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    12-20 08:10 PM
    It is difficult to interpret their statement, but I believe in what you are saying.

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  • vin13
    03-09 01:45 PM
    I cannot express my anguish.

    I can understand the anguish. When you are really close and the bulletin does not move.

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  • mariner5555
    03-10 07:21 AM
    dude, i was being funny. which part of the smiley didn't you get?

    I have been resisting to get dragged into this, but I have to post! Not only are you incapable of understanding humor, but you are totally incompetent in understanding plain English.

    I never wrote dirty linen is "writing the fact that we have to wait for years and years" or "having the poll" either. singhsa3 is trying his best to make a case that all of us who are "waiting for years and years" have the potential to buy houses, and therefore give us GCs. Dirty linen is when people like me and Pegasus503 offer our contrasting views (and get red-dotted by immature posters who cannot have a civil debate) AND the media thinks these IV folks are not even in agreement on this subject. This to me would be detrimental to singhsa3's efforts and thus I wrote let's not bicker/argue/wash dirty linen about whether we agree with singhsa3's idea or not.

    As far as your advice "if you are not convinced then stay out of the way", take a cold shower, dude. I was the first to delete my post and asked others to do the same so this would benefit singhsa3's campaign. If your miniscule brain cannot fathom my posts, ignore them and help singhsa3 out instead. And yes, while you are growing up, do resist the urge to add those red-dots......that's not getting you your green card any faster.
    Kutra ..who the heck has the time to read yr senseless humor - it doesnt matter if you put a smiley face next to it. this is a serious issue and using senseless humor does not help ..I wont argue too much nor do I want to get into personal fight I will stop. btw ..I dont have time to give you red dots nor do I care for them. what is sad is that if we cannot capitalize in some way the fact that many many of us are not buying houses (made by American workers BTW), cars, home improvement items etc etc ..then there is little chance that any other campaign will ever work

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  • immigrant2007
    07-29 01:35 PM
    Add CareFirst - Blue Cross Blue Shield
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    All these companies take people on H1 and after an year of year an half they say they have changed policy and they can't file H1. They have big lawyers like M**** and R**** and those lawyers tell employers even if your employee is on 5th year and if you don't file GC (PERM) b4 365 days its alright.... we can send them out and re catpture time and all BS and ultimately employees suffer.... as they r in their 5th or some are in 6th year and are completely screwed up.
    We should think of taking some legal actions...

    advise forall my friends (ots free)
    don't comprise on these things on job here:

    Based on my experience here if you are good you will find your own way. Take everything in written or say no directly (it happens, no word of mouth)


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  • suriajay12
    02-19 07:21 AM
    And who do you think is going to process the paperwork for illegals? ... guess again, the same agency that is processing for Legal would-be-could-be immigrants. So how is it not going to increase processing time which would ultimately result in further delay?

    Moreover, it doesn't matter wether their is delay or not. Simply, putting illegals in front of legals is ethically, morally and legally wrong!!

    There is a difference.. In this case (>5 years), it will also include clauses or something that will not jeopardize your status. Compare requirements we have to meet in different stages and in this case. In LC, 140... you are at the mercy of many agencies, including mood of the officier who looks at your case, economic conditions, your employer, etc etc.. endless list . In this case you are just dependent upon yourself and if you can prove you were in the US for >5 years in whatever ways you can, then you are good. I know some who dont meet this 5 years may be disappointed, but they must find a way to include themselves if they can make sense. But not just cut the line.
    To prove >5 year legally in US is fully on you.. which is VERY good. Support it.

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  • gsc999
    07-13 12:38 PM
    Can members posting on this thread please explain to me why this thread is more visible than our San Jose rally thread.

    Is this issue so important to you? If you have some spare time, help spread media awareness about this rally.

    Other option is to go to this attorney's website and discuss it there.


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  • pappu
    12-13 01:12 PM
    Pappu has doused the fire..:(
    Thanks for understanding. sorry though for disappointing you.
    I must say that the motivation and drive in members is great these days. Last week's effort has had positive effect on all of us and united us. Let us all use this energy sphere we have created to help make this organization strong and take part in the current action items.

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  • walking_dude
    10-30 06:38 PM
    Thanks for sending the FOIA letter. I don't get the not able to vote part! Every logged in IV member should be able to vote. Where you logged in?

    I hope the 70 is not correct. I sent in the FOIA request (notarized) and also mobilized few of my friends. The number 70 is incorrect, because it does not allow me to vote there, otherwise I am sure it would be atleast 71.


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  • pointlesswait
    11-17 03:49 PM
    why cant they spell out the damn rule.. instead of leaving it out for speculations...


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  • chanduv23
    11-11 12:59 PM
    IV needs funds for lobbying. So rajuram - please start a campaign to collect funds for lobbying. You can be the first contributor. You can help in all ways, by lobbying, media, funding and driving threads to collect funds.

    Shall we start a funding drive? rajuram - can you lead it?


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  • Jaime
    09-14 11:35 AM
    Guys EVERYBODY needs to come to DC, there are few valid excuses not to attend! Many people are flying from far-flung places and making this sacrifice for you. You need to make a sacrifice for them too!!!!

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  • delhiguy
    07-09 02:22 PM

    This document gives lot of legal details, states what the lawsuits exactly is..

    P.S : I Think its just filed, not accepted by the court as of now


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  • walking_dude
    11-17 08:37 PM
    Here's mine - NRC2008065496

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  • nozerd
    01-28 09:49 AM
    Yup. Specially given that H1 is a dual intent visa.
    All Im asking for is clarity. DOS needs to come out and say that based on current demand we except your priority date to be current between x and y date. Even if the x and y is something ridiculous like 8 or 10 ys I am cool with it. Atleast we will know where we stand and not try to be hopeful and depressed with each VB. We need some good estimates to make imp life decision.

    The original intent of country caps was to prevent one single country from monopolizing the immigration (but this was regular unskilled immigration like family based immigration etc). But when it comes to skill based immigration it is ridiculous to maintain country caps. Everybody including the US government, USCIS and industry know that country caps in skilled category are ridiculous. That is why in H1B they don’t enforce the country caps. Because if they enforce the country caps in H1b the whole H1 program will collapse. I know the difference between h1 and green cards but when you bring people into US on H1 without country caps they should not enforce country caps on H1 to green cards skilled category. The people who are oppose immigration are using this(the country cap or rather quota) as an excuse to make things worse for immigrantion.

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  • sheela
    07-13 08:53 AM
    Let us see the approvals trend till october. I am guessing the PD will move back to MID 2005 or 2004 by October for EB-2 India.

    I don't agree. It will stay same or forward in small increments with new fiscal yr numbers available. I am saying so because EB2 I stayed for such long at 04/07 and everyone knows fewer LCs were filed/approved between 04 and 05.


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  • like_watching_paint_dry
    03-16 12:18 AM
    I agree with you completely ! I wish and pray Interfilers and labor substitution applicants rot in hell.

    I'm right there with you on labor substitution, but I would not really blame interfilers that much.

    Though one thing that I would like to see USCIS do is allow people to port EB3 priority date to EB2 only if they were eligible for EB2 as of that priority date. i.e. If you did not have a Masters or 5 years exp. as of June 2002 and so you filed EB3 and have a June 2002 EB3 PD, you should not be allowed to claim June 2002 EB2 priority date based today based on the experience or masters degree as of today. Allowing that does not sound fair to a say a June 2003 PD EB2 person who was eligible for EB2 as of June 2003 and filed EB2.

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  • chmur
    09-12 10:46 AM
    Demand data:

    Thanks. Looking at the demand data (as of Sept 08 as it states ) we may or may not have "net" backlog reduction of 40K for 2009-2010.

    EB2 - net has come down by ~30 K but Eb3 has a net add of "10K"..Hmm unless they really approve a ton of them in September, we may be looking net reduction of 30K.

    I really hope they get cranking on EB3 -ROW , they have ~44K pending . Expecting USCIS to work through this backlog in a year or two is reasonable or even next year .

    At that point, EB3-I would be primed to receive overflow but the question is will they open up the flood gates and receive all new Eb2 applications or let them in a phased manner .

    If they let them in a phased manner , some of the pre approved EB3-I applicants in 2002-2003 will get there GC . Even otherwise , new EB2 applications need processing time so few lucky Eb3-I (If you can call them that) may get their GC's.

    Another thing is when will they let new EB2 applicants , if it is early in the yearly cycle say Oct-feb , then processing on such new application will be complete by June and EB3-I will continue starve.

    So basically lot depends on how and when they will open up the gates for new EB2 applicants.

    If they do it at the end of the year and they do not want to loose visa numbers , then there are ton of EB3 application in a pre approved stage for them.

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  • gonecrazyonh4
    03-20 12:36 AM
    I am on H4 for the past 2years and this year I am trying to move to H1. The problem here is no big company responds to my resume.(Mine is not a cooked up resume. I have 6 years of experience and a lot of certifications). The only calls I get is from desi consulting firms. No US staffing firm nor BIG US firm sponsors H1s for first timers like me in US as we don't have US experience. They get their jobs done through consultants on Corp-Corp basis. Sometimes I am getting depressed seeing all this. May be I think I am forced now to go to a consulting firm to get my H1b because they are the only people who sponsor H1s in April to work in October which is 8 months from now. The system has to be revamped otherwise this system is going to exploit a lot of people like me. I cannot wait till we get a green card or work permit because it looks like it is a million years away from now. One thing I understood is that H4 dependents have no rights in this country and they talk about human rights violations elsewhere.

    I agree with the points raised in the above post. If H4 dependents are given the right to work in this country things would be so much better and the wait for green card would not be so very tiresome. Not allowing H4's to work and making them completely dependent on H1B spouse is indeed a human right violation.As an H4 I have no identity in this country and the system makes me a complete dependent. (Please do not mail me back saying - If I am smart I can get an H1B, I am smart enough to work and contribute to this economy its just that my expertise may not fall under the tech/shortage skill category).

    Employers are taking advantage of employees because the current immigration process supports such exploitation. This exploitation is prevalent among both with Indian and Non Indian Firms in different manner.

    Also for whatever reason a number of people whose spouse is already working on H1B tends to discourage others from filing H1B for their H4spouses.I also see a similar trend where all those who has a green card wants the immigration law to be more ruthless to new GC applicants.If you look at the employment history of many among us you would find that they have come through the route of desi consulting firms fulling agreeing to the deal since they wanted the H1B at any cost.

    I am not commending or supporting the Desi/other consulting firms or supporting the violation of law or ethics. Rather I want to point out that till the immigration process is revamped these practices will continue and each one of us has to take a route based on our individual circumstances.

    04-21 11:20 AM
    I cannot attend, but only because I am far away geographically. (LA Area)
    Please tell Mr. Gutierrez that I support Title 5 of STRIVE Act.

    07-24 01:33 PM
    we have to demand for allowing to file for EAD and Advance payrol.


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