jencarlos canela 2011

jencarlos canela 2011. including Jencarlos Canela
  • including Jencarlos Canela

  • danielbrowning
    Jul 21, 09:27 AM
    At 0:42 he changes his grip to hold the phone to holding it with just his fingers and the signal rises again. It looks like his fingertips are touching the lower left of the phone. If you do this on the iPhone 4 and bridge the antenna gap, you don't regain signal.

    Looks to me like they're trying to pass off the problem of bridging the antenna gap on the iPhone as the same as blocking the antenna with your whole hand on all phones. All phones have the latter problem... But that's not the issue here.

    jencarlos canela 2011. jencarlos.jpg JenCarlos Canela
  • jencarlos.jpg JenCarlos Canela

  • ChrisA
    Apr 8, 06:17 PM
    Realistically how often have you needed to go into regedit to alter the registry. At my company they restrict access to the registry and it has not impacted my users one bit...

    That's not the point. the bad thing about Registry is that it even exits. What a dumb design to have a single file that multiple different applications can access. It tightly couple things that should be 100% independent. Every other OS works hard to avoid this problem. It should be the case that even an intensionally malicious program can effect the operation of another program. Windows works only because you work hard to keep intensionally malicious software off the computer. This effort should not be required

    What I'd like to see in Lion is not only the cosmetic changes to the user interface that everyone talks about but a big change to say the security model to for example implement discretionary access controls in a way the both works and is easy for the user to understand. Something like that could even prevent most Trojan horses from doing damage. What about a cryptographic file system? Of a file system that looks more like an iPhoto or Aperture library than a tree? What about building the entire OS using a compiler that automatically parallelizes code at a fine scale? Lots of things could do. But maybe those are still 10 years away?

    jencarlos canela 2011. Qamp;A With Jencarlos Canela
  • Qamp;A With Jencarlos Canela

  • mandis
    Aug 7, 07:29 PM
    Woooohoooo! Now the 20" ACDs go for around �410.00 (with edu discount)!! ;)

    I'm buying two in September!! :D

    jencarlos canela 2011. Jencarlos-canela-1-05-25
  • Jencarlos-canela-1-05-25

  • Music_Producer
    Jan 12, 04:20 AM
    and just for the record, i don't want platium apple phone with surround sound speaker floating around it. ew.

    I think people's first reaction to see a phone with speakers floating in air.. would be 'wow.. WTF!' instead of 'ew'


    jencarlos canela 2011. Pecadora- 01-06-2011
  • Pecadora- 01-06-2011

  • snowmentality
    Mar 30, 12:35 PM
    I'm not surprised, but I don't like it.

    One of the things I like most about the Mac is the amount of well-designed, affordable third-party applications available. On Windows my choices seemed to be either a) crappy and free or b) usable and expensive ($100+). I've bought a ton of software for the Mac that cost $20-30 and is beautiful.

    The Mac App Store is fine as an option -- there really are users who would otherwise never even know about apps that didn't come with their machine, for whom a curated, controlled list of easily-installed apps opens up their world. It's a great way to do a list of recommended or highlighted apps -- sort of a nicer But it can't be the only option, not with the restrictions and fees it entails.

    I'm okay with a "walled garden" for my phone. I don't want to tinker with my phone, I just want to use it. But I do sometimes need and want to tinker with things on my MBP, in order to do the real, heavy-duty work I need to do. And Apple has a lot of OS X users like me -- professionals in creative, scientific, or engineering fields whose work requires them to tinker. Hell, how would anyone even develop applications if OS X became an iOS-style walled garden?

    For these reasons, I think it's awfully short-sighted of Apple to restrict design awards to apps in the App Store. Some applications with great design just won't be suitable for the App Store, because they're more niche or developer-oriented. Apple should still recognize good design and development for those applications.

    I get that this might be a temporary thing to promote the App Store, since it's new. I hope that's all it's about.

    jencarlos canela 2011. Jencarlos Canela is
  • Jencarlos Canela is

  • SevenInchScrew
    Nov 6, 12:46 PM
    I'm getting the 360 version. I'm really excited for this. I played MW2 quite a lot, but over time, I got more and more frustrated with it. But reading about Black Ops, it seems like Treyarch have changed or fixed a lot of the things that many people had issue with...


    jencarlos canela 2011. jencarlos canela Fonsi
  • jencarlos canela Fonsi

  • aaronazevedo
    Apr 15, 09:53 PM
    Whether or not Apple moves ahead on this particular design, I have no way of knowing.

    Whether or not the pictures are real, and of a real case, I'm sure they are. I spend a ton of time working in China developing other types of products. I take pictures (sometimes as crappy as these) every time I'm over here.

    My money is that they are real.

    jencarlos canela 2011. Jencarlos Canela en la
  • Jencarlos Canela en la

  • Much Ado
    Jan 9, 02:03 PM
    Ah... now what do I do?

    I feel trapped in this one thread, such that if i stray but a step outside of it, then the whole world will devour me with news of Apple's new wonderproduct, (which i bet will be an anti-climax after all of this.)


    I'm still in the dark over here.



    jencarlos canela 2011. We do wish Jencarlos showed a
  • We do wish Jencarlos showed a

  • 28monkeys
    Mar 24, 09:54 PM
    Happy BD keynote?!

    jencarlos canela 2011. Jencarlos Canela#39;s Discography
  • Jencarlos Canela#39;s Discography

  • SMM
    Oct 19, 08:35 PM
    First Scenario: Never. Tiger added very little. Dashboard is nice but the real upgrade was merely Spotlight. Seriously... a little stability here.... fancy features there... nothing special.

    From the Leopard Preview its obvious they have nothing big up their sleeves that they've shown yet. Plus if this was likely they would have multiple huge things.. which guess what.... they don't. Cause if they had tons of great stuff... they would have at least showed us once. Time Machine barely counts as something good since itll probably be a resource hog and Virtual Desktops is nice... but still doesn't seem as nicely implemented as in Linux.

    Option 2: Seems more and more likely as Spring draws nearer. THE BRAND NEW ICAL.... just has a diferent brush of aluminum. And Vista while not changing anything of how XP works, it does change how it looks for the much better. Adds many Applesque touches such as attention to detail, and really does stop a lot of Spyware. I don't see it being amazing.... but it will be good. Based on what they have shown so far... if Vista isn't a resource hog, buggy, and a security risk. It'll beat Leopard. SOrry, guys but really at this point. I could even swallow one of the three for Vista to still win. Leopard is showing a weak showing currently, Jobs better have a A or two or actually 4 up his sleeves cause he needs them.

    Most likely option:

    Same as your most likely option except cut down Leopard down a notch. And see Apple began to stop growth around 7.5% as they are unable to justify the price gap, as new technologies start surfacing earlier in other machines... I haven't seen any hybrid technology or Blue-ray in Apple. Other companies are showing them off. Leopard better be good very good, and Apple better have some innocation in computers up their sleeves like new cases for the first time in what 8 yrs? If they want to beat 10% of the US market. We'll get the bronze by next quarter (beat Gateway) Yet. beating gateway isn't saying much. They create such bad crap, thats just shameful.

    A Toast to the New Finacial Year and many new and exciting (for once) Apple Products.... I mean stuff girls can get excited... not just Intel CPUs. :p

    Nice analysis. Unfortunately I disagree with most of it, as do most of the analysts who write about such things. I do like the fact that you present an intelligent reason for your personal preferences (which these are).


    jencarlos canela 2011. ♥jencarlos canela♥
  • ♥jencarlos canela♥

  • vwcruisn
    Apr 5, 03:28 PM
    Probably, but as I am in the Marketing and Advertising business I will find this quite useful. Many of you are so quick to dismiss the usefulness of this App simply because you don't understand its true purpose.

    "doesn't apply to me so it's useless" mentality. guess the world revolves around them :p

    jencarlos canela 2011. Jencarlos Canela 6 Pictures,
  • Jencarlos Canela 6 Pictures,

  • wyatt23
    Jan 12, 01:35 AM
    I'm sure you're not a journalism professional. I don't think the point of this should be whether it was funny or not. Fine, you found it funny, others didn't, that's the nature of jokes. The point is: the press observes. One cannot observe something without influencing it or changing it in some, at least, small way. But it is not the business of the press *to set about to* change or influence that which they observe.

    i'm not a journalism professional, i'm an electrical engineer major (about to graduate). something like this is funny. yes it's disruptive. did it cost millions to companies? doubtful. Perhaps security should be better. Allowing a few people to easily ruin presentations and shut down walls of displays is an absurd thought. that shouldn't be able to happen at an event of this size. perhaps, a company should be aware of cheap hacks that can foil their displays. it was stated on this thread the rs-232 ports are designed for features like this. use em.

    ban the individual jerk(s) that did this. not the whole blog.


    jencarlos canela 2011. de Jencarlos Canela que
  • de Jencarlos Canela que

  • omyard
    Apr 8, 02:19 PM
    Well this sucks. I liked the original "Best Buy is evil" story. :mad:

    jencarlos canela 2011. 2011 jencarlos canela esta
  • 2011 jencarlos canela esta

  • evilbert420
    Oct 20, 09:32 AM
    When will we see these numbers broken out into business/enterprise vs. consumer?

    Seriously, Apple is pretty much a non-factor in the enterprise. There simply is no integration, no large-scale server application use other than web, and few enterprise-ready applications. There's no Biztalk/Websphere/SQL/Oracle running on Apple outside of a few educational institutions. Microsoft and IBM own the enterprise and considering Apple in an enterprise outside of some limited marketing/advertising/media/audio verticals is absurd. I personally deal with 130 companies that have 500-250k computers and Apple is simply not a factor at all.

    However, in the consumer world it's a very different story. Apple has the potential to continue making huge inroads into the consumer/home user/SOHO segments where the lack of enterprise applications means little if anything.

    I'd like to see the numbers of how Apple compares in the home segment rather than just the overall. Why can't we see this broken out?


    jencarlos canela 2011. Jencarlos+canela+2010
  • Jencarlos+canela+2010

  • stefan15
    Jul 24, 11:39 AM
    MAN.. these designers aren't getting it.. The ipod looks great because the design is ultra simple, clean. Why doesn't anyone else get this? Less is more.. That grey border around the screen is horrendously ugly. And why SILVER on the middle button? Arhghgh

    One way or another, this means the ipod will only get better (that's the nature of competition)

    jencarlos canela 2011. Jencarlos Canela
  • Jencarlos Canela

  • twoodcc
    Apr 29, 08:52 PM
    I should have a new system (i7 980x) tomorrow, I will get it set up with Ubuntu to do bigadv units.

    you're really getting one?! if so, you'll have to start a new thread about it, and give up updates!


    jencarlos canela 2011. Jencarlos Canela and
  • Jencarlos Canela and

  • flopticalcube
    Apr 13, 11:10 AM
    Great, a shoot out on a plane loaded with innocent bystanders. :rolleyes:

    El Al relies primarily on profiling. Armed Sky Marshalls are standard on ALL flights to/from/within the US although they may not be present on any particular flight.

    jencarlos canela 2011. JenCarlos Canela - Galanazos
  • JenCarlos Canela - Galanazos

  • Bistroengine
    Apr 5, 04:50 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    better than being angry over someone elses opinion.

    I'm not angry. There's a difference between being angry and having a civilized argument that DOESN'T involve name calling.

    jencarlos canela 2011. Gaby Espino ,Jencarlos Canela
  • Gaby Espino ,Jencarlos Canela

  • JDOG_
    Oct 19, 10:04 AM
    This is great news, and that's a lot of macs! I can't help but think part of this is a big group of people waiting to buy a PC until it comes with Vista. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit, but if I could wait a couple months on the purchase to avoid an imminent ~$150+ O.S. upgrade I would. :cool:

    Mar 17, 07:57 PM
    Not bashing android by any means... But my work had deployed me a droid x. I had it for about six months. On average I would say I needed to pull the battery for lock ups every couple days. I had Verizon send me a replacement under warranty and the new one did the same thing.

    There's def pros and cons to each platform. I enjoyed the notification system a lot more on the droid. Since then I've switched to an iPhone 4 at work. I have a personal 3GS and have fallen in love with the cosmetic design of the iPhone 4 and the retina display.

    About the Lock up, I think most of them don't know we can just do a hard reset without pulling out the battery in the iPhone. Just hold the power and home button down.

    I get it a lot too but I just say "nah, this phone sucks it's the worst phone in the world" and they usually shut up.

    They shut up because they have an insecurity about their phone and the iPhone 4 is the better phone. Shooting down a better phone makes their phone seem even worse. It's like a double headshot.

    I hate to say it again but haters gon hate! It happens with ANYTHING. If you buy a BMW, Audi owners will waltz in saying "SEE MY CAR HAS THIS STANDARD IT'S WAY BETTER THAN BMW!!!!". If you buy a Rolex you get Omega and TAG Heuer owners going "MY WATCH IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN ROLEX BECAUSE IT'S CHEAPER AND IT HAS MORE THINGS IN IT!!!".

    It's a thing you have to live with if you buy the most popular, top-of-the-line luxury things. If you can afford it, why not buy it?

    the whole thing makes my brain hurt because it's so stupid and I don't care if the guy next to me had an Evo or an iPhone 4. :rolleyes:

    Actually I think its more the people with a turbo'ed Japanese imports that give an earfull to the European car owners. Or the Casio owners who brag how accurate digital is vs the luxury watches. I know someone who had to ask someone for the time cause her Piaget watched was unreadable due to the amount of flares coming from the diamonds inside LOL.. Obviously a fail watch but what you gonna do, sue them?

    Jealously is all I can think of =)

    Apr 27, 12:55 PM
    So now you're going with chromosomes, fab, you should let the intersex community know they're not entitled to be women or men anymore as they don't conform to your grade school understanding of sex and gender.


    When did I say anything about what people are "entitled" to be???

    You and leekohler have just created a strawman before our very eyes. Very impressive.

    Sep 28, 10:58 PM
    Here is a pic of his office in 1982.

    Sep 12, 08:16 AM
    I can't imagine why Apple would have an event like this if there was going to be only Disney content available.

    You need a new imagination. Or at least remember back to when they had an event to release TV videos, and only ABC content was available.

    Not to mention that there will be iPod and streaming hardware announced as well.

    So who is going to watch Snow White?
    No... Bambi?
    Or what about Lady and the Tramp?

    FYI, "Disney" also includes Miramax, Hollywood Pictures, and Touchstone. That's hundreds of movies for adults.

    Jan 14, 04:00 PM
    Nope, Gizmodo will still be attending Mac World. $50 to all of you if they pull the same shinanigan at Mac World. They only did it because it was original and no one else has done something like they had before. :D So yep, $50 says they wont do it again.

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