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  • Birth of Jesus Wallpapers

  • dr_lha
    Oct 17, 10:06 AM
    so it's kind of a mixture here.
    1. more capacity -> blu-ray
    2. lower price -> hd-dvd
    3. porn industry choses the cheapest format -> hd-dvd

    the big thing will be the players. blu-ray players had a bad start (frames were dropped, image quality wasn't that good, delays).

    it looks like blu-ray will have a hard fight.
    The capacity argument was only really important for VHS vs Betamax because of the recording aspect. AFAIK there are no HD-DVD or BluRay recorders right now so essentially the capacity of the disk is meaningless to most people for Movies. Picture quality should be the deciding factor, and much like VHS vs Betamax, most people apparently can't see any real difference between BluRay and HD-DVD.

    Really the only thing BluRay has on its side is the PS3.

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  • jesus desktop wallpaper. Christian Wallpaper - Jesus; Christian Wallpaper - Jesus. NJRonbo. Jun 15, 06:36 PM

  • slackpacker
    Apr 29, 04:06 PM
    This is good the slider metaphor was very annoying and slow to use.

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  • MacRumors
    Oct 2, 02:53 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Jon Lech Johansen, or "DVD Jon", is getting back into the ring with Apple's Fairplay (http://featured.gigaom.com/2006/10/02/dvd-jon-fairplays-apple/) according to GigOM's Liz Gannes. This time, however, Jon plans to replicate Fairplay so that other companies can sell songs in iPod-compatible formats (similar to what Navio (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/05/20060522152531.shtml) and Real's Harmony (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2004/07/20040725235143.shtml) have previously attempted). According to the article, at least one unnamed company is already on board.

    Earlier this summer, Jon joined with Monique Farantzos to create DoubleTwist Ventures, the company face to Jon's recent endeavor. Apparently, Apple's recently announced iTV (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060912161621.shtml) has spurred Jon and Farantzos' entrepreneurial spirit:

    [Jon] and Farantzos were giddy about the prospect of Apple�s iTV, hoping companies will pay up to get movies on the set-top box when it comes out, after seeing the ill effects of being shut off the iPod. Spurned by Apple? Step right up.

    Jon has apparently already spoken to Steve Jobs on vague terms about his business ideas.

    Jobs apparently warned that while Apple was not a litigious company, other tech firms might not take kindly to whatever DVD Jon might be up to.

    DVD Jon had previously circumvented Fairplay's DRM in 2003 (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2003/11/20031122001549.shtml), and since then multiple other tools have appeared to provide similar functionality for updated versions of Quicktime/iTunes. Jon is also credited for developing an algorithm named deCSS to strip a DVD of its encryption (called Content Scrambling System, or CSS), hence his nickname.

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  • wallpaper jesus christ.

  • thejadedmonkey
    Jan 10, 06:59 PM
    who would have complained if it was microsofts demo pcs that got hacked because of some security vounerability?

    The same people who are complaining now, if it was by a known hacker who supposedly worked for the good of everything.

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  • Christian Wallpaper - Jesus

  • Lord Blackadder
    Aug 6, 05:10 PM
    If GM had listed the Volt for a good price they'd have a major hit on their hands. This way, it's just gonna die quietly, and then they'll complain about the world not being ready for hybrids. :rolleyes:

    I doubt GM could have made the Volt much cheaper. Hybrids are as yet nowhere near as cheap as regular autos, and never will be, since they are inherently more complex. I hybrid requires between 1 and 4 electric motors plus the internal combustion engine. It requires both a fuel tank and a battery pack. It also requires a transmission that connects the electric motors to the wheels as well as the internal combustion engine (except in series hybrids of course). A regular ol' gas or diesel engined car needs only engine, transmission and fuel tank.

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  • Desktop Wallpaper

  • Apple 26.2
    Apr 25, 07:35 PM
    Ugh, that thing is hideous looking... I seriously think I'll punch the first person I see rocking one.


    wallpaper desktop jesus. Jesus the King of Hearts
  • Jesus the King of Hearts

  • AtariMac
    Mar 24, 04:54 PM
    My OS X Public Beta folder still sits proudly on my desk at work. 10.0 was pretty lacking and ssssssssllllllllllllllllllooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwww. 10.1 was a huge improvement speed-wise.

    10.3 was probably the first really usable version that I no longer needed to dual boot into OS 9. Oh, and I still have my Panther Dog Tags they gave out at the Apple Store to us idiots who stood inline for hours.

    Happy Birthday old friend!

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  • Jesus Love vista wallpaper

  • RawBert
    Apr 25, 12:00 PM
    Fake. Display looks like paper / printed.

    That's what I'm seeing too.

    wallpaper desktop jesus. Jesus Born Power Point
  • Jesus Born Power Point

  • wlh99
    Apr 27, 09:34 AM
    Update *** "I though it worked but the timer kept going on the background.

    crashed :confused:

    wlh99, do you get an exception in the invalid method " [myTimer Invalidate]" ?

    I didn't test the code at all, so no. But it doesn't surprise me. An exception is thrown when you try to message an object that no longer exists.

    I test to see if myTimer is nil as a check to see if the my timer object exists. But elsewhere in the progam I release myTimer and never set myTimer to nil. So, the pointer still points to a memory location, but no object is there so the [myTimer invalidate] fails with an exception. It's a very beginner mistake on my part.

    mytimer = nil;
    to the cancelIt: method.

    I strongly recommend reading this document:

    The important thing (assuming you are trying to learn to program) is that you don't just accept that it works, and that instead you know why what you were doing was wrong, and why the answer works.

    Look at your first post. Can you say why it crashes? ulbadr's response was pretty direct in his answer, and you didn't understand it. Do you understand it now? Can you say for sure what the code you first posted does, and why it crashes?

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  • free jesus wallpaper

  • louis Fashion
    Mar 28, 03:56 PM
    I award the l. Fashion design award to the big grey box at the top of this thread. Would look nice on my desk.

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  • +wallpaper+desktop

  • twoodcc
    Apr 29, 08:52 PM
    I should have a new system (i7 980x) tomorrow, I will get it set up with Ubuntu to do bigadv units.

    you're really getting one?! if so, you'll have to start a new thread about it, and give up updates!

    wallpaper desktop jesus. wallpaper jesus christ.
  • wallpaper jesus christ.

  • Warbrain
    Dec 13, 10:53 AM
    Haha, nope.

    This is the company that released an EDGE phone as it's first model. No way they're jumping to LTE this early in the game.

    wallpaper desktop jesus. desktop wallpaper jesus. Simm0nS777. Mar 18, 12:46 PM. How the hell do you propose they implement an quot;Hey, it#39;s cool if you tether with your unlimited,
  • desktop wallpaper jesus. Simm0nS777. Mar 18, 12:46 PM. How the hell do you propose they implement an quot;Hey, it#39;s cool if you tether with your unlimited,

  • maflynn
    Mar 7, 10:30 AM
    Why is Apple the only tech company that makes unique products? All the other big ones seem to just drop in behind Apple after they invent something...
    Actually they're not the only tech company that makes unique products. You probably need to turn your iMac off and go outside more :p

    There's plenty of good things being produced by non-apple companies. Yeah apple makes some good things, but they're not the be all and end all on electronics.

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  • free christian wallpaper.

  • Sedulous
    Apr 23, 09:59 PM
    Wow, this thread is crazy OT.

    Windows 8. Hopefully it has an even bigger system tray for all those little crapware programs that run in windows.

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  • easter wallpaper jesus.

  • roocka
    Apr 5, 03:52 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Is Larry Page retarded? Seriously? Have you heard him speak? I think he is retarded!

    wallpaper desktop jesus. view large. Psalms 8:4
  • view large. Psalms 8:4

  • Ygn
    Nov 6, 07:15 PM
    Is it just the zombie packs you get with the hardened edition? I already have all those on W@W, not paying for them again.

    I believe it's just the zombie maps from WaW you get.

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  • illusion+wallpaper+desktop

  • mmcc
    Mar 29, 03:54 PM
    Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Windows Live Marketplace in Windows Vista a integrated (badly integrated but still integrated), App Store before it was discontinued due to lack of consumers and made to redirect to a Microsoft website that sold some products?

    I believe Microsoft did partner with Digital River to bring 3rd party products to such a store. However it was badly organized, poorly promoted and ultimately drew little business as you indicate since it offered customers little or no benefit over direct purchases from the developer. Developers lost interest. It morphed into the current MS/DR relationship where DR handles much of the on-line sales of MS products.

    I sort of hope developers lose interest in the Mac App Store as well. ;) Unfortunately, consumers love the basement pricing.

    wallpaper desktop jesus. Jesus wallpaper
  • Jesus wallpaper

  • DevinPitcher
    Apr 15, 01:10 PM
    Is it just me, or is the writing on the 3rd photo a bit skewed, or rotated in an odd way?


    wallpaper desktop jesus. desktop wallpaper jesus.
  • desktop wallpaper jesus.

  • Surf Monkey
    Mar 17, 01:21 AM
    He probably did pocket the cash, since he asked if everything was cool when he handed me the bag, that def ran through my mind a few times.

    Sure he did. That's why he had the system print a receipt. To cover his tracks.

    Apr 9, 03:28 AM

    Pokemon DSI, with pokemon black for �99 \M/

    Aug 14, 07:50 PM
    well i added 2 more GPUs to my folding mix. i got a gtx 465 folding in the same rig as a gtx 260. it took awhile, but finally have them both folding with the gpu3 client. we'll see how it does

    Ooooh! great, it will be good to get the points on our team from that 465!

    Jan 12, 11:38 PM
    There's an old saying that goes...it ain't bragging (or arrogant either for that matter) if you can do it. Well, Steve Jobs and Apple have proven time and time again that they can definitely do it.

    Apr 21, 12:11 PM
    It is against forum rules to simply reply "+1": what on earth is the difference between that and clicking a button to say "+1"?

    I never knew that... Oops I have done that once or twice (but only once or twice) just to say that I agree.

    Could have been worse guys, they could have put in a Facebook "Like" button. :D

    Yes, Facebook really needs a dislike button!!!!

    P.S. (I finally figured out how to do multiple quotes in a post!) :rolleyes:

    Apr 8, 01:09 PM
    I thought Best Buy was a place where you can try out devices so that you can later purchase them online for a lower price. They sell stuff there?

    Why would they need to have a promotion for the hottest selling device in the world?:confused::rolleyes:

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