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  • cinqsit
    09-15 12:03 PM
    Thanks for sharing this info

    Very helpful

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  • eucalyptus.mp
    06-24 11:45 AM
    Hi ,
    I am going to tgransfer my H1 b with new employer .
    My employer is going for normal processing and I asked him for premium processing as my project is going to end by Aug 2009 . Then My employer informed me that there are lot of RFEs for premium processing . Is it true ?
    Please suggest whether I should go for premium or not ?

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  • Yass
    10-04 09:05 PM
    Hi All,

    I'm looking for solutions in my situation.
    I'm currently under a L1 visa for a company A but I would like to resign and look for another Job.

    The thing is, as far as I understood, If I resign I have to leave the US. So here are my questions:

    1) How long can I stay in the US after I resigned from my company under a L1 visa? Can I stay in the US even if my I-94 is valid?

    2) How is the USCIS notified that I resigned from my company? Should I send a notification or is that done by my company?

    3) Can I apply to a H1B COS by myself to then look for a job? Or will I need a company B to sponsor me?

    4) If I can't apply to a H1B COS by myself, do I have any other visa options?

    Thanks a lot for your advice!


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  • newxyz100
    07-19 03:47 PM
    Can someone reply to this issue?


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  • seebi
    03-25 10:12 AM
    Can the gurus please provide their thoughts on this. Thank you

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  • chanduv23
    03-21 08:58 PM
    Dear New Yorkers, lets keep promoting this group as well as bumping this thread so that more members will join

    Join IV-NY (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/immigrationvoiceny) mailing list. Please promote this group and add more members


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  • Macaca
    10-29 07:57 AM
    Maryland's Senator Fix-It (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/10/28/AR2007102801153.html) By Fred Hiatt (fredhiatt@washpost.com) | Washington Post, October 29, 2007

    Against the prevailing dismay over partisanship and dysfunction in the U.S. Senate, consider the testimony of one happy senator.

    Ben Cardin, freshman Democrat of Maryland, says he has been surprised since his election almost a year ago at how possible it is to make progress in the Senate. It is easier to form bipartisan alliances than it was in the House, he says. Senators who strike deals stick to them and will not be pulled away by pressure from party leaders. And, even despite the 60-vote barrier, real legislative accomplishments are within reach.

    Cardin is part of an impressive Senate class of nine Democratic rookies (including Bernie Sanders, an independent who caucuses with the Democrats), others of whom have gotten more attention than he has during their first year. Virginia's Jim Webb, to name one, has proved more compelling to the national party and media, with his military past, literary achievements and quotable economic populism.

    Consider, by contrast, the first sentence of the " About Ben" biography on Cardin's official Web site: "Benjamin L. Cardin has been a national leader on health care, retirement security and fiscal issues since coming to Congress in 1987." No wonder the Democrats chose Webb to respond to President Bush's State of the Union address in January.

    No one would accuse Cardin of putting charisma over substance. A legislator's legislator, he served in the Maryland House of Delegates for 20 years, as speaker from 1979 to 1986, and then represented a part of Baltimore and surrounding suburbs in the House of Representatives for 20 more. Now he's delightedly burrowing into the Senate.

    During a visit to The Post last week, he ticked off a series of what he called medium-level issues on which he believes something can be achieved: providing incentives for good teachers to work in the neediest schools, getting the Army Corps of Engineers involved in Chesapeake Bay cleanup, establishing a commission to chart a path to energy independence within 10 years and reauthorizing (for the first time in decades) the federal program that provides lawyers for those who can't afford them.

    Cardin acknowledged that prospects for progress on the biggest issues are dimmer, but even there he's not discouraged. "Social Security is easy to solve," he says, and achieving energy independence within 10 years is quite doable; both just require more leadership from the White House, which he hopes a new (Democratic) president will provide. He's signed on to the Lieberman-Warner bill on climate change and thinks it could get 60 votes, too, with a little prodding from on high.

    The failure of comprehensive immigration reform, he grants, was "an embarrassment." Senators were not prepared for the force and single-mindedness of the opposition to what was perceived as amnesty for illegal immigrants.

    "It is an explosive issue," Cardin said. "It crippled our office's ability to get anything else done." The letters he received were well written, not part of an organized campaign, from all corners of the state -- and unequivocal. "They said, 'This is not America. America is the rule of law. How can you let people sneak into the country? If you vote for this, I'll never vote for you again' " -- an argument that tends to seize a politician's attention.

    Cardin did not and still does not believe that the bill provided amnesty. It insisted that illegal immigrants atone in a number of ways, including anteing up back taxes, learning English and paying a fine. "If you go much further, people aren't going to come forward" and out of the shadows, he says. "I don't think it makes a lot of sense to be sending troops after them."

    But even here, he has faith that the Senate eventually can pass immigration reform. It was a mistake to craft the bill in closed meetings, he said; next time, open debate would create less anxiety. Reform advocates have to communicate better what requirements they're imposing in exchange for legalization. But ultimately, "you can't hide from what needs to be done. You have to deal with the 12 million, with border security and with the fairness issue" for immigrants and would-be immigrants who have played by the rules.

    Cardin is not naive about the political obstacles to progress. But unusually for Washington, he seems less focused on blaming the other side for gridlock than on avoiding gridlock in the first place.

    "Quite frankly, the solution on immigration is easy, even if it won't be easy to accomplish," he says cheerfully. "You just have to get a bipartisan coalition and get it done."

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  • chanduv23
    09-17 12:35 PM
    Dear Tri Staters,
    We are having room for 2 people ( we are going by 2 cars) can be 1 male and 1 female, we also have accomodation in comfort inn.
    If more people want ot come - also we can squeeze in as long as you are willing to share beds in the hotel
    New York - New Jersey - we can pick you up from anywheere - later today
    Please PM me ASAP or send email to chandrakanthv AT hotmail DOT com


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  • gkdgopi
    07-06 01:22 PM
    I applied for I140 on January and receipt date is Jan 12 2007, I upgraded to PP during last days of June, and the receipt date for it was July 2nd and today i was checking the status, the status is showing a receipt date of July 5th, i called customer service center they say that receipt date is July 5th and this is not a premium case. I understand that they have temporarily suspended PP for 140, but even though my request for upgrade to PP was rejected, the receipt date should be still Jan 12 2007 or will they change it to latest date when request for PP upgrade was denied, anyone facing this issue?


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  • shimul99
    10-26 09:53 PM
    Online status says my applications were recd on Oct 2/ 2007.

    My reciept notices show the right date in August.

    Is there any need to worry or notify any one about this?

    Please Advice.

    Thank you.

    Don't worry about the online status. Many people are receiving mismatched time between the receipt and online...


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  • solaris27
    12-20 08:37 AM
    no it will not if you are not working for that employer and not using that H1B visa .

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  • skn
    11-09 05:31 PM
    My 140 was filed under EB3 this month. When can I file for 485? Should I wait untill 140 is approved?


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  • techbuyer77
    06-17 08:04 PM
    oh I see.... well lets wait for the best

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  • Blog Feeds
    03-08 07:40 AM
    The NY Times' Nina Bernstein recently reported on the case of Qing Hong Wu, who immigrated to the US as a child and who was facing deportation as a result of with the law as a teenager. The case has garnered attention because Mr. Wu has gone on to turn his life around and rise to the ranks of head of Internet technology for a national company. Wu's family is here and he's been in the US for almost his entire 29 years. While ICE has the authority to exercise discretion and not pursue the deportation of individuals where the...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2010/03/ny-governor-pardons-immigrant-facing-deportation.html)


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  • madhurib
    01-26 10:54 PM
    please reply!!!!

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  • solaris27
    07-02 07:39 AM

    I and my wife want to start business ( daycare/pre school) and want to know below details.We both have Green card.

    1) Do I need to open LLC or INC for this ?
    2) I have home loan so will I get business loan for new property.
    3) We already Identify property in our area.



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  • kisana
    01-30 09:03 PM
    Currently I am working for employer A on H1B. I have applied for I-485 and have EAD. I have one permanent opprtunity from a consulting firms B. Compnay B is asking me to join on EAD. But threir current client is in Canada. So compnay B want me to travel to Canada, every week, retun back to US in week end. Can I do this while working on EAD. I am just worried wether it will cause any problem. They told that that is the reason they do not want to do H1B.

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  • atlgc
    09-15 02:01 PM
    how real or possible in getting visitor visa for my brother .

    he is under 30 and working in a non -it field and he is married but spouse doesn't work but studied M.tech in CS(just completed)they want to visit us for a month.myself and spouse both are h1-b and 485 applied. and he will be going to chennai consulate in india.

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  • Blog Feeds
    01-12 07:40 AM
    The annual Consumer Electronics Show kicks off this week in Las Vegas. This is the gadget wonderland I've attended for the last several years. Due to my father's illness, I decided to skip this year's show. But I'm avidly watching online for announcements of the year's best new innovations. The show is put on by the Consumer Electronics Association and they've recently launched "The Innovation Movement" which seeks to encourage public policies that foster innovation and promote prosperity. The movement embraces a lot of issues and I'm pleased to see liberalizing immigration policies in the technology sector among the issues...

    More... (http://blogs.ilw.com/gregsiskind/2010/01/consumer-electronic-association-warns-against-restricting-the-movement-of-global-talent.html)

    08-05 10:21 AM
    Ask them to re-apply PERM as soon as possible.Its faster to re-apply then get the auditted PERM outcome...

    Blog Feeds
    09-25 10:10 AM

    USCIS has informally advised AILA that it will prioritize the adjudication of H-1B change of status cases for F-1 cap-gap students who are otherwise prohibited from continuing employment after September 30. AILA Liaison has been coordinating with USCIS to help achieve this outcome. USCIS has the means to independently verify these cases.

    More... (http://ashwinsharma.com/2010/09/24/uscis-will-provide-priority-adjudication-of-h1b-capgap-cases.aspx?ref=rss)

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