevenInchScrew
    Apr 24, 01:12 AM
    Well, this thread sure is going places. Derailed by the usual suspect, for their usual reasoning. Oh well, it was good for something. My ignore list is quite large now. All we need now is for everyone to...

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  • Mad woman Nicki Minaj!

  • kurt.mac
    Jan 15, 04:07 PM
    Reactions -

    Macbook air

    - Smallest laptop yet
    - touch pad
    - lite

    - EXTREMELY TO MUCH- 1200 more that any one expected
    - 64GB to 80GB hard drive, thats what i partition my boot camp on, thats what my DOG eats for breakfast
    - 1.6GHz... piss poor, your lucky to run word on that
    - OPTIONAL super drive, what the hell is that, having to plug something the size of a macbook air onto it just to watch a dvd, WTF., optional.. ur i think that EVERYONE needs a superdrive, if not, say good bye to installing software

    Overall, i think the macbook air is so over priced and doesnt give what everyone needs, power. I dont think i will buy something just because it look good, remember the old saying

    " Dont judge a book by its cover"

    i shall reword this to

    " Dont judge a macbook by its cover"

    Overall = 3 out of 10

    Time Capsule

    - Airport and external time machine hd all in one


    Overall= 8/10

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  • Nicki Minaj dared not only

  • aswitcher
    Sep 12, 07:43 AM
    They'll release iTunes 7.0 with "iTunes Store" in it's place and it will all come back online after the event.

    Yep, its going to be a long night.

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  • Nikki Minaj recently stopped

  • lostngone
    Oct 29, 04:21 AM
    You CAN'T abuse a BSD license. Have you read the BSD license? It sais basically "Do what you want with this software but don't sue the University of California" You can't seal BSD because it is free for everyone.

    So you can run BSD UNIX on a generic PC or a wrist watch if you want. or you can even do whet Next did: Down load it and put it on your own hardware and sell it. Then Apple bought Next and we have OSX. Next got it for free and so can you or I. Apple can put the code on the web or take it off the web. The license only says to leave the U of C alone.

    Are we talking about the FreeBSD license or the NetBSD license. The NetBSD license isn't free and that is what OSX is based off of and apple paid to use the license.

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  • Nicki Minaj Dresses 2010.

  • bousozoku
    Jan 12, 08:32 PM
    What about all the former Apple CEO's. They had a company behind him too, but he simply could not lead like Jobs can.

    Notice the Newton? That was John Sculley's idea and it was brilliant.

    Had System 7 been what Copland was supposed to be, there would likely not have been any downfall but by that time, no one cared a lot. Both founders were out the door and morale was low. They were working on the Pink OS and decided to work with IBM but IBM is notorious for going nowhere with most of what they do.

    Michael Spindler didn't care about the business.

    It was the financial department that kept the company going despite marketing trying to squeeze $79 for each minor o.s. release.

    It takes more than one person to make a company work. It's good to have someone in charge who knows and cares about what's going on but without sharp developers and accountants, companies fail all the time. Look at Sun and Palm.

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  • pknz
    Sep 12, 12:16 AM
    Here's to a ripe Apple Wednesday morning, followed by a Liverpool win.

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  • Epsilon88
    Oct 24, 12:39 AM
    iPhone of Houses? Title seems a little misplaced. :confused:

    nicki minaj dresses 2010. NICKI MINAJ

  • MacinDoc
    Nov 24, 12:17 AM
    Well, the Apple Canada store is back up, but I haven't found any discounts on iMacs or iBooks yet.

    Jul 21, 10:35 AM
    What upsets me more is the backlash from those companies denying the issue altogether - denying an issue that these videos and others clearly show. Shouldn't this denial be more worrisome?

    Well said! A lot of the "haters" claim that Apple is in denial here but they are the only phone maker to admit to this problem!

    The really funny part is that most of these phones tell you in black and white and in their manuals not to touch the phone in certain places and yet they still claim that is not the case! I don't know, maybe they don't read their own manuals? ;-)

    Apr 6, 06:48 PM
    2 tickets to see Source Code, brilliant.

    I found the orginal, "Groundhog Day" with the talented Bill Murray much more captivating. Although I did like two things.

    1) Russel Peters
    2) Took place near the stop I use to pick up my GF from.

    May 3, 07:57 PM
    Ok, here's the thing. The contract, presented to you when you signed up for the service *explicitly* disallows tethering unless you sign up for that extra service. You pay them money for the service you signed up for *as defined in the contract*. There's the consideration from both sides. If you want to *add* something to that, they're going to want *you* to provide more consideration in exchange for giving you more capabilities under the service agreement *contract*.

    (Wow, there's a lot of arm-chair lawyers here who think the contract they signed doesn't apply to *them*.)

    I don't give a damn. If I pay for a chunk of data, it isn't up to the provider to dictate how I use my data. If I want to syphon fuel out of my vehicle for use in another, that is my decision not Exxon's.

    Jan 9, 05:01 PM
    Had, then i had to pause. grrrr

    Oct 11, 12:06 PM
    It may kill the first iteration of the Zune, but MS has stated it�s a multiple years effort � they acknowledge it�s going to be hard to beat the iPod bastion, and if at all possible it will take time. But, I suspect Apple have plenty of different prototypes in their labs, ready to be launched to complement new market demands.
    For starters I think it's odd for MS to state publicly that they expect the Zune to have poor sales. Talk about lack of faith in their marketing department. The product is half bad, they should have been pushing this product's launch in commercials and made prototypes available to retail chains in preparation for it's launch. But for some reason, MS has lost confidence in it's marketing team. I bet if the co-branded it with the X-Box product line it would sell quite well. What do you buy the spoil brat with all of the latest X-Box toys, an X-Box Zune. But that's just me.

    Microsoft is know for killing a product (see: BOB) after a lackluster launch. Don't be surprised if the Zune fades away.

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