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  • WillIBLucky
    12-18 02:59 PM
    I think you do have to change your ideas in this case. Its very simple we cannot do what you plan to do. Lobbying is the only way for us. Illegals did that because they did not anything to loose. We are not in that situation, GC would be nice to have else we can go home or another country and we can survive.
    So instead of waisting our time in talking about this, we should try to add members and contribute. I know you are an active member but I am just telling.
    first, I don't know what you mean by "Senior Member like you coming up with this idea". Seniority on this site I think is by how long the have been registered. Second, even if it means older members, what does age have to do with this idea?

    I have already said that most IV members (clearly you are one) are opposed to this.
    My thoughts happen to be different from yours, and I dont plan on changing my ideas anytime soon.

    Of course for this to work there has to be a signficant number of participants, otherwise actually nothing is going to work. And even with significant participation, there are no guarantees: look at how many people called Sen Sessions, but still made no difference.

    Last, dont you guys get vacation?? Who is talking abut losing money? If you are paid hourly then dont take part.
    and if you dont agree you dont need me to tell you dont be a part of this.

    But, as mentioned many, many, many times before, I am for this idea, or something that gets attention in a big way.

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  • chandsri81
    04-28 02:42 PM
    thats good to know! Thanks!

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  • h1techSlave
    10-01 11:11 AM
    It is so confusing that I do not know how to explain the whole thing.

    Here is a small sample.

    In 2002 all the EB visas were issued(174,968). However, there were 31,532 unused family preference visas, so the limit for 2003 was 171,532 (140,000 + 31,532).

    Guess what, in 2003 they only approved 82,137 EB visas, so they ended up with 88,482 unused EB visas

    Great find, Andy. Based on your explanation, I can say that our real problem is not the lack of visa numbers. There are enough visa numbers, but USCIS is not utilizing them.

    This also tells me that an increase in visa numbers to 290,000 (or what ever number that the SKILL bill is asking for) would NOT change the situation a little bit. The end result only will be that the USCIS will end up with more number of unused visas.

    Can the IV community do some thing to improve the whole situation?

    I am seeing two specific bottlenecks.
    1. Delay in USCIS to process applications. This is an area, that we can do something. And I am already seeing a huge improvement from USCIS in terms of fast processing.
    2. Delay in FBI namecheck. Again this is an area we can do something. I don't know what, but there should be something that we can do. Many of my friends have been writing to Laura Bush explaining their FBI namecheck bottleneck and a few of them got positive results.

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  • GCmuddu_H1BVaddu
    08-11 04:08 PM

    You can't say that if you have just contrubuted may be $10 or $20.
    Understand only you can spread the word around to contribute but can not say free riders.

    One thing you need to know, if a new member joins here it takes a while for them to understand thecause of IV and contribute.

    BTW Where do you fall under?

    How many of us contribute to IV in terms of time, $ etc.
    and how many are some free riders?


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  • jcrajput
    09-11 05:17 PM
    To my understanding....USICIS should out source some of there work (mostly setting up PDs) to India...

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  • villamonte6100
    04-02 11:12 AM
    I hear you and for most part agree with you that USCIS - However bad they may seem - is still one of the best run government agencies...

    No need for you to trash another country to make your point... We are all foreigners here and know what happens in rest of the world...

    Chill... and BTW - USCIS does not give you a green card for sucking up... as you said there is a system and a process in place in US our Karm bhoomi...

    I reviewed my comment and I haven't wrote anything trashing another country and I didn't say that USCIS is bad. In fact, if you read carefully I am trying to defend USCIS from "Mirage's comments".

    I don't know what nationality you are, but, I am an Australian and I don't need to suck up to get my green card. I will get my greencard soon, probably sooner than you.

    In fact, there is a special immigration program "only for Australians" that allow me and my dependents to work and live in Australia indefinitely. That was signed in to law by the President last year, if you didn't know about that. I guess you got me wrong. Australia and America have good relationships as you know.

    I still would stress to thank America for giving me the opportunity to work and live and experience America.

    Please read my comments properly next time and be a little fair on your comments.


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  • desi3933
    09-15 11:46 AM
    once your I-140 is approved, that date is yours.. but for only that preference category

    Please read this pdf document
    AFM Update: Chapter 22: Employment-based Petitions (

    Please pay attention to section (3) Priority Date Based on Earlier Petition on page 28 -
    If an alien is the beneficiary of two (or more) approved employment-based immigrant visa petitions, the priority of the earlier petition may be applied to all subsequently-filed employment-based petitions.
    For example:
    Company A files a labor certification request on behalf of an alien ("Joe") as a janitor on January 10, 2003. The DOL issues the certification on March 20, 2003. Company A later files, and USCIS approves, a relating I-140 visa petition under the EB-3 category. On July 15, 2003, Joe files a second I-140 visa petition in his own behalf as a rocket scientist under the EB-1 category, which USCIS approves. Joe is entitled to use the January 10, 2003, priority date to apply for adjustment under either the EB-1 or the EB-3 classification.

    I suggest, you talk to an attorney before using words like illegal. It may be unfair, but still be legal.

    Proud Indian-American and Legal Immigrant

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  • glus
    04-30 02:23 PM
    its working now...


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  • villamonte6100
    04-02 02:21 PM
    Fortunately the US justice system works for everybody. Thats the hallmark of this great country.

    Anybody can go to a court and seek justice if they feel they have been harmed or suffered losses even by a govt body.

    Ample evidence is available in court records for cases against USCIS by GC applicants for delays and errors. This not an opinion but a fact.

    In this country you just don't get screwed or get a cold shoulder for seeking justice within the written laws.

    Unfortunately numbskulls like villamonte and DED don't have a mental capacity to understand these concepts

    You don't need to be harsh on your comments. You can go ahead and file a case with USCIS. That's what I've been saying here all the time.

    Calling me a numbskull I think is inappropriate. You can disagree with me and I can disagree with you which is the essence of this forum but not to abuse each other.

    I didn't call you numbskull and I will never call anyone numbskull, so I guess you owe me an apology.

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  • kdprasad
    08-13 04:31 PM
    Rcvd Receipt Notice from my Attorney.

    Filed: July 2nd
    PD: Jan 2006
    I-140 Apporved: Nov 2006
    Receipt Date: 8/10/2007 (Attorney on Received 8/13 Today)


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  • mzc123
    06-27 08:10 PM
    can someone please provide the link to the tracker? I'm unable to locate the link.

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  • ns521
    12-27 06:01 AM
    I wish you guys to mention the center you applied to because processing times are different...


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  • mita
    09-10 05:31 PM
    I am not sure if USCIS will move beyond April 2004 until Jan 2009 due to the holidays and election and as someone said they want to take it easy. Even if they move the dates it does'nt help unless they approve cases with certain process in place.

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  • Libra
    09-14 12:45 PM


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  • admin
    03-16 11:38 AM

    Do not despair yet. We were repeatedly told that bills take a lot of time to pass. Never the less we'll keep working on this bill and this also precisely why we're not pinning all of our hopes on only the Comprehensive Immigration Bill. We also have the PACE bill and the TALENT bill, which can bring a lot of relief to us.

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  • amsgc
    06-03 08:17 PM


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  • newbie2020
    12-11 08:17 AM
    Looks like they are changing the spillover rules again from Horizontal to Vertical this is bad news for EB2 I

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  • SFSweta
    07-11 01:03 PM
    I can't believe this is how it feels to be sooo close to achieving your dream - regardless of how hard we've had to fight.....

    Congratulations to each and everyone of you in EB2-India and China that have been pushing and clawing your way (just like I have) to get your greencards. While my PD is a month away - I am so glad for you. Get ready to go on a loooooong break (mentally, emotionally, and physically if possible as well).

    I have been saving up every penny of my disposable income (after the shopping and eating out and everything else!) to go do the things I've wanted:

    Climb Mt. Kilimanjaro
    Spend 3 months with my family in India and Dubai
    Go back to Culinary School
    Go to Bordeaux and learn about wine
    Become an amazing photographer (just like one of the members on this forum...)

    The list goes on and on....

    But most of all - I can't believe that the moment is here for almost ALL of us to be free of the shackles and really really live our lives. I'm proud to have participated in everything and hopefully we ALL worked to make this huge of a difference and will see this effort through to help all our colleagues stuck in the EB3-India and China mess....

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  • Lacris
    07-17 11:22 PM
    Everyone can apply until August 17, but in the August VB, all the categories are U, which means no one is current and who knows when that will change. When processing, theoretically RD it's important, but when you get to the stage of being approved, you'll actually be approved only if your PD will be current at that time. Don't count too much on any guidelines, because some people get approved in weeks,others in years. Good luck.

    08-02 06:42 PM
    Has any one received receipt # from TSC ( Texas Service Center) for July filers

    07-18 03:47 PM
    Thanks for the reply!

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