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  • srikondoji
    08-03 07:35 AM
    It is not possible to revert back to the system where we were allowed to concurrently file I-140/I-485.

    The only practical thing that can fought for and achieved is increase in number of visa numbers per year and faster processing.

    Even, if visa numbers are current, they will not accept concurrent filing.

    just my 2 paise.

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  • NKR
    09-18 09:49 AM
    It is not end of the world. But end of the economy as we know it. People smarter than me and you have said this is turning into an armageddon.

    Economy is falling, people are losing jobs, fuel prices are rising, depressing is coming, housing market is going down. Look at the brighter side, if you invest in constructing industry building apartments you can make money now.

    Jokes apart, what were the people smarter than me and you doing to prevent all this from happening?. Weren;t they smart enough then?.

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  • amsgc
    02-04 02:12 AM
    See response below.


    I am not a naysayer, I think the IV core team has done a great job of giving a voice to us.

    But, there are a few questions that I am not convinced myself:

    1. why remove per country quota just for EB, why not family based immigration as well?

    => Unlike family based immigration, Employment based immigration is based on the expressed need of US businesses for skilled labor. The position filled by EB based immigrants are first advertised in the local market, and if a US Citizen or LPR is not found with the requisite skills, only then is that job offered to a foreigner with the requisite skills. This means that the foreigner is needed by the US business to perform services on a permanent basis. In essence, the US gets a well trained and experienced foreign worker who is able to contribute to the economy on the day he gets his Green Card. It is very important to note that this job offer is made solely on the skills, education and experience of the foreigner, and the need expressed by a business. Also note that these individuals constitute only 14% of total immigration.

    On the other hand, there is absolutely no information on how an individual who comes in through family based immigration will be able to find a job, and start contributing to the economy. I am not saying that these individuals are incompetent, only that there is no data on how they will fit in. If you look around you, you will find that most people who enter the US through family based immigration lack language skills, are much older, and find it difficult to start over and assimilate in a new country. Many end up doing odd jobs which can be really frustrating for them. Since there is really no business need for these individuals in this country, and because they are whopping 86% of all immigration, a cap on family based immigration does make sense.

    You also need to understand the other important difference – most EB folks have already assimilated into this culture – they have been here for several years, worked a couple of jobs and in many cases attended US graduate schools.

    2. what will happen after removing per country limits, what kind of numbers are we looking at? how many new PRs? What is the impact on the country,economic, social, cultural, I do care about the USA.

    => The result of removing per country limits will be that every individual will be given an equal opportunity to immigrate to the US based on their skills, education, and the specific need expressed by a US business. It will be a system where everybody gets in one line - first in, first out. Some will say that the current system is fair because every "country" gets a fair chance. But that is just and attempt to mislead. The "country" does not file a petition to immigrate; it is a skilled individual who files a petition to immigrate based on his skills, education and his requirement in the US.

    Regarding numbers - I will give you a simple example. My GC process was started 3 years ago. My co-worker, who is from a non-retrogressed country, started his application last year. We both applied in the same category, and work in similar positions. We also have similar skills - US MS in CS. Because of the country caps, my application is still pending, whereas he already got his GC. If the country caps were removed, my wait time would have reduced by a year, his wait time would have increased by a year - we both would get the GC after waiting approximately the same amount of time. It would have been a first in, first out system. But it is not so, and it needs to be fixed.

    Like you, we all care about the USA. I assure you that it will have only a positive social and cultural impact on the US. Why? Because removal of country caps would lead to a system that is based solely on merit and hard work. Isn't that what this country is about?

    Regarding diversity – the individuals from retrogressed countries are already here, assimilating into the American fabric. Whether you give them the GC now or ten years from now, they will still be here - it will not change the ethnic character of this country.

    3. By asking legislators to remove these per country quota limits, isn't this a paradigm shift in thinking?

    => This is not a paradigm shift. If you open your eyes and ears you will find hundreds of organizations set up across the US to educate and influence lawmakers about policies that should be put in place to better serve this country.

    When I, a guy impacted by this EB backlog am not convinced, how the heck are we going to make a case to some congressman/woman?

    => Once you begin to feel the pain, you will understand. Perhaps you are new to the system, and are hoping that it will get better. It will not be long before you will suddenly find that a good number of years have gone by just waiting.

    We should definitely move away from this snobbish view that EB folks are better than others, or that the USA needs the EB folks more than EB folks need the USA.

    => I am not sure where you get that EB folks are snobbish. It is not our issue - so whatever FB folks decide, it is up to them. Also, nobody said USA needs more EB folks, US businesses need the EB folks for whom a petition to immigrate has been filed and approved. Get the difference?

    That said, I do believe that we have a humanitarian case for folks like us who are already in the queue. Educating congress about the path taken by the average EB immigrant would help.
    => You just contradicted yourself. A few sentences ago you seemed to imply that you really did not understand what could be gained by removing the country caps.

    At the end of the day human life is human life even it is it Indian.
    => Really don't know what you are trying to say here. Anyway, if you feel the need to respond to this message, please do so after updating your profile.

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  • pappu
    01-18 11:16 AM
    We need at least 1000 members signing up for the monthly contributions in a month. I am sure we can do that. We have 8000 members and it should be easy. Till now we have only 100 signups


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  • malaGCPahije
    03-17 04:21 PM
    What I am saying is spill over from ROW goes to EB2 first. It does not split to EB2 and EB3 evenly. So more people from EB2 gets visa granted and thus people who joined EB2 bandwagon from EB3 and had earlier PD, they get Visa quickly. Now generally this spillover does not go to EB3 from EB2 having high demand from EB2 and thus EB3 get stuck with conventional numbers with 7% country limit and thus EB3 numbers move slowly. But if that spillover happens for both EB3 and 2 equally than EB3 can also move little bit quickly which is not the case. Thus shortening the queue by switching over to EB2 does not give full advantage to remained lot of EB3.

    The recent movement in EB2 have been contributed to the spillover from EB2 ROW. That raises a question over the spill over rules. The EB2 ROW spill over should have helped EB3 ROW. But EB3 ROW is not yet C, however EB2-I moved up. If the spillover happens at the same level, then EB3-I may have hope in the future when EB3-ROW becomes C. Is such an assumption right or wrong?

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  • rbalaji5
    09-19 10:17 AM
    Silicon Valley - The best place for these kind of effort..:)


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  • sanju
    11-11 11:14 PM
    We can all pitch in and send either congrats greeting card/flower along with IV letter highlighting our pathetic situation.
    Hope he addresses something.

    You are kidding, right? And you expect that sending flowers and greeting card to Obama will be returned by a favor by passing a bill every EB applicant a green card immediately. I guess you have not noticed closely what is coming our way. Wait and watch, and save the money that you are considering spending on flowers and card.


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  • sri1309
    09-10 06:27 PM
    Actually even the Brits. have a rule in their immigration process stating that if you have spent a total of 10 yrs in that country, that alone is a basis for a PR card there. Citizenship is another 1 yr after that(there is currently some debate about making it 2 mainly over spousal PR cards). This rule is based on the premise that if you have been part of the society for that length of time then you have contributed sufficiently to warrant peership. So by this score, many of those who posted that they have been here since earlier than 1999 would have been eligible even absent the employers assistance.
    Given that we have been tax paying, law abiding and patiently waiting through a bureaucratic system that has to date not approved 500K visas that they could have, we have a legitimate grouse to any fair minded person. We have contributed tremendously through our purchasing power and in many other ways to this economy.

    As it stands however the system is mainly screwing EB India. Ideally they should start up a Country caps for H1b visas also. Only then will the foolishness of per country quotas for EMPLOYMENT BASED immigration be fully apparent. I see potentially another example of this "managed overflow" system at work here.
    It seems likely on the Oct. VB that EB3 ROW would have been afforded a much more generous PD than EB2I. Based on the USCIS's assertion that henceforth spillover will be horizontal before vertical, the presumption can then be that EB3ROW would basically be limited to 28% of 140K, on that basis and recent retrogression for EB3ROW, those numbers should be used up rapidly. I'll bet that this will not happen. A whole lot of "managing" is going on.

    I see good response to Citizenship slogan in this short time frame. THATS what we deserve guys after this much screwup.

    Also understand there are so many many fully frustrated and screwed up by these delays unable to take it anymore and left the country. They are not typing here, but they took the shots. They too dont deserve this. Remember how thrilled we felt when we first got the Visa(whoever you are). If we all voice together for this, I am very sure it can work.
    Lets push for a new rule 3+ years GC, 8+ years Citizenship. We shouldnt be paying for other's disservice. But lets hold on this till 5882 passes or fails.. In any case, we must be pushing for this.


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  • akkakarla
    08-17 01:10 AM
    Because you guys are not as clever as EB2s.

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  • feedfront
    09-23 12:14 PM
    Hi All,

    Employer A - original sponsoring employer. Got laidoff and joined B (large corporate). Before dates got current got offer from C and C applied for H1 transfer. Now received RFE on I-485 to provide EVL from current employer along with paystubs and W2.

    My problem here is that I consulted Murthy and they are saying that I need to make a choice between my current employer B and my potential new employer C whom I have not started working yet but they have filed for H-1 transfer. If I respond to the RFE using my current employer information then it is more straightforward but then I will need to stay with them if I get my GC right away after responding to the RFE. But if I use my new employer's letter then I don't have paystubs to show until I join them which won't be until the H-1 transfer goes through and I go through one payroll cycle. But that will be too late to respond to the RFE.

    If I don't join C then I need to pay for the H1 transfer that they filed and attorneys fees. At the same time I am also not happy with my current employers HR and attorney.

    I would go for employer B, as my misery would be short. You are current and it's just few weeks (unless something goes wrong) + 6 months of misery working with current employer (max 9 months :cool: ) . You can work part time with C to cover up your H1B fees.


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  • ksadara1
    06-11 01:56 PM
    Hi Guyz,

    I just joined the group today and looks like the group is quite active in making the issues reach the concerned people. Let me know if I can do anything from my side to keep the ball rolling.


    Residence: Newport/Pavonia.
    EB2 and just filed for my I-140.

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  • Abhinaym
    09-10 11:10 AM
    I guess, getting 30 green dots is tougher than getting GC itself:D
    Restricting chat access based on dots earned is probably the most idiotic thing IV has done. Folks who have contributed hundreds of dollars should be allowed access irrespective of posts or stupid dots.

    Is that 30 dots or 30 points?

    It should be possible to have 30 points without 20 dots. I'm not clear on that, please let me know if I'm wrong.


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  • vshar
    03-12 01:56 PM
    You are accusing IV for cheating before saying IV is a great platform. Can't you make up your mind. You sound more like that Congressman Massa from NY. I am no Glenn beck so now don't start to tickle me.

    I never accused IV for cheating but yes I do accuse IV for misconduct on April vis bulltein issue. misconduct does not mean cheating it means that they did not do what they are supposed to do at the time when all its members were anxious.

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  • new2gc
    06-11 08:43 AM
    They have given up looking for job because we (tax payers) are feeding them with unemployment benefits.......that are almost equal to normal wage of a hard working person..... whose fault is that?? Immigrants?? oh yeah..


    Dear Colleague:

    Since the recession started in December of 2007, nearly 8 million Americans have lost their jobs and the unemployment rate has nearly doubled. In total, 15 million Americans are officially unemployed, another 8.8 million Americans are working part-time only because they cannot find a full-time job, and more than one million workers have given up ooking for work altogether <<<<<<


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  • pappu
    12-26 03:41 PM
    6. If your visa is expired as mine is (btw a feb date has never opened up anywhere in India to date...i'm sick and tired and frustrated....getting an appt is a major hassle) the you better choose your airline carefully, the French embassy demands personal appearance (350 miles) for the 10 min it takes to issue a visa- which then lets me walk from one gate to another at De Gaulle.....
    So if you travel to India and change planes in Paris you need a transit visa!!
    What other countries do that and what countries allow without the visa? this information will be helpful.

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  • prioritydate
    12-20 08:59 PM
    That's just another proof. A person who accumulated more than 180 days of unlawful presense is inadmissible into the US (at least for 3 years).

    Wow! I would have gotten a shock of my life!!


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  • chmur
    09-11 03:04 PM
    EB3-ROW Pending per Aug 2009 I-485 Inventory ~ 63K
    The EB3-ROW Demand for October 2010 ~ 45K.
    So actually backlog reduction for EB3 ROW has just been 18 K (much less than the 30K they should get). I don't see where you are seeing the overflow.
    The total Pending in Aug 2009 was
    EB2 ALL- 75K. EB3 all -151K . So total ~ 225K
    The demand data today is EB2 = 34K(this is only I/C, no ROW demand)
    Demand for EB3 = 136K.
    So even though reduction in backlog is significant (225K- 170K =55K). It is not going to all categories evenly.

    And unless USCIS comes up with a smarter way to determine demand data other than counting pending I-485, once this demand goes to zero they will have to advance EB2 I/C dates. Now they can be smart and advance it by 6 months to not open up floodgates and test the post 2007 demand, or just follow the rule blindly that supply > demand and the category is current. Either way, the law prevents any spillover from a category unless it is current and EB2 I/C is not getting current in 2-3 years.

    I also want to believe like you that the hidden demand post 2007 for EB2I/C + EB3 ROW is as low as possible. And we won't know about the exact number till USCIS does a better job of reporting approved I-140 by country.

    Check with latest Inventory data - 05/2010

    Also - where can i get the demand data you are referring to ??

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  • ramus
    07-02 07:42 PM
    Thanks..Please ask others to contribute too.

    Contributed : 100 couple of hours back
    Order Details - Jul 2, 2007 11:49 GMT-07:00
    Google Order #516773533199673

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  • cps060
    01-31 04:27 PM
    If I-140 has been approved, would it still be fine to apply for transfer from H1-B to F1 status by using form I-539 & university issued I-20 ? How long does it take to transfer status from H1B to F1 ? When can one start school �. Only after I-539 approval or after only applying ?

    For pursuing an MBA, does it matter if one is on F1 or H4 (spouse is on separate H1)
    How long does it take to transfer status from H1B to H4 ?

    09-20 11:03 AM
    To summarize this briefly.

    The rescue plan = Transfer the "crap" from the balance sheet of the banks to the balance sheet of the US gov't and taxpayers. The government is buying rotting potatos for cold hard cash.

    Benefits are nearer term, Consequences are longer term.

    Consequensces will be:

    1) Bigger deficits, budget especially

    2) Less Gov't investments in infrastructure, healthcare, education etc. As the money is needed to feed the interest repayments and other obligations.

    3) Higher interest rates for everything from mortgages, credit cards auto loans student loans...... you name it.

    4) Higher taxes, federal and state and city.

    5) Lower US dollar and higher inflation.

    Unfortunately for us the recklessness of the management of the economy of this decade will be felt as a drag on progress, our earnings, taxes, benefits, even stock returns for a good part of our working lifetimes. This was a sad and unnecessary development brought about by pure greed and an ineffective government.

    06-10 04:05 PM
    Done !

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