princess diana death

princess diana death. Princess Diana
  • Princess Diana

  • Highland
    Aug 2, 11:45 AM
    In terms of Apple's DRM however, I think you'll find that each type of DRM is a platform. Much like CDs, cassettes, and so on. I can't play vinyl in my CD player, however I can make a recording of the output, much as I can burn a CD from iTunes of iTMS purchased music.
    There's two important things here though... what you can do, and what you can do legally. Plus, any "red book" CD can be played on any CD player. And anyone who wants can make a CD. That's not the case with Fairplay (the iTunes DRM), or pretty much any DRM on the market right now.

    And Lyra... OMG. You don't seem to have any grasp of the situation and are pretty keen on making some very insulting remarks. To suggest Apple (or any other online store) drop a region just because they can't be bullied into changing their local laws to suit a large multinational company is completely insane. You're loco.

    And just so everyone knows, I'm not from the US or the EU. I'm not taking sides, and I'm not getting involved in the "my country is worth more to iTMS than yours". ;)

    As others have mentioned, these things have a tendency to act as test cases. Once one country sorts this out, others will follow.

    princess diana death. The Princess Diana Death
  • The Princess Diana Death

  • Warbrain
    Sep 12, 08:46 AM
    2. New iPods. Wide-screen iPod with 720x480 resolution, perfect for wide-screen DVD quality movies. Touch interface. New Nano's, all-metal casing, 4 colors, up to 8GB. All available starting today.

    Probably not. They'll release new nanos after the student rebate is over.

    princess diana death. How did the death of Princess
  • How did the death of Princess

  • EricNau
    Oct 3, 05:46 PM
    I'm expecting more Leopard features, more movie studios for iTunes, iLife '07, iWork '07, the release of "iTV," and perhaps Core 2 Duo in the MacBook Pros, (if not sooner); I believe the MacBooks will keep Core Duo.

    I seriously doubt we'll see the iPhone or "True" Video iPod.

    princess diana death. princess diana death pics.
  • princess diana death pics.

  • Calidude
    Apr 16, 04:58 PM
    Sure it is. I find your particular brand of narrow-mindedness offensive. Therefore it is an affront.

    ...and with that you have nothing to offer me anymore... Goodbye...
    Definition of AFFRONT

    obsolete : a hostile encounter
    : a deliberate offense : insult <an affront to his dignity>


    princess diana death. of Princess Diana#39;s death,
  • of Princess Diana#39;s death,

  • Loalq
    Jan 12, 07:45 PM
    It is a difficult to create a reputation as a blogger then they do this...

    If one headless guy chose to do that, then it was GIZMODOs responsability to deal with him, not to endorse him by exposing this stupidity on their site.

    This is news media after all, not the Borat show.

    princess diana death. as Princess Diana#39;s death
  • as Princess Diana#39;s death

  • princealfie
    Nov 16, 02:35 PM
    Perhaps we can choose between AMD and Intel? more options on the table.


    princess diana death. Princess Diana#39;s death
  • Princess Diana#39;s death

  • gdew
    Jan 8, 09:32 PM
    Just to up the neurosis of this spoiler free page, I wonder if any leaks could be given on our visions periphery by the advertising?

    princess diana death. princess diana death photos.
  • princess diana death photos.

  • nosen
    Sep 28, 12:45 PM
    what sucks is that academic ve4rsions are not allowed this free update.
    what bs. considering i just bought the freakin app not more than 3 weeks ago.
    where did you see that? :confused:


    princess diana death. princess diana death date.
  • princess diana death date.

  • elctropro
    Jan 1, 01:26 AM
    My understanding is that AT&T is pretty far along in its upgrade from HPSA (3G) network to HPSA+ (faster 3G). They're doing this to maximize their existing investment in their infrastructure, and they should be able to employ LTE a little faster than Verizon has been, since LTE is a more streamlined upgrade from HPSA+. They claim that this is best for customers long-term, because when LTE (4G) coverage gives out, users can fall back on widespread HPSA+ coverage with similar performance. Whereas with Verizon, when you move out of an area with 4G coverage, you notice a HUGE drop in speed going to their ancient EV-DO technology.

    princess diana death. princess diana death
  • princess diana death

  • BRLawyer
    Sep 12, 06:08 AM
    Call me na�ve, but aren't they supposed to receive you?

    No, as long as they come to my apartment... ;)


    princess diana death. NEW PRINCESS DIANA - DEATH CAR

  • smokingtrout
    Sep 12, 01:37 AM
    Apple already did that design. It's called the Apple G4 Cube.


    Yes, Apple did "do" that design, and it was a thing of beauty. But my stupid idea would be a projector in the same form factor. Add in the latest and greatest I/O, Superdrive, and HiFi speakers tastefully added to either side (or maybe the bottom) and you have a truly portable, hi-def media sharing device.

    After lugging around an older Hitachi projector and my PowerBook to share slideshows and the like, I'd use something like this!

    princess diana death. princess diana death
  • princess diana death

  • Clive At Five
    Oct 3, 03:42 PM
    Merrom MBP ;p

    Man... the Merom MBP has become the new PowerBook G5



    princess diana death. princess diana death pictures.
  • princess diana death pictures.

  • Mr. Gates
    Mar 25, 04:32 AM
    10 years old ?!

    So its the same age at its target users now ! :)

    Ha ha

    princess diana death. princess diana death photos.
  • princess diana death photos.

  • arn
    Oct 2, 04:39 PM
    The problem is that I don't see how it can be iTunes compatible without Apple's involvement. (See above post on Real Harmony). iTunes will only query ITMS for validating a DRMed file, not DoubleTwist or Amazon. Without iTunes things get a lot less compelling.


    perhaps true... but depends on how it works. if it's just tied to an email address, if they can encode that same email address into the files, it would probably work. Alternatively, it could also mean that someone could come out with a non-iTunes media player that doesn't validate against a server.



    princess diana death. Princess Diana#39;s Death
  • Princess Diana#39;s Death

  • Music_Producer
    Jan 12, 09:57 PM
    I think we should just close this thread. Eventually, everyone who wants to buy an iPhone for what it offers, will go ahead and buy one.. while the others will go ahead with their usual jealous whining :p :D

    princess diana death. princess diana death photos
  • princess diana death photos

  • rorschach
    Apr 29, 10:53 PM
    Interesting...there are 3 files called "MobileTestIPhone.html", "MobileTestIPhoneRetina.html", and MobileTestIPad.html with accompanying Javascript and CSS files in Safari's Resources folder:

    Typing an address into the address field doesn't do anything but perhaps something is forthcoming.

    The "missing plug-in" is "application/x-mobile-test"


    princess diana death. princess diana death photos.
  • princess diana death photos.

  • macximum8
    Sep 12, 07:34 AM
    Apple web site also reporting It's Showtime...

    princess diana death. Princess Diana Death
  • Princess Diana Death

  • menlotechnical
    Apr 23, 11:26 AM
    OK, like any topic we should all be on the common ground about what we are talking about. Some guys pulled together this discussion about finding hidden tracking information.
    The video is fairly short, but worth a watch just to speak somewhat intelligently on this issue:

    The crazy part is, you have to keep in mind the ignorance of all the media people, all the 'journalists' all the comments on places like the Wall Street Journal. These people thrive on conspiracy and almost go out of their way to never get facts to talk about an issue.

    After listening to this video I realize that these two have no idea what they are doing, while claiming that they have discovered something dramatic and private, they have only found that the LOCAL iPhone backup contains a database file that stores long lat information with time stamps, as well as country codes and area codes. Kind of like a call history you find in ALL cell phones. Additionally, the cell phone works by tracking it's relative positioning based on communications with cell towers. So the info they found was just the mechanics of cell phone and GPS technology. Yes, the phone keeps track of where you have been physically in relation to those towers. Probably moreso a mix of reliability for service - caching local locations and speeding up the ability for the device to switch from tower to tower. These boys also bring up the fact that every device has a unique ID as well as every tower! Wow. The next discovery they may make will be the fundamentals of ip v4 addressing and the TCP/IP stack (can't wait!!)

    Seriously, watch that video and give us your impressions of what these two brains figured out.

    Also, how come no one is talking about FB invasion.. which is really the whole sale invasion of privacy and selling your information - a practice stolen directly from credit card companies. Banks, insurance companies, brokerage firms, and credit card reporting companies spend more time and make more money without consent than any other industry. Even cell phone providers.

    These boys wind up their discussion saying they really are not sure what this location information means, and that it remains in the iphone owners hands, and they cannot prove that it EVER leaves the phone, nor the PC. It is an ever growing file, which just is not practical for Apple to track of and constantly send to their offices. Probably, Facebook and 4square collect more information than Apple from any one iPhone.
    Here is an excellent rebuttal that explains technical detail why these two are wrong:

    princess diana death. chi princess diana death
  • chi princess diana death

  • maclaptop
    Apr 16, 12:33 PM
    Yi don't even know why people bring up the apple ecosystem.

    Its simple really.

    The Apple ecosystem is very good and quite convenient. Yet it's dictatorial, heavily censored, and some truly great apps are rejected because Apple is afraid that customers will embrace these apps and wonder why Apple failed to incorporate the functionality into the native iOS.

    Quite to the contrary of the view Apple Evangelists hold, Apple's iPhone is not the best smartphone on the planet. Excellent? Yes, The best? Not so much.

    Oh sure they currently have massive sales volume, but so does, toxic highly fatty fast food.

    The realty is the general public wants what most others have, an iPhone - they're a dime a dozen and everywhere, a fad that will eventually fade.

    Stay tuned, this movies not over. :)

    Mar 29, 06:54 AM
    The cops are working on background info on both houses to try and get a warrant. It seems there have been other break-ins in the area and they are hoping to catch the guy (or girl) who has been doing it. Right now, my 360 showing up on my network has been the biggest lead they have gotten because it narrows down the area by quite a bit.

    Glad to hear this. Hopefully you'll get your 360 back soon!

    Oct 2, 06:17 PM
    Besides... the more I think about it, the more I don't see why iTunes wouldn't play the compatible Fairplay songs. Apple can't make any major changes to the existing DRM in files to break compatible Fairplay files.... since they would have then have to reencode all of those files sitting on people's hard drives.
    The "key" to unlocking the FairPlay DRM is your iTMS account.

    One factor that DVD Jon already uncovered once before is that the actual encoding of the DRM to your account is done locally by the iTunes client. This might help in their current effort. Previously the transmitted file was unenencrypted, while now it appears to be given some common form of encryption. Perhaps the easiest way they could make it work would be to see if they can fool iTunes into encrypting the file for them.

    Since the files are already decrypted and encrypted locally in faster that real time, it doesn't seem too farfetched that Apple could decide to "upgrade" the DRM on the files locally whenever you access them, or in one swell foop as they did to detect gapless tracks.

    Even if iTunes did the encrypting Apple could still break this by releasing a new iTunes client and mandating its use as they have done before. Most probably they would not want to deal with the hassle of dealing with support calls from folks who lost their protected files since they didn't have a backup but didn't buy the files from ITMS in the first place....

    I personally don't see the net positive for Apple, but DVD Jon has surprised me in the past.


    Oct 3, 09:28 PM
    Xmas 2007 maybe :rolleyes:
    No that will probably the the MBP with merom chips lol

    Apr 15, 03:51 PM
    why even bother posting these fake pictures?

    monochrome noise filter in photoshop, anyone?

    Apr 25, 01:32 PM
    iCon police.
    Took me a minute to get that. Nice. ;)

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