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  • illinois_alum
    05-04 08:43 PM
    Anyone received payment processing errors in the last couple of days on the E-File website? For some reason, while trying to complete payment for my AP e-file, when I try to use the credit card option, I keep getting an error that the e-filing payment processing server is unable to process payments at this time. I have been trying every hour for the last 2 days...and the stupid USCIS Customer Service number has no options to report this error...

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  • logiclife
    04-10 08:04 PM
    Changed it.

    Also, you had typed 'wives I 94'.

    How many wives do you have? :D :D :D

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  • nfinity
    01-20 09:17 AM
    Just sent a 50$ check. Total contribution$ 100. Keep up the good work and dont lose heart! Go IV!

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  • gclongwaytogo
    09-02 08:00 PM
    I am sure you would get that as well...and pretty soon. it would help though to not focus on the gc too much as who is getting earlier or later and how randomly USCIS look at things. It's better not spend our energies on something that we don;t control ..but focus on things we do or 2 cents.



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  • needhelp!
    04-16 02:45 PM
    and I completed 10 rounds probably 1.5 miles.. So you know I was going rrreeeaaaally slow. (but it was good enough for me)

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  • susie
    10-10 11:32 PM
    ok, so lets work together in all contacting our senators and congressmen

    what do you think of sending this

    Dear Rep./Sen./Readers

    Expat�s Voice: Representing the Expat Community

    We at Expat�s Voice ask for your support in achieving genuinely comprehensive and fair immigration reform.

    Our organization represents thousands of members who have legally immigrated to the United States, including immigrant and nonimmigrant visa holders, and those that are awaiting immigration. The diversity of our membership means we truly understand first hand the problems with the current immigration system.

    We commend the work of the Government in attempting to bring in much needed reform. However, the rights of many, specifically of children and of legal immigrants are being overlooked, and we want to bring the pertinent issues to your attention.

    First, we ask for a much needed compassionate visa. Many of our members, due to immigration related reasons cannot leave the country without repercussions for their visa status. They have elderly Parents and other relatives in seriously ill condition. Similarly, our own families have not been allowed to enter the USA on a compassionate basis. My own husband passed away last year, but my son was refused a temporary visa to pay his last respects because of problems with �immigrant intent.� The US Embassy showed no compassion or common sense. Yet due to the unfairness of the system, many families have to suffer this type of humiliation on a regular basis as a result of the system, largely because of reasons of mere technicalities. This has to change.

    Second, we support all measures that protect children. They are innocent in the whole immigration process whether brought to this country legally or illegally. The US Government has failed repeatedly to bring the Dream Act to fruition. We ask that ALL children, whether having entered the USA illegally or under legal nonimmigrant status, who can bring so much benefit to this country�s future be recognized and protected as soon as possible. There is ambiguity as to whether the Dream Act protects all children the meet the criteria or only illegal children; if it is the latter it needs to expanded to cover legal migrant children, whose Parents have respected and abided with US immigration laws. In addition, the legislation would not prevent certain nonimmigrant dependent (such as E dependents) from aging out at 21 unless they meet certain criteria. Therefore, we also ask for an amendment to the Child Protection Status Act of 2002 (CSPA), if not in the Dream Bill, to prevent these families from being separated when the child reaches 21.

    Third, many children �age out� due to the long waiting periods involved with family-based petitions. The Child Protection Status Act of 2002 (CSPA) was intended to address many of these issues, but the legislation has simply failed in this aim. Many of our members are now stuck in their country of residence, despite their Parents and younger siblings having already immigrated to the USA. The CSPA was designed to ensure children who aged out were awarded earlier priority dates associated with their previous petition to prevent being forced to the back of the line with a new petition and new priority date (and, when taking into account the waits associated with both the original petition and the subsequent petition after aging out, this can cause waits in excess of 30 years). However, the failure of the USCIS to apply this law correctly, because of an ambiguity in the way section 3 (INS, section 203(h)) is drafted, and the fact no visa advisory opinion nor any rules have been issued after four and half years since the CSPA was enacted, means many families remain separated.

    Fourth, many of our members are E2 and L1 visa holders. They contribute millions of dollars to the US economy and provide employment to many American citizens. However, despite being in this country legally and providing many benefits, they are treated like second class members in the USA. Our E2 members have to return to their country every two years to renew their visa, with no guarantee of visa renewal putting their investment and the American employees at serious risk. This is compounded with severe delays in visa processing times, particularly in London. Despite providing these benefits, often for more than a decade, it is very disappointing that our members do not have a direct path to citizenship. What is even more surprising is that despite having abided by and respected US laws, it is the illegal immigrants who stand to directly benefit from the Strive Bill with a direct path to permanent residency and citizenship.

    Our members, many of who are British citizens, feel cheated by the US Government. Much is spoken of our �special relationship,� but in practice it seems the rights of illegal immigrants take priority. Further, many have suffered from poor treatment by immigration and enforcement officials, but we remain patient and respectful. As an organization we are neither for nor against the rights of illegal immigrants. We simply ask that our commitment and duty to this country be recognized with at least equal reward and that you support Rep. Heather Wilson�s proposed E2 Nonimmigrant Investor Adjustment Act of 2007. We do, however, believe the 3,000 proposed figure will create a backlog of investor immigrants and so urge you to remove the proposed cap, or support a larger number and/or also introduce an annual increase to meet market demand.

    In sum we ask you for fair reforms: to recognize the principle of family reunification through amendments to the CSPA; to reward those who abide by and respect US laws to at least the same level as those that don�t; to treat the children with compassion and open arms by giving them an opportunity to remain in and benefit this great country; and to show compassion and prevent humiliation to many thousands of families, by allowing family members to be with their loved one on a temporary basis in their time of need and often in their last moments, both in the USA and outside the USA.

    For more information please also visit us at We have also included an appendix discussing the issues more fully with draft amendments and explanations to provide solutions to the above issues.



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  • vicks_don
    12-16 02:47 PM
    mr_dasari, prathapmd


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  • sparky_jones
    04-12 10:00 AM
    Does anyone know that if it's an India-issued passport and if it's about to expire, will I get the new passport the same day if I submit the application for renewal in person to the CGI/ Indian Embassy at Houston/ NY?

    At NY you may get same day service using Tatkal option ($90 extra) . You can tell them you need same day service. They will examine your passport and let you know if they can renew it the same day or not. You can then pay the $90 tatkal fee and collect the passport the same evening.


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  • girijas
    04-18 04:04 AM
    I was just airing the idea to make sure it has not already been thought about. I will see what I can do through the local chapters and hopefully organize one ..........if we get enough performers.
    Please take the lead and organize one. We are planning on organizing a IV professional networking event the night before the race. Let us see how we do.

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  • abracadabra
    07-11 09:15 PM
    Law of nature, they have to come out one day


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  • Imigrait
    09-02 06:08 PM

    There are still 28 more days to go :). Also the new Visa bulletin for October COULD stay the same or go back just a few months. So just keep your hopes up.:)

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  • garamchai3go
    12-19 09:19 PM
    I am also ready to coordinate if someone take a lead on this...

    Hi Everyone, what is being done on it. I am on the same boat and would like to know if we can do anything.


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  • 12samanta
    05-22 11:34 AM
    I think we can print the letter and sign it and send it. We can have a poll here just to track the numbers. Once we are ready with the letter then we can ask the users from and murthy PERM forum members to help us in increasing the numbers.

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  • GC_Applicant
    01-28 07:48 PM
    Indian Guy, the link is

    But, I am not sure if Chintu is here to host it.,


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  • sparky123
    07-11 05:29 PM
    Please inform her about the rally in San Jose on Saturday. It would be great if we can get her support !

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  • naidu2543
    05-05 10:07 AM
    I think there are more people affected by this than 50 people mentioned in this thread. My recommendations are.

    1) Need to gather additional people got affected by this
    2) Most of the people already contribute to IV but if we need additional funds to drive this lobbying, need to find out and start collecting additional funds
    3) Need advise from IV moderators/seniors about the next step regarding lobbying or contacting the local law makers or collecting additional funds for organized lobbying.

    Other information we need to find out is does any people got LCA approved after the audit? If yes, how much time it has taken after the audit?


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  • fide_champ
    05-15 07:37 AM
    Hi, Did somebody take advantage of the new rule of H1-H4 decoupling where one can use the time spent in H4 in H1? or can somebody confirm that this rule is in place and a law ? Please let me know.

    my wife worked for 31/2 years on H1/L1 before changing status to H4. After 4 years on H4, she recently got a job and he H1 was approved in 2 days under premium processing. So the decoupling rule is effective.

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  • vfast9999
    10-08 04:35 PM

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  • Saralayar
    04-07 09:50 AM
    I was wondering if any one in the core or other members think about the next step towards getting citizenship after passing the hurdles of getting the green card. If a person is here for 10 years and then get his green card (average period), then he need to wait for another 5 years to get the citizenship. 15 years for this process in a person's life is too much.
    IV Core can push or lobby for a law which can make the person a US citizen, if he is living in US for 10 years legally without any issues and paying taxes for the entire period. It is just my idea.

    06-22 10:42 PM

    Posted on: 6/20/2008


    Los Angeles � Reeves & Associates, A Professional Law Corporation filed a class action lawsuit today in the U.S. District Court, Central District CA, Case Number SACV08-688 JVX (SHx) on behalf of tens of thousands of immigrant families whose adult children have been wrongfully denied of visas. Attorneys for the families are seeking to compel the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (�USCIS�) to act in accordance with the provision of Child Status Protection Act (CSPA) that enables children to reunite with their families more quickly.

    Prior to CSPA children who reached the age of 21 were no longer eligible to obtain an immigrant visa with the rest of their family. These children became known as �age-outs.� However, Congress enacted Section 3 of CSPA, codified as INA � 203(h)(3), to keep children together with their parents. Specifically, this provision allowed children to automatically convert the visa petition and retain the original filing date � known as the priority date � after the child had aged out. As such, an aged-out child, who is a derivative beneficiary of the visa petition of his parent, can reunite with their family faster by utilizing their parent�s earlier priority date. As of today, USCIS has not only failed to comply with INA � 203(h)(3), but has also failed to promulgate regulations or issue policy memorandum regarding this provision of law.

    �This case affects tens of thousands of immigrant families,� said Robert L. Reeves, founder and Managing Attorney of Reeves & Associates, APLC. �A child abroad who aged-out is eligible under CSPA for an immigrant visa, and if the child is in the United States, he or she will be able to adjust to legal resident status,� explained Mr. Reeves.

    The class action lawsuit presents two different classes of aggrieved individuals. Nancy Miller, a partner with Reeves & Associates and co-counsel, describes the two classes as �those who filed petitions with requests for retention of the parent�s original priority date whose petitions were denied and those who have received no response at all to their requests for retention of the original priority date.� In both cases parents remain separated from their children.

    Although USCIS has granted some visa petitions and permitted retention of the earlier priority dates pursuant to INA � 203(h)(3) to some, there appears to be no uniform policy from USCIS as a whole. Jeremiah Johnson, a partner with Reeves & Associates and co-counsel, said �the lack of any regulations or even policy memorandum has lead to arbitrary and inconsistent decision-making affecting thousands on a global level.� Joyce Komanapalli, an associate with Reeves & Associates and co-counsel, added �USCIS�s refusal to issue visa petitions with the original priority date is at odds with the language, structure, history and purpose of the Child Status Protection Act.�

    �It is incomprehensible why USCIS would deny these requests given the plain language of the statute and the Congressional history of CSPA.� said Mr. Reeves.

    The class action lawsuit is seeking to compel USCIS to properly adjudicate all cases filed under CSPA, or INA � 203(h)(3), and comply with the requirements of retaining the parent�s original priority date in subsequent petitions filed by the parent.

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