before and after smoking weed

before and after smoking weed. Smoking Weed out of
  • Smoking Weed out of

  • christian_k
    Oct 21, 02:41 PM
    Of course, an increased market share is good news.

    But It looks like Apple considers everything outside the USA as "rest of the world".
    Here in Germany there is still no Apple store and there are nearly no ads and if there are ads they are for iPod and not for mac. The only time I have seen a Mac ad on TV was when Apple switched to Intel.

    You can get PCs and PC stuff everywhere, but it is hard to find a Mac (or Mac software) anyehere, even in bigger cities. No Macs in educational sector.

    Today most PCs sold to indiviuals in Germany are sold in super markets and they usualy cost about 1000 Eur (~$1200 without monitor) for desktop systems or about 1300 Eur for notebooks. Apples consumer products (Mac Mini, iMac, MacBook) are not more expensive than that, but Apple fails to make anything of this potential. Macs are still an insider product here.

    Everyone here talks about VISTA - a lot don't know OSX even exists.


    before and after smoking weed. Paris Hilton quits smoking pot
  • Paris Hilton quits smoking pot

  • Cougarcat
    Apr 29, 05:35 PM
    The iOS slider does not make any sense when quickly looking at options on screen. One has to click-drag-release for the slider function to work, not a hugh problem on iOS since its on a small screen.

    Considering that Mac OS is not touch based, makes additional steps to accomplish the same task and is less intuitive.

    You didn't have to click-drag. Just click your option, exactly as before. (Same as iOS, you don't have to drag the slider, you can press on your option.)

    Although, the design of the slider made it look like you had to do this, which is probably why they changed it.

    before and after smoking weed. Miley Cyrus smoking weed on
  • Miley Cyrus smoking weed on

  • Nekbeth
    Apr 26, 10:41 PM
    Nekbeth, you didn't thank Philip Endecott, who posted the solution to your problem on the Apple forum about three hours before wlh99 posted essentially the same solution here.

    I did PhoneyDeveloper, it just that his explanation only stops the timer, if I press StartTimer again, the seconds continue where they left. e.g.

    startTimer 59,58, cancel.. startTimer 57,56 and so on.

    mmm.. I see where there might be problem (my fault, not Phillips).. I'll come back..

    before and after smoking weed. miley cyrus smoking weed video
  • miley cyrus smoking weed video

  • Cassie
    Jan 13, 01:20 AM
    A lot of whining on these forums the second they reopen.

    I'll log on just to laugh myself silly when I read the threads created by n00bs saying "Why didn't Apple release so-and-so" and "I hate apple, im leaving them foreverz!!!11111!"

    It's sad, really (And slightly disturbing)


    before and after smoking weed. of him smoking pot from a
  • of him smoking pot from a

  • balamw
    Apr 28, 07:37 PM
    I first started a new project in order to avoid confusion and made some changes, the result is what I think " a working timer " with start, stop and reset buttons.

    Maybe now you can go back and realize that you could have saved yourself and the rest of us a lot of time and effort by adhering to the recommendations from the links I posted. (Seriously, read them.)

    Be specific. Be complete. Post complete, compilable code that demonstrates your problem. (If you need to, make a separate toy app, divide and conquer).

    This is part of the "step back" that everyone was telling you to do early on, and is a basic skill for all kinds of troubleshooting. By breaking down the problem and explaining it to someone else you will often get an epiphany of your own. Like:
    If I see the code now it seems a bit obvious why the timer never stopped before.
    If the solution was handed to you it wouldn't (a) be that obvious [because you wouldn't understand it] and (b) wouldn't be exactly what you want.

    For obvious reasons I'm not posting it and if some of you wonder why, it's for same reasons nobody posted the complete working code despite being able to make a timer in less than 3 minutes. (yes, I know it's because you think it would not help me and I understand)

    I still don't think you understand the give and take of being a full participant in a forum like this.

    It's your choice alone whether to add to the general knowledge pool or not. That's very different than responding to an ill-defined request for code.

    For example, here's a thread I started earlier this month: I was playing with some code from various tutorials that was no longer functional, found a way to fix it and chose to give that solution back to the 'net and it was immediately useful for another user.


    before and after smoking weed. to smoking marijuana and
  • to smoking marijuana and

  • SuperCachetes
    Apr 17, 10:27 AM
    Because I am against classifying people by descriptors. The worth of a man or woman should not be defined by labels like black, gay, or what have you. Treat every man or woman equally, as you would wish to be treated, and I see no need for labels. Do you label your friends? i.e. "Hey, I'm going to see black Jim." Or, "I'm going to see Jew Bob."

    So someone like George Washington Carver should be treated as a man of indeterminate race?


    before and after smoking weed. bob marley smoking weed
  • bob marley smoking weed

  • pmz
    Apr 15, 10:54 PM
    Whether or not Apple moves ahead on this particular design, I have no way of knowing.

    Whether or not the pictures are real, and of a real case, I'm sure they are. I spend a ton of time working in China developing other types of products. I take pictures (sometimes as crappy as these) every time I'm over here.

    My money is that they are real.

    Real what? Real fakes? Yes they are real fakes.

    before and after smoking weed. for allegedly smoking weed
  • for allegedly smoking weed

  • 8CoreWhore
    May 2, 02:38 PM
    your correct, based on Steve Jobbs response to this which was pure BS we can never trust that the files do NOT get sent out, so with this and their sweat shops in china i think enough activists, governments around the world and companies will shut apple down, so its not just Congress coming to ask Apple why it was still there after a year ago when they where sued for using it to COLLECT POLITICAL VIEWS:

    Lets see why :

    Wikileeks, Wall street, Oil Giants, allot of these people used macs and iphones, I think Congress is doing the right thing indicting Apple for violations of privacy on US and foreign citizens becuase if they do nothing other nations will pull the plug forever, Israel already is planning a blockade on the devices

    I agree.

    It's sad to see so many down vote your statement - a statement that is an advocate for people and democracy.

    Too many people here are more patriotic to corporations than they are to themselves. Sad, sad, sad.

    iSteve caves to the likes of Al Franken. Yep. Too Funny.

    Maybe Al can get Apple to put a real GPU back in the MBP13? I'm off to email him. Wish me luck!

    Apple responded to the people, not Al.

    I suppose you care more about the corporations desire to build massive databases, to commoditize every detail about us.

    Are we merely targets for advertising, or are we human?


    before and after smoking weed. for quitting smoking weed?
  • for quitting smoking weed?

  • Weaselboy
    Apr 22, 10:04 AM
    I do think there should only be "ups", but the icon could be a checkmark. When you click it some subtext would appear below/next to it. Something like "You liked this comment" or "You agree with comment" or "This comment was helpful".

    I completely agree with you on this. Posts should be marked if they are helpful etc and just ignored if they are not. The site can still use the data in the same way for whatever site improvements they want later.

    Having "downvotes" will I suspect lead to what we see on Reddit comments where any post that does not fall in line with the hivemind gets downvoted. Getting downvoted leads to people getting discouraged and not participating in the discussion IMO. Outright abusive posts can still be reported to the mods.

    before and after smoking weed. Shortly after the incident,
  • Shortly after the incident,

  • bushido
    Apr 29, 02:43 PM
    And I'll take this any day over Windows.

    so, u'd let steve jobs decide what u can and can't do with your computer? thats kinda sad ...

    Whew!! They also brought Safari's "Drag Image to Desktop to save Image File" back in this Preview Build. :D

    In previous Lion Builds, dragging an image to the desktop resulted in a Safari Link file to the Image's location on the web.

    this got already fixed with the last update tho


    before and after smoking weed. stopped for smoking pot.
  • stopped for smoking pot.

  • arn
    Apr 21, 10:32 PM
    I agree. And there should be some kind of count of "thanks" for each member. And it can give us different "levels" based on our thankfulness. Kind of like how we achieve different statices based on our post count.

    "Thanks" might work in a pure support form. But for news discussion, it makes little sense.


    before and after smoking weed. him smoking marijuana at a
  • him smoking marijuana at a

  • dalvin200
    Sep 12, 07:40 AM
    I might be getting confused here - but isn't the music store just a web thingy and not part of the software? i.e. store and media player distinct, though interlinked

    yeah, but there is a link in your itunes software (client) which has "Music Store" - u know.. down the left side where your playlists are..

    Wouldn't they need to change that to a generic "Store" or something..


    before and after smoking weed. After being caught smoking pot
  • After being caught smoking pot

  • jaigo
    Oct 11, 09:16 AM
    I really hope the Zune becomes a real competitor and threat to Ipod. I am sick of apple sitting on their ass and giving us minimal improvements to the ipod. I want a wide screen, good battery life, THIN and sleek and sturdy. I will not buy a zune but I hope this pushes apple to bring us the goddamn widescreen ipod. :mad:

    before and after smoking weed. What the hell? By the way
  • What the hell? By the way

  • Much Ado
    Jan 9, 01:49 PM
    I'm not chancing it. I've made my own HTML to do it for me :P

    Very nice, my friend. But if you will allow me to improve your idea:



    before and after smoking weed. Side Effects of Smoking Weed
  • Side Effects of Smoking Weed

  • Lyra
    Aug 2, 04:24 AM
    1) Oslo the capital of norway is the city where the ipod/people ratio is highest in the WORLD.
    2) They are stuffed with cash.
    3) They are the most advansed tech people in the world, "everybody" has a computer and DSL. And many even know how to use them :P
    4) They have been trendsetters on the intnernett for the past 3-6 years.

    That is why Norway Sweden and Denmark has iTS

    You are kidding right?

    before and after smoking weed. news efore her arrest
  • news efore her arrest

  • Jay42
    Jan 6, 08:26 AM
    ^^That would be excellent if someone could capture the stream.

    We'll update that page. It's linked to this thread.


    This was just what I was looking for, thanks arn. I like to get the full effect ;)


    before and after smoking weed. re: Smoking weed infront of
  • re: Smoking weed infront of

  • JTR7
    Oct 2, 02:30 PM
    Maybe that's not an axiom for "degree of caring" for some people. To the contrary, and considering that Jobs seems to have an affinity to some Japanese aesthetic sensibilities, the "eating, sleeping, loving, and relaxing" imperative for family space presumes some degree of sharing of such spaces with no negative notion of "lesser". To make all such facilities that private makes them isolated, stifling the family-oriented intimacy of the desired imperative. Perhaps more so, the extra bedrooms get only part-time use, so there is no need to commit extensive resources full-time to serving each of them individually (see prior comments on why no library/gym/sauna/screening-room/etc.).

    I don't have a problem with your philosophy. In my own home, only the master has its own bath (moreso because the house was built prior to the fad of private baths for individual bedrooms). However, I do not believe that comments such as "Some people obviously want their homes to feel like a home rather than a hotel." are fair. If true777 wants to have a large home, its his/her prerogative. Maybe you all should stop judging how others spend their money. Many of you seem to think that luxuries cannot be used for family time. As if you can't watch a movie with another person.

    "Deserve" is a loaded term here.
    It's his home. You're a guest therein. Yes, the homeowner gets the best facilities therein, and only the snooty see that as a snub. If nothing else, he's there and using some areas full-time/daily, while guests are occasional.

    Of late I'm more struck by how many people presume everyone else must think like them, and impute malice where others don't. Whither celebrating diversity?

    I don't know why you're applying this to me. I did say that my comments were speculation. I'm only providing a speculative reason for why people give individual bedrooms individual baths.

    Right, we wouldn't want any little princelings to have to share a baath, would we? After all, doing so might compromise their senses of entitlement and privilege. :rolleyes:

    Who are you to judge how I'd raise my kids? I earned my money, and I'll spend it however I damn well please.

    before and after smoking weed. acne and smoking weed,
  • acne and smoking weed,

  • mac.attack9
    Jan 15, 01:38 PM
    Overall not too shabby.

    I think the iTunes movie rentals seems like a decent idea and the software update and price drop of Apple TV will definitely help boost sales. As for the iPod touch update....well you can either have hundreds of useful applications for free or pay $20 bucks more for 4 that should have been included in the first place. Ill stick with the jail break. I am a slightly confused about the Macbook Air for a couple of reasons. If it is going to be marketed as a ultra portable laptop to help sales in the business sector where on earth is the 6+ battery life. Also I thought that apple wanted to try and get some of the pie nternationally and consumers looking for a truly upc arent going to buy a 13 inch laptop no matter how thin it is. Those are the people who are going to be willing to pay the big bucks for a laptop not the student or average consumer. I bought a macbook in dec knowing the possibility of a major overhaul to the entire macbook line. I am very happy knowing that if i had the option to buy the notebook again today I would be buyingn the exact same laptop AT THE SAME PRICE..

    Overall Macbook Air
    - sweet design
    - A couple nice new features
    - Decent power (2 gb standard of memory)
    - Expensive especially if you add the SSD
    - Regular macbook is $500 cheaper, around the same battery life, etc

    I think that while this is a good addition to the macbook line it may (and hopefully) is setting up for some sort of 10-11 inch tablet incorporating more multi touch features.

    before and after smoking weed. osama in laden smoking weed.
  • osama in laden smoking weed.

  • glocke12
    May 4, 07:22 PM
    My girlfriend is Chinese and she just doesn't understand our obsession with guns (understandably so). I don't either!

    What are people so afraid of that they need guns to protect themselves from?

    The founders of this country gave us the second amendment as a means to protect the citizens from a totalitarian gov't.

    Guns tamed the eastern US and won the wild, wild, west. They are a part of our culture and history like it or not.

    In every day use people use guns to defend themselves against home invasions, and protect us from those who like to prey on others.

    I'm a gun person, I own "many" firearms and I have many reasons for owning them that range from historical interest, to an interest from an engineering perspective, and some I have because I thought they just looked cool (note: self defense purposely left out).

    Mar 28, 02:28 PM
    I do not think this is a bad move. I mean, Apple seems to believe (and so do I) that App Store will eventually be the best way to distribute apps for developers and to buy/get them for consumers. All they need to do now is get it up to speed. So they force developers to submit their apps to the App Store.

    About "App Store only apps on Mac OS X", hmm.. I don't think Apple will make the same mistake twice. They once fell back because of lack of software for their system. They will be forced to have App Store rules flexible enough so that users can easily find all sufficient apps there. If they can't install them, they will switch platforms. If they do, Apple loses.

    Either way, the user kind of wins so I wouldn't worry too much about it ;)

    Nov 24, 12:14 AM
    The store seems up, with no changes...

    Apr 30, 08:46 PM
    Safari is broken for me. Reopens the last window URL no matter what I set my preferences to. :( Other than that it FIXED AUTOMATOR (Yaaayyyy!!).

    Jan 9, 05:10 AM
    Cheaper tracks on iTunes, at least in the UK.

    Dec 10, 11:27 AM
    Ohhh, nice. 922s are nice for medium sized builds...

    yeah it was on sale, so i went ahead and got it. i'm on a budget these days. but still an upgrade from my previous case.

    so i got it on, and the cooler as well. so far not that great. running at 3.7 ghz, the temps are in the low 80's C. not good. we'll see how it goes

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