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  • imneedy
    10-15 07:53 PM
    printed mine .. will post tomorrow!
    10/16 - Posted

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  • pappu
    02-18 01:14 AM
    Thanks for the conf call.

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  • sanju
    02-19 02:58 PM
    Looks like lots of >5 years people here. :D
    It is my feeling that "Illegals>5 years" should not be preferred over "legals<5 years".

    really? so you mean illegals are not humans? Or just because you are not in the category, you think only you deserve to live a "respectable" "decent" life, and others should wait in line until you are satisfied. That way of looking at things is exactly the way Citizens look at green cards, people will green card look at non-green holders, people with H1/L1 look at illegals. And that behavior or way of looking at others can described in one phrase - "I'm better than you." And when rules are changed, and we can no longer subscribe t that "false" notion of "I'm better than you.", you think there is something wrong with the bill.

    What is wrong with the bill that gives everything that you want, and in addition to it, gives that "illegal alien" what he deserves, not on the grounds of a degree, which is merely a piece of paper, but on the grounds of how humans ought to treat other humans? This bill gives everything that legal skilled community wants, but idiots could not stop beating down on something being given to someone else. That's why the degree(S) that we have is nothing more than garbage, because even after acquiring these degrees, we have not acquired the KNOWLEDGE of how to treat others.

    You do what you do and I do what I do.

    One more thing, you can't do ANYTHING, other than coming to this anonymous forum and beating down the drum of righteousness, as if everything you have done is right, and others, who did no do the things the same way are somehow daemons. BULL.


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  • iv_only_hope
    02-21 03:53 PM
    I had one question. If there 140 K quota and 400 k employment AOS pending shuldnt they be cleared in 2-3 years (140k*3) since no matter what 140 k visas are going to get used (for example if there are leftovers others will get it)?


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  • Hermione
    09-26 06:01 PM
    And I see your point, but what do you know about the visa rules of your country? Let's say, I want to work in your country - what visa do I need - is there a CAP or quota system - validity, my rights etc. Its wrong to blame average American or any generic population because you are in deep shit. Just my thoughts - no hard feelings!!! Its more about educating people who are interested and IV (henceforth Legal IV) is the platform for doing just that.

    That exactly what my point was - it makes no sense to critisize an American writer for not knowing the difference between H1 and EB.

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  • nixstor
    07-05 01:02 PM
    And there is nothing wrong with that, right, because in the end you do not know what the financial situation of people on here is. One guy suggested a monthly contribution of 20 bucks, I laughed myself off the chair when I saw that. You're right, this is about "how not to pay" and why shouldn't it be. I don't make a lot, the lawyer's sucking me dry (in more ways than one if it were up to him), I've been waiting for this for ever, I have a family to support, etc.

    Well, in the end you all do what you want, don't worry, be happy :D

    Financial situation of all the non paying members is so bad that they earn 55-60K on avg and beyond. They all have all the filmi difficulties we see every day. What more reasons do we need NOT to pay?


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  • seahawks
    07-26 08:58 AM
    The underlying reason to stop cocurrent filing as I understand was non availability of visas and of course no proper system in place for FIFO. Well, my memory could be fading, but I think the reason was not to over use quota systems. Cocurrent filing was allowed, because there was a delay in processing time but the visas were available, now there is no delay in processing time, well i don't agree that is true, but visas are not available. There was no organized way within different centers in approving cases, some centers approved cases faster which meant, other centers did not have the visas available when they got their act together and so on.

    So, with check and balances, if you are not allowed to file 485 until visa numbers are available, they dont have to build in a checks and balances from their side of the equation on keeping track of that:).

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  • amitgeorge
    03-13 11:17 PM
    by far the best battle i have seen in recent times

    great work


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  • desi3933
    02-02 11:07 AM
    That's fine ..To show that we are in status form the last non-immigrant visa entry to 485 filing stage should we have our monthly stubs or will W2 be sufficient? I'm afraid I've some misplaced. Again thank you very much for your responses.

    W2 should be fine in most cases. Additionally, employment letter stating job duties, salary offered, dates is very useful. Please note that this salary could be different from GC Salary, however, it must be within the salary range mentioned in H1 LCA.

    Not a legal advice.
    US Citizen of Indian Origin

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  • vandanaverdia
    09-10 04:26 PM
    I am in line for the green card for years & the wait is endless..... This is my chance to ease me....
    Come join hands....


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  • onemorecame
    11-08 09:59 AM
    Did you receive physical card?

    yes i got my physical card, what about you bro? did you got approval?

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  • Madhuri
    07-05 01:12 PM
    Yes I aggree. I think we have reached a stage where there are at least around 1000 members who flock to IV, when they need help on any GC related issue.

    Why not make IV paid membership? IV core team's work and persistance has made this site an integral part of all GC apsirants' lives.
    Peole value this site/it's opinions etc. There is nothing wrong in make them pay for it ONLY because we are on so shoestring budget. Our efforts can be more fruitful if core is having enough funds at disposal.

    Lets do some quick math here. Assuming that we have 500 guys who are paying. you make IV paid. You will have alteast another 200 guys who will realize the importance of IV and join. People have come to IV time and over when ever shyt has hit the roof and they will come.

    700 is better or 500 with a boat load of people who are just hovering around is better?


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  • perm2gc
    12-27 12:23 AM
    Here is the link i posted

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  • rweworld1
    07-12 04:38 PM

    My PD is March 1st 2006. Just wondering is March 1st is in or out? i.e. cut off is March 2nd or March 1st?




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  • kishdam
    03-14 10:15 AM
    Can we as IV community do something about this? ie communicate this to USCIS and have them clarify this with a memo and FAQ?

    Yes it would be great if IV core can take up this matter with USCIS - please dont wait on administrative reforms to happen - the whole package might take time. But most of us - July07 filers - will be looking at EAD renewals soon and if USCIS delays the processing many of us would be in soup.

    It would be great if USCIS clarifies on interim EAD and what the applicant can do if a EAD application remain in pending status.

    chandu - can you please bring this up with core (I will try to get it visibility in my state chapter). Thanks.

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  • lkapildev
    02-20 03:37 PM
    Dude. I am *so* not Ron Gotcher. :)

    He was rushing and didn't give me any specifics for EB-3 India.

    You should respect his opnion & valuable comments. WHatever he says make senes. I belive him.


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  • bondgoli007
    02-15 07:55 PM
    wow!!! Among the most divisive debate if ever I have seen one on IV.

    Without offering my opinion on the topic at hand (divide and rule), I think "some" (not all or even most) of the members posting need to take a step back and see how hurtful their posts on this topic are getting to be. Some posts seem to have subtle racial bias and the ones in response seem to read too much into them too.

    Guys, try not to post reactive or even respond to posts that are purely personal. I for one feel that this thread really doesn't do anyone any good and though Canuck's reason might have been more noble, it clearly is inducing normally clear headed individuals to get angry :-)

    We all agree in general that EB process is a mess and working together we are trying to fix it. Certainly each of us have our preference in 'how' it should be fixed. However the IV core has goals based on broadly accepted potential fixes...lets support those and keep the infighting to a minimum...

    GO IV

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  • pappu
    04-06 07:39 PM
    Sure I will give the link..

    I know its not fake..because I have 3 people on our floor who came from a visit..who saw these kind of things happening right in front of them (and my friends were GCs so I guess they themselves were left alone).

    Now coming to point of posting their experiences themselves..especially in a situation where they were not allowed to enter US, I dont think they have any incentive left to post and seek help from fellow IV..once they are out they are out..

    Nothing can bring them back unless they file a new petition and go for stamping..

    I can imagine how much pain they might be going through, touchwood if I was to be one ofthem, I dont see myself posting my experience for 3 months or so..

    its a different case where someone is inside US and they face a problem, yeah..why not they post straight away, but this is a different territory..we can only expect them to post, its not going to happen or may be rare case.

    If we come across a few cases we can explore options. Is there an appeal process? This can be in media and can help future cases. With few case examples, a legal opinion can also be sought if this is legal at POE.

    In the absence of real cases, there is no way any action can be taken and it will stay as a forum rumor.

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  • nomi
    12-12 04:02 PM
    instead of sending emails and faxes which will likely get thrown out with yesterday's trash, how about a large group of us get together and schedule a meeting directly with DOL and USCIS officials?
    In person gets more attention. maybe we can even generate some press for this if it is a large enogh group

    I like you idea and I am with you. Would you please take a lead of this task or let me know what to do next ??


    07-13 01:21 PM
    This is just a stunt. WHy did she wait allthese days to write this letter. Now when everything falls in place by others efforts, she wants people to think it is because her effort all these things are happening. I hate murthy or your murfhy.

    First of all what is in place????

    What do u know about murthy? She is a founder of a reputed immigration Law firm and she needs to do think before she speaks. Maybe she took all the time in doing the ground work which she had mentioned in her letter. Think in a positive way. Sending bunch of flowers and getting the media attention does not solve the problem. There should be some one who can speak directly to the concerned persons and that is what sheela murthy is doing. Let her make her efforts.

    Sorry this is not to offend any one, just my view.

    07-23 08:18 PM

    I am in the same boat and have lost my sleep. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and my lawyer definitely did not have time to get the employment letter from my wife's employer.

    Our attorney has also signed on our behalf in rush to file the 485 before the July 2nd deadline :mad:

    Please can someone say with authority whether it is needed or not needed?

    Man this is really killing me! I don't to thank or yell at my attorney for the mad rush and filing of 485 for July 2nd deadline.

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