cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19

images Bet on Real Madrid with cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Cristiano Ronaldo dos
  • Cristiano Ronaldo dos

  • mrdelhiite
    06-23 04:18 PM
    those are not the cases of India....

    As far as i know it should not matter when it comes to labor ..i mean which country u are from ... correct me if i am wrong ...i just wanted to say there is a movement ... i am sure not everyone is on trackiit ... i see this as a +ve thing

    wallpaper Cristiano Ronaldo dos cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Cristiano Ronaldo
  • Cristiano Ronaldo

  • Lucky7
    06-03 06:17 PM
    All this May 15th/21 date is open to interepretation there is no set concrete laws yet.I just filed I-140 and I-1485 on the 1 st June and my attorney told me just go and wait now and live your life.We can worry about stupid laws that MIGHT go into affect a yr or never and destroy your precious time.
    In the meantime go to NUMBERSUSA website and send as many faxs against this CIR bill and get it shutdown.

    Yes i know NUMBERSUSA is anti-immigrant but in this situation it beneficial to all us legals if this bill goes down in flames.

    cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Cristiano Ronaldo graces the
  • Cristiano Ronaldo graces the

  • panky72
    06-25 04:08 PM
    Loosing my investments
    Since I am sure that my GC will take 5 to 10 years more. Meanwhile too many things will change that might make me go back home. So I decided to invest in home(India). I sold lot of stocks. Stopped contributing to 401K above employers match (I used to contribute full 15K). Deferred buying house until my 140 approved.

    I am at a life stage where I have enough experience and tendency to take risks (married but no kids etc...). If I have flexibility of not working, I want to invest my time in a small startup. Working/investing a start-up means I might go out of status anytime. So I decided not to try any of those. Its a loss for me as well as for economy. If I accumulate enough money I might go home and try to do something like startup or small business. It would be good for US and me if they let me do it here.

    In essence I am loosing the oppurtunity and by restricting my career US is loosing an oppurtunity to create more jobs.

    Why is loosing such a loosely used word?. Guys, it is losing not loosing. Lose and loose have different meanings.

    One more guy who is "loosing" things:D

    2011 Cristiano Ronaldo cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Cristiano Ronaldo headed the
  • Cristiano Ronaldo headed the

  • lonedesi
    08-07 09:21 AM
    Please leave a comment on this thread, after you have mailed the letter & Form. It will motivate others to do the same. If you really want some justice, stand up and get counted by participating in this campaign. Else, Julu-Aug 07 filers, will keep waiting and will have to go through frustrating and agonizing wait for an uncertain period.


    cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. VincenzoRigogliuso_28-05-2011-
  • VincenzoRigogliuso_28-05-2011-

  • santb1975
    05-22 07:58 AM
    Good suggestion

    Come forward and contribute for your own cause.

    cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Cristiano%20Ronaldo {iStyle}
  • Cristiano%20Ronaldo {iStyle}

  • kumar1
    07-20 02:50 PM
    no. of h1b issued in last 4 years 65kX4= 260k
    even if you double that (which i m sure is not the case), still it come to 500k.
    so ure over estimating it.

    What about L1-A and L1-B? They are a lot too. 192,000-60,000 = L1 number each year.


    cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Cristiano Ronaldo is the
  • Cristiano Ronaldo is the

  • 485Mbe4001
    07-20 06:35 PM
    dont forget the fact that EAD and AP are issued for 12 months, you have to renew each year. It is recommended that you apply for EAD/AP renewal at least 180-90 days in advance to prevent periods where your current EAD has expired while you wait for the renewed one...welcome to the new nightmare, someone did say something about the grass been green on the other that we are on the other side we wait for 485 to be current while we renew EAD/AP each year, fingerprint every 15 months and aviod the namecheck black hole...maybe this is what they(uscis) wanted after all...a steady income stream...good luck :)

    July filers SCREAMED for the right to simultaneously file after the government realized they had to reneg on their bulletin precisely because they could NOT cope with these numbers. AILA screamed that it had to do it or they would sue.

    Well it's done. Happy now?


    Perhaps with a little luck, they will again introduce interim EADs from local SA offices. Keep your fingers crossed.

    2010 Cristiano Ronaldo graces the cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Bet on Real Madrid with
  • Bet on Real Madrid with

  • EndlessWait
    07-23 03:41 PM
    Lets hope they process by PD. and stop further nonsense.


    cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Real Madrid returned to the
  • Real Madrid returned to the

  • diptam
    12-10 01:39 PM
    I've sent 7001 to Ombudsman , Contacted Congressional offices and ultimately filed a Service request in Nov 1st week. After all this NSC opened my case yesterday Dec 9th and the status changed to "RFE sent" - there you go ! They bought at least 2 months extra time.

    What a bunch of jokers at NSC - my case was extremely straight forward :(

    Thanks for the updates.
    My husband's I-140 is pending at TSC for an year now and employer is not agreeing to sign on form 7001. Can we send an e-mail to Omburdsman and expect some action to be taken?? does it help?

    hair Cristiano Ronaldo headed the cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. A day after Real Madrid were
  • A day after Real Madrid were

  • chanduv23
    05-20 01:21 PM
    Thanks a lot for all the members who have shared their knowledge and insight into this issue.
    Also, my special thanks to chanduv23 with whom I have been in touch through out the process with congressional office.

    ind_game is now fully charged up to do something about these issues and has expressed his support to help fixing this issue.


    cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Madrid came from behind to win
  • Madrid came from behind to win

  • h1b_forever
    08-13 01:47 PM
    1)I disagree with the bill, why should legal employment immigration pay for policing the border. Why only H1 and L1s? Why not other temporary and permanent immigration visas
    Should not they be paying to protect the border first before everything else

    2) Having said that, I cannot disagree with making it difficult for companies which have more than 50 employees with more than 50% on h1/L1. It just does not add up that they cannot employ 50% locals/residents. I would go further and make it really difficult for someone to do this unless they can really prove the need (like in case of EB1)

    I know my opinion will not be popular, but think about it. I can agree they cannot fill all their jobs with locals, but not even 50%, come on some one will have to show me why they can not do that. The only reason I can think of
    1)Their pay will not attract people
    2)They wont pay overtime and make them work like dogs
    3)They come here for a short duration to help outsource the jobs

    hot VincenzoRigogliuso_28-05-2011- cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. .com/gi/CjpVxDhWiXl.jpg
  • .com/gi/CjpVxDhWiXl.jpg

  • gemini23
    08-02 03:44 PM
    awesome kondo. This gives me good and warm feeling. that they are working hard.


    house Real Madrid cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Cristiano Ronaldo ayaa gool
  • Cristiano Ronaldo ayaa gool

  • GC_for_andy
    06-29 03:47 PM
    I was kind of oblivious and busy in my work since I applied labor �and was thinking everything will fall in place gradually..
    I registered to this site today and just read this forum.. ..and �..simply freaking out �
    My attorney applied my Labor in Nov 2006 (according to him) in Atlanta and I still don�t have any response �no audit �.nothing �.it is just in process�can u believe it?
    � can I do something from my end �
    I hope 140 and 485 is still not in retrogression state �. Do u guys know how long it will continue to be in this state�

    tattoo Cristiano%20Ronaldo {iStyle} cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Ronaldo stars as Madrid rout
  • Ronaldo stars as Madrid rout

  • rama2007
    08-07 12:33 PM
    one of my friends 485 check is signed and mentioned correct amount($395) but he is not written anything where he has suppossed to write department of home land security.

    what are the chaces of his 485 get accepted.?


    pictures Cristiano Ronaldo is the cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Tottenham and Real Madrid both
  • Tottenham and Real Madrid both

  • HV000
    07-23 12:42 PM
    DEMOCRATIC SENATORS like Hilary, Biden, Obama, Kerry, Kennedy,
    Dodd, Durbin blah blahed a lot for ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION but DID NOT HELP SKILLED IMMIGRANTS!!!


    dresses .com/gi/CjpVxDhWiXl.jpg cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. $Cristiano Ronaldo #ForcaCR7
  • $Cristiano Ronaldo #ForcaCR7

  • geevikram
    06-10 08:50 AM
    IF you've not called already, the visa bulletin is probably a very good reason for you to call :



    makeup Real Madrid returned to the cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. Real Madrid
  • Real Madrid

  • Suva
    04-10 03:01 PM
    Hi pappu, I am contributing $5/month from 2007. This is $60 for every year. Am I eligible for donar forum? I am sending the checks from 2007 till now by bill pay from my bank.

    girlfriend Ronaldo stars as Madrid rout cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. and Cristiano Ronaldo is
  • and Cristiano Ronaldo is

  • sri1309
    08-17 08:18 AM
    We need support from Core members in pushing EB3. We dont see much activitiy on this front..

    hairstyles Madrid came from behind to win cristiano ronaldo real madrid 2011_19. When you speak about Real
  • When you speak about Real

  • DCQC
    08-21 04:03 PM

    Can we use the I-485 receipt notice for extension of DL for my wife. She was on H4 which expires Oct 20. She plans to use the EAD card to work and we will not extend her H4 unless EAD does not come before Oct 20. She got a letter from DMV yesterday asking for additional proof for extended stay. Also will EAD suffice as evidence?

    We live in California.

    Student with no hopes
    09-10 08:36 AM
    Came here in 2005, graduated in 2009, on OPT - have not filed for GC yet - can't imagine when I will get gc

    11-02 12:28 PM

    I have learned that the immigration provisions that would have created 61,000 additional green cards for nurses as well as added a $3500 fee to H-1B visas have not survived the conference committee and will not be a part of the bill sent to the President (which he is set to veto). There is much speculation as to why this happened. Many people were deeply troubled by the H-1B and its impact on non-profit and smaller employers. In order to allow Senator Grassley to save face, the push was made to strip all immigration provisions out, even though the H-1B fee opponents likely supported the nurses. We also understand the California Nurses Association, the most vocal anti-immigration nursing group in the country, worked behind the scenes to try and kill the nursing provision. Nice that they care so much about their patients and would rather push death rates up rather than immediately dealing with the nursing crisis.

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