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  • cn0568
    07-22 11:58 PM
    I came to US through CompanyA on L1A Visa 4 months back. My L1A Visa is valid till Mar-09. I had applied for the H1B Visa when I was in India. I got the H1B Visa and now has a valid petition effective Oct-07.
    I would like to know the following.
    Can I join the Company B from Company A without going back to India after Oct-07?

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  • vivekm1309
    07-17 03:28 PM
    let us keep fighting /exposing these liars.

    Great ..the tax related point has been removed. I did write to them that my lawyers will be contacting them with proof my tax returns.

    Let us attack more points ...finally they will shorten this fax message to one point ...:)

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  • neoarch
    12-23 10:24 AM
    Hi all,

    I reached US on H4 visa with my husband 6 months ago. I have been working in an IT firm back in India. Now my husband's contract got extended and it seems like we will be here for some years. I don't want to waste my career by simply sitting at home. I have searched through many job sites and I got many calls from desi consultants. Many of them are asking me to change the resume as I have only 2 yrs of experience. By reading thorugh all the forums and articles I am aware of the traps of desi consultants.

    I do not want to show any fake experience. All these consulting firms are saying that I won't get any job here without changing my resume.. :(

    I just want to know your humble opinion about the options I can try. Is it impossible to get through with 2 yrs of experience? Please share your thoughts on it. I feel very sad thinking about my career. :(

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  • paskal
    07-03 09:51 AM
    ...that the system is severely backlogged and needs repair but to say it is unfair to limit the number of immigrants from one country does not make sense. Removing the per country limit would allow one or two countries to dominate the EB system because their high populations allow them to produce more skilled labor. So removing the per country limit would remove the "bias" off these countries and move it to the ones with lower populations; so, in essence the discrimination would be reversed? Maybe a point-based system that incorporates a per country score would be better?

    i think it's an interesting discussion, but what would you say to the argument that if immigration artificially inflates the numbers of small countries beyond their real populations and ends up penalizing larger countries. in other words it creates and artificial distribution favoring certain parts of the world...is that really the goal? is is good? s it fair? it's a monopoly in the reverse way- excess opportunity for an individual from certain countries.
    when the quotas were originally made, they had exactly that idea- and the motive was explicitly racist. times have changed. so should the antiquated laws.


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  • hiyer31
    01-26 12:00 PM
    What happened to all the thesis and discussions? i felt disgusted listening to the state of the union address. i completely am of the opinion that everybody deserves a chance even those who are here illegally. But there is something wrong with a country which wishes to cater to them to favor them who broke the laws then the who indian community which barely breaks laws and is probably the most god fearing and law fearing group of people in this country. We have 0 representation in this nation. Taxation without representation. All the social security and medicare taxes I will never probably get to use it. I wish we could all muster the courage to quit the jobs and leave this country and let every client and employer deal with the fallout. Unfortunately we cant. Since there are 10 others in line behind me who will willing become slaves for the little comfort they get. Life has become very frustrating.

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  • varshadas
    02-01 03:27 PM
    That's fine. As long as some of us are there, we should be fine. Right now we need to finalize the flyer.



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  • manishcp
    09-26 10:02 AM
    I did send E-mail

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  • cool_guy_onnet1
    02-20 03:29 PM
    Dude. I am *so* not Ron Gotcher. :)

    He was rushing and didn't give me any specifics for EB-3 India.

    Just don't exhaust this resource and keep it down low.

    Lets wait and watch- Go IV


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  • GCKaIntezar
    12-27 02:31 PM
    Just to shed some light on the mortgage scenario -

    Bank of America approved me for a mortgage yesterday - the rep specifically asked for the Citizen/Perm resident question, I told him that I have a valid work visa - he asked what kind - I said H1B. He looked up my credit histoiry and approved me right there. At the end of our 30 minutes long conversation, I asked him to confirm that H1B is not an issue - he confirmed that it wasn't - as long as I have sufficient funds in my acccount, a good cash flow, and a "very good" credit history.

    The subprime mortgage industry is on the brink of collapse - due to all those foreclosures. These institutions have had a pretty relaxed lending schemes - especially for the intereset only and no-down payment ARMs.

    Just to clarify on all the confusion:

    If you are legally here i.e. on H1B yu can have any account and any mortgage. I can pretty much vouch for it because I am one of the persons in the bank incharge of enforcing the credit laws. The only requirement while giving a mortgage is what kind of credit scores and history you have. BOA is quite conservative in giving out loans while someother smaller institutions are not so conservative and hence the rejection from one and acceptance by the other.

    For giving mortgage to illegals I do not know any reputable institution doing so. Yes there is always the grapevine.

    I recently travelled to Delhi from SF using British Air in Dec. I chaged from Terminal 1 to terminal 4 while going and reverse while coming. Nobody asked for any visa, as far as I know it is not required. It was not required before then the requirement came in and now it is no longer there.

    But I do have a valid visa on my passport.

    About Hongkong it takes approximately 5 minutes to get a 15 day visa and the process is very smooth.

    Singapore does not require any visa.

    No visa for Germany, Middleeast and most of the East Asian stops.

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  • Sunx_2004
    01-24 11:31 AM


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  • Marphad
    02-07 01:52 PM
    I support country quota otherwise all the greencards will be taken by Indians and Chinese and the people from small countries will not even get a chance. I am sorry but of you are born on one of these countries then you have to wait before everyone who filed earlier.

    Apply little logic and prove me why other countries will not get a chance.

    Sometimes people make argument without even thinking for a second based on some personal emotional belief.

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  • diptam
    07-01 09:44 PM
    Updated my profile.

    At this time, IV is analyzing the impact of the speculation around the July visa bulletin closure, and is reaching out to attorneys, including AILA and planning next steps. tomorrow being a working day will also help us get more information and opportunity to reach appropriate levels of government . We will share more information with you as soon as there are developments. In the meanwhile, you should go about business as usual, and file your 485/140 applications as planned.

    IMPORTANT: At this time, you are encouraged to update your user profiles on IV with the most current information and the best way to reach you. If we have an urgent action item, we may also send newsletters to all members.


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  • harish
    04-24 10:07 AM
    Congrats Googler!

    I just checked my status and saw my I-485 CASE APPROVED status.My Good luck and Best wishes to all the people on this forum on their GC.

    EB2, NSC PD 10/02
    I-485 RD - 02/2007
    Approval Notice - April 23'08

    Congratulations and enjoy the green!

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  • 485Mbe4001
    07-28 03:55 PM
    true to each his/her own, we can decide if we want to read the thread or not

    simple enough..in the same token..this could be a form of self expression too..



    I am reading about 16th century stuff here in this thread.

    Let us go back to 10,000 B.C or further back (ice age or if possible even before).

    Was there any gods (known to us) then (any religion for that matter)?

    Gods came in to existence with human civilization. Initially as an answer to all things that were 'unknown' to human beings and then later as a 'tool' to insist discipline (in their own understanding as to what discipline is) among human beings.

    We talk about Iran, Iraq, afghanistan wars, bomb blasts in India, poverty in places like somalia and in all of these INCIDENTS millions of innocents died/die. What are/were the 'Gods' doing? Can They not stop this from happening?
    They won't. Because these are started by human beings and unless we stop it won't stop. Now don't direct me to a book or a PDF. Answer me straight.

    Human beings are the most cruel/selfish creatures on earth. We are animals - well worse than them - social animals. This thread does not make any sense.

    We are talking about our 'beliefs' here and that is decided by so many factors. Million people will have million different beliefs.


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  • karanp25
    07-11 01:50 PM
    I agree 100%.

    again no one can explain the ridiculous date movements by DOS...so there can be no reason for this..Its just that someone saw numbers being wasted...and they randomly applied them to EB2...Now as for getting approvals for all those that are current now...forget it ...since that is USCIS and that is a whole different Animal (a lazy one!!)

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  • vagish
    04-02 03:22 PM
    this is not the new trend, back in year 2000 to 2003 , when massive layoffs were going on , it has been prevelant since then. Also if this illegal , how about people who got laid off in those years and never went bak home sitting on bench for a year, if you start to fish around, you will find lots and lots of people
    had trouble in maintaining their status in the past.
    Fake resume is the fact which has been there for so many years, be it for masters or for just B.E graduates.



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  • snathan
    03-07 01:00 PM
    i need to accomodate people coming from NJ, CA, FL.
    if anyone wants to offer place at their home please let me know.

    You forgot people from TX....? I need accommodation.


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  • ilikekilo
    10-15 08:59 PM
    ok what receipt # are you guys talking about? i think iam little confused..

    ok if I send the letter with my name and notarize it would it suffice? plkease advise? waht is that receipt # that u guysa re talking about

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  • transpass
    04-10 12:07 PM
    Here are the details for last year and years before:

    (Thanks to user "sangiano" on : link: FY2009 Visa Data, Spillover to EB2 - Will it be Similar FY2010 (http://www..com/usa-discussion-forums/i485-eb/498198953/fy2009-visa-data-spillover-to-eb2-will-it-be-similar-fy2010))

    Employment Visas 2009

    Total Employment Visas for FY2009 = 141,020

    Theoretical values without spillover

    EB1 28.6% = 40,332
    EB2 28.6% = 40,332
    EB3 28.6% = 40,332
    EB4 7.1% = 10,012
    EB5 7.1% = 10,012

    Actual values with spillover

    EB1 40,978 = 29.1% received c.650 spillup visa used
    EB2 46,034 = 32.6% received c.5,700 spillover visas used
    EB3 39,791 = 28.2% received c.550 less visas than quota
    EB4 9,999 = 7.1% Zero spillup visas to give
    EB5 4,218 = 3.0% c. 5,800 spillup visas to give

    What is noteworthy is the fact that spillup/spillover visas were only available from EB5.

    In addition, EB1 actually consumed spillup visas and did not contribute any spillover visas as a result.

    This implies that the total spillover visas available to the 7% limited countries was only c.7,500. Since 5,800 came from EB5, less 650 used by EB1, this gives a subtotal of 5,150. In turn, this implies that there were only 7,500 - 5,150 = 2,350 as spillover from EB2-ROW. In the worst case the difference is entirely from EB5.

    I think it gives food for thought and shows the difficulty of trying to second guess visa consumption in Categories that are always current. I accept it might be easier to get a handle on non-NIW EB2 because of the PERM data available for ROW.

    I'm not sure why FY2010 would be much different, at least for EB1 spillover.

    Additional notes from subsequent posts:

    There was significant spillover in FY2007 because (based on 154,497 total EB visas) :

    EB1 only used 26,806 out of a possible 44,186 available visas.
    EB4 only used 4,794 out of a possible 10,969 available visas.
    EB5 only used 793 out of a possible 10,969 available visas.

    That gives a potential spillover of 33,731 visas to categories below EB1. In FY2007 that mostly went vertically to EB3.

    There was significant spillover in FY2008 because (based on 162,949 total EB visas) :

    EB1 only used 36,590 out of a possible 46,603 available visas.
    EB4 only used 7,648 out of a possible 11,569 available visas.
    EB5 only used 1,443 out of a possible 11,569 available visas.

    That gives a potential spillover of 24,060 visas to categories below EB1. In FY2008 that all went to EB2.

    The amount *was* smaller in FY2009 because (based on 141,020 total EB visas)

    EB1 used 40,978 which was more than the available visas of 40,332 (i.e. it used some of the spillup from EB4/EB5).
    EB4 used 9,999 out of a possible 10,012 available visas. (i.e it pretty much maxed out)
    EB5 only used 4,218 out of a possible 10,012 available visas. (i.e. much higher than previous years)

    That gives a potential spillover to EB2 of 5,161 visas, which is substantially lower than previous years.

    This is all his analysis based entirely on historic data (no predictions here; just what has already happened). All credit of analysis goes to him. I never crunched a single number; I am just an "integrater" of the info. Please also note that now we have found out that the word "spillover" should actually be "fall across and down"

    Hope this was the info you were asking for.

    Thanks Kondur. That was a very good presentation of the numbers. I very much appreciate it.


    1. Why did EB1 last year needed spillover visas, although it was current all the time? If a category is current, isn't that it has less demand than allocated numbers?

    2. As per May bulletin, EB4 might need a cut off. So we cannot expect any spillover from EB4. So that is clear. Now the spillover chances are from EB5, EB2 ROW and EB1(?). I am including EB1 because, given the current economy over the past year, should there be a better possibility of more spillover from EB2 ROW and EB1 compared to last year?

    3. Also why are the total EB numbers different in different fiscal years (e.g., 141020 in FY2009, 162949 in FY 2008 and 154497 in FY2007)? In FYs 2007 and 2008 did the extra visas come from Family based while it did not for FY 2009? If so, why is it so?

    4. Based on Pending 485 data of March 2010, I barely see few hundred EB4s. And hardly considerable number of EB1s. What's going on? If we go by this data, we should be getting good chunk of spillover numbers...



    02-17 09:05 AM
    2006 census

    Total population of India,china, mexico and Philipines = about 40 % of world population

    India - 17% of world Population
    China- 20% of world population
    Mexico- 1.7
    Phillipines-1.3 %
    Ttl 40 % of world population.

    so theres a reason behind this quota. Its not divide and rule.

    Excluding US (4.3) , ICMP Still comprise of 35.7 % of world total

    I do not think that quota system is because these countries are most populous. It is because more number of people from those countries come here. I am sure countries like Indonesia and Russia are more populous than Phillipines.

    07-18 08:59 AM
    All packets were kept on hold and we should all be ok because they will start sending receipts soon for all complete packages.
    The wait will be long but its good that everyone will enjoy EAD benefits .
    As such,whats the new fees for EAD and AP?

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