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  • gopinathan
    09-10 11:43 AM
    girijas, your comment is both funny and sad... we are behind horses.. :(

    They have gone to recess and will be back at 1pm. I guess they will start with the horses again and then the next two bills concerning humans and we are next - the aliens :)

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  • smuggymba
    07-27 08:24 AM
    Really need urgent help on this. These folks are asking me to sign a 1 year contract with them. Wanted to ask if anybody has any experience with this company.

    Do they really sue if we break the contract?. Is it legal in the US to have a binding contract to begin with?. Please let me know. I need to make a decision in a few days as I am packing my bags from Texas and flying to Santa Clara to attend their courses...

    Dear Friend,
    All this is con artistry about charging for "training". They post ads saying we have urgent business requirements for 5 Analysts but you have to attend our course....once u attend the course, on the very last at 5pm, you'll be given a sheet of paper to sign a contract, which means u have to stick with them whether u get a project or not.

    Modus Operandi - If u get a project, they make money............if u don't get a proj, they are not affected since they don't pay on bench...........if u get a proj with another compnay and leave, they sue u and show u ur contract and make money.

    Win win for the desi consultant, tough life for you buddy. Make an informed decision. Everyone knows how these ppl operate and still get stuck with them.

    I don't want you posting in this same forum 5 months from now that I have been sued or been threatened to be sued and can I shift employers etc as I don't have a project.

    Best of luck.

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  • snathan
    08-21 01:50 PM
    I did not marry the man I was engaged to. I came here initially for ONE month and was approved at the airport customs terminal to stay that long. When I got here, it was for a visit with my fiance only. Unfortunately, things did not work out and we broke it off. Thank God! However, I was staying with his uncle and aunt, and they had a disabled man in the house. HE turned out to be my sponsor when they asked me to care for him while they were doing long haul trucking. I agreed to do this and we immediately contacted USCIS to get instructions on what needed to be filed first. With that information in hand, we filed everything they requested. All the stuff on the RFE I received has never been mentioned before now and if it had, it would have been filed along with the rest. There are tons of applications, how is one supposed to know what to file and when if there are no specific instructions? I have gone through all the copies we have of all the required applications and I still do not see anything where all these other forms were to be filed along with the I-485.
    Nothing was done illegally. He filed the application on my behalf, signed, sealed and delivered it himself. I did not do this on my own, I just signed whatever I was required to sign, he did the rest.
    If all of this was illegal, then why was I not informed of this nearly 6 years ago when we filed the first application? Seems a bit odd that if I was illegal and they know where I am and who I live with that they wouldn't be quick to throw me out, but they have not done so.
    My former fiance has nothing to do with this, I never intended to stay here when I first came, it was merely a visit but circumstances were such that I was needed at a moment's notice so we filed the necessary paperwork as quickly as possible and thought we were doing the right thing. No one has ever said otherwise until now and I think that is rather unfair to spring it all on me at this point and expect me to get it all done within 30 days. I know I am not the only applicant out there and I realize there is a huge backlog of other applications, I'm not that stupid to think that they will make me a priority, but one measly letter informing me that I was here illegally sometime over a 6 year period is not asking to much is it? Why would they send me all the other Notices of Action if I was here illegally and they knew it?
    Something is terribly screwed up and I guess I have no choice but to find an attorney who can deal with this mess.

    I dont think your issuse can be fixed even by attorney. You are not coming under any category to file Green Card. So prepare for yourself to go back and build your life back in canada.

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  • feedfront
    09-21 04:55 PM
    My attorney's office received RFE mail today (Sept 21, 2010). RFE notice was sent on Sept 10, 2010.

    RFE was about deficiency in medical exam report. My doctor is in not USCIS list (he was in list July 2007). Well, I called him and he was busy. I will talk to him again.

    RFE is about:
    1) Provide med exam report from USCIS authorized Civil Surgeon, and
    2) Chest x-ray because TB was +ve

    I had provided both. I guess I'll have to redo. I've to reply by Oct 13, 2010.


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  • kshitijnt
    05-10 11:27 PM
    I urge everyone to read the donor forum...we need more people to work on couple of issues and fixes. Please become a donor and take part in this...if you are serious to fix these issues.

    What is a donor. I previously donated $500 and I am not on that forum. Also asked IV through PM about it. Never got a response.

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  • ita
    01-31 12:24 PM

    Please correct me if I'm wrong but after reading this thread and from what I know ,what I understand is:

    From the time one applies 485 we should have W2 amount close to what is mentioned in LC.
    There is nothing like out of status thing from the time we apply for 485.

    But from the last entry to US on non-immigrant visa to the date of applying 485 once should be in status and if they are out of status for less than 180 days it is considered ok.

    My question is how do we show we were in status from the last entry to U.S on non-immigrant visa to the date 485 was filed ?
    Will the W2 be sufficient or do we have to show our monthly pay stubs.
    You mentioned in your 'Pandit' example about the H1 LC do we know what our H1 LCA amount is?

    I would highly appreciate response.Thank you.


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  • anandsun
    04-21 11:01 PM
    Pratik and Jay spent some quality time with the Congressman AFTER the meeting was over. They should be updating us very soon.


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  • nyte_crawler
    04-08 11:53 PM
    What was his visa status ?


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  • nixstor
    07-05 12:20 PM
    Who was the Einstein who came up with this suggestion...

    No Desi brethren will connect if you make it paid. Just tell me how many would use google if google charged you 1c for a search.

    Each one of you guys, instead send emails to big media outlets such as CNN, ABC, CBS and FOX. In the email, send I-485 story and the following link that states Rep Lofgren's statement.


    No one needs to be Einsten to come up with this.

    IV is not desi. IV = folks affected by retrogression and othe immigration issues

    Comparing Google and IV is like comparing apples and oranges. Still to answer your Q, Google has other ways to make money. IV has none.

    I have sent Rep Lofgren's link to a lot of reporters.

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  • seeker999
    08-11 03:23 PM
    August 15th being Independence day.

    In lot of cities we are having India day celebrations. Especially in Major cities. Senators are being invited. We should take this opportunity to explain and leave a flyer or something. One such example is

    Welcome to India League of America - Michigan... (

    I will be there and make sure the voice is heard. Do we have any standard document or something.

    I personally know that almost all congress men call and ask the presidents of these organizations what is it that your community this will be right opportunity to push the presidents and the politicians of these organizations...

    Just my thoughts...


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  • aroranuj
    12-11 07:01 PM
    Here is my receipt number... NRC2008063637

    Lets hope all our efforts help...

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  • h1techSlave
    03-18 09:49 PM
    I think Nixtor should explain why he even bothered to call Mr. Foggs' number. There are many many people in this forum with incorrect phone numbers. Why nixtor is not banning all of them. There is even a member with handle 'taliban'.

    I had wrong phone number and other contact details for almost 6 months, before I have updated those fields with correct information. Nobody banned me. Why single out Mr. Foggs?

    Here is what you provided on the banned id

    Phone number 631-922-xxxx. I called the number and a lady answered. I asked "Is there any one living with last name FOGGS?" The answer is NO. I asked are you sure? She goes mad. I then went on to see the city you provided in MD exists, Google maps has no clue about the city.

    There are many non-contributing & contributing members and its entirely your wish to do so or not but IV does not need any distractions. Don't bring in the free speech and 1st amendment now.

    May be its fun for you and our friends, its not funny here.


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  • abhishek101
    12-26 04:06 PM
    You have pretty much written my hit list. I could not have put it in better words.

    Just to add I work for a bank and to open an account within bank I had to go through a long paper process, whereas any outsider (Citizen/GC) can get it in 5 min online.

    But as a bank employee I do understand that while we at bank would love to open all accounts online (less cost and all) the US government has restrictions under Know your customer requirement, that prevents us from doing so. So while most of the business understand that they are losing business they are pretty much restricted by the laws of the land.

    there are two ways out of it:

    1. Support legislative action for getting GC faster, for that support IV.
    2. Make the immigrant group a huge economic success that the business has incentive to provide it better services.

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  • amitjoey
    01-18 11:48 AM
    Guys, this is the time to show the core group that we are a bunch of people thankful that there is IV to help us fight this fight.
    We need to stand united and raise awareness and sign up for the $20minimum a month recurring contribution.

    I understand that some of you do intend to contribute and have contributed generously in the past,
    But here are some mindsets, All of us fall in these 4 mindsets.

    1) you probably think "why should I sign up for a monthly recurring contribution program". I am a generous contributor and I contribute almost monthly anyways.
    2) I have contributed enough.
    3) I will contribute if I feel like, when I see something comming out of this effort.
    4) I do not have to contribute.

    If you are in category 1).I can tell you, I understand because I have been a generous contributer in the past. But guys, the reason I signed up for a monthly recurring contribution is that it helps IV know that 'X' amount of funds are guaranted every month, this way they can better plan.

    Category 2) Contributed enough - Okay why dont just sign up for a minimum amount of $20/month once more. What is enough is not enough.

    Category 3) This has been discussed, I do not want to talk about this category of members.

    Category 4) Again - No Comments-

    Lets show the core team that all of us fall in the first 2 categories.

    The last thing we want the core to do is bite their fingers over funds. We want do not want the core to get stressed out over funds. They have enough real work to do already.

    Inspite of being a serious team player, and a generous contributor it took me two days to sign up for the recurring monthly contribution program, so I give all of the ones that have not set up a monthly recurring contribution benefit of doubt. But this is our last chance, I urge you to be one of the 1000 people we need for this effort.


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  • sammyb
    07-11 01:39 PM
    USCIS will make more money by issuing 1 yr EAD to more EB2s & EB3s and come Sep/Oct, VB dates will go back to 04 again ...

    First thing came to mind, almost everyone gets 1 year EAD. Perhaps it is not easy to decide who gets 2 years EAD. This movement of dates solves the problem.
    .. Most of EB2 gets 1 yr. EAD
    .. Most of EB3 gets 2 yr. EAD

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  • ak77
    09-10 02:06 PM
    I found another link. Not sure if its the right one ?

    Yes this one is working for me...but iam also not sure its the right one or not.


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  • tooclose
    07-13 09:47 AM
    Thanks...Excerpt from the same document

    Only persons with a priority date earlier than a cut-off date are entitled to allotment of a visa number. The cut-off dates are the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd of a month, since VO groups demand for numbers under these dates. (Priority dates of the first through seventh of a month are grouped under the 1st, the eighth through the fourteenth under the 8th, etc.)

    Source please... or are you just kidding ?

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  • new_horizon
    10-19 11:46 PM
    I don't get it why our folks blindly follow the dems, and somehow think Obama is our savior when in fact it's contrary. Obama can talk so smoothly that you'll leave feeling that he's for you even if he was saying the opposite. Time to wake up and look at the facts. Go Mccain.

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  • eilsoe
    02-16 07:14 PM

    06-12 02:06 PM
    I don't think they're considering the Cantwell amendment. The only amendments being considered are as below. Go to,2933,280993,00.html (,2933,280993,00.html)for complete article

    Proposed Resolution to the Standoff

    One of the proposals to overcome the impasse is to offer a limited list of Republican-sought amendments that could be considered before a final vote on the measure.

    Bill supporters say, for now, their strategy is to get a list of proposed amendments from the authors of the border security letter � Sens. Jim DeMint of South Carolina, Tom Coburn and Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma, Mike Enzi of Wyoming, David Vitter of Louisiana, Jim Bunning of Kentucky, Charles Grassley of Iowa, John Ensign of Nevada and Jeff Sessions of Alabama.

    �The details of exactly how we get from where we are now to the finish line is not something we�re prepared to announce today but I do think this bill is about 80 or 85 percent of the way through toward the finish line and we don�t have any interest in giving up on it,� Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said after meeting with the president.

    04-05 08:39 AM
    Has any body got any news or latest development about FBI name check?

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