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  • nixstor
    10-15 02:17 PM
    Please explain, What is the space limitation issue on IV as login? In that case, I should have some :confused:

    Nothing you should worry about. Its just that my upload along with postwas failing. Hence I uploaded it on megaupload. Click the word Megaupload or Google docs in my post above and download the template.

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  • perm2gc
    12-27 12:23 AM
    Here is the link i posted

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  • willwin
    03-17 03:12 PM
    Right. But here USCIS plays its villain role. What happens is USCIS moves clock ahead depending upon last month's "demand." We always think stramline logic.. USCIS does not work that way. It will kick PD to x date for an example Dec 2002. Now at the same time it will keep RD at say for example july 2001..Now it will keep some files eating dust in Name check so end effect is "Some" will get their gC. So next month, seeing this "demand" USCIS will kick PD further.. same game.. I believe at some level it decides seeing it reaching to "3500" limit put a break. So in reality what happen is even though USCIS kicks PD ahead not "all applicants with valid PD" get their GC. If they are unlucky enough to stuck in name check or RD is not being current, they will again wait for years for next kicking cycle start from April 2001.

    But when that happens, I guess, guys in CP wil get their interview scheduled (as long as their PD is current; no RD date concept there) as the queue in CP is not as long. Correct?

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  • Jaime
    09-10 04:23 PM
    Let's not waste this opportunity!!! Let's go guys!!!! Getting to DC requires a sacrifice, but you will be SO glad you went once you see how great we can make it!!!! We can only make it great is you come though!!!


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  • Macaca
    09-26 12:19 PM
    Please send a thank you email to the reporter....

    Eilene Zimmerman
    freelance journalist
    v and f: 619.582.2192

    This will be a great gesture on IV's part.
    Ask her to write separately about us and mention IV! It appears the mistake was not intensional.

    Stay in touch with her. We will need her later!

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  • bindas74
    02-21 12:29 PM
    if u can keep thd same PD whenu change from eB3 to should do it immediately!


    Can someone please tell if we can port to EB2 from EB3 even after using AC21 and statred working on EAD??



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  • abcdefgh
    01-16 12:00 PM
    pls update your profile so that we can confirm.

    I just updated the profile. Could you please confirm?

    Sorry about making a commitment for only @ 20.00.

    Thanks again for all the effort done by IV Core.

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  • diptam
    08-15 04:25 PM
    Some of the recent GC and EAD achievers takes up a job at USCIS... How does this sound - Huh ??

    I think we will GC sooner than anticipated. I think those who filed in July/Aug will get in three/four years. Just a rough estimate. Any one agrees with me?


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  • dvb123
    02-03 10:03 AM
    I cannot post the company name here because it maybe a copyright issue. A consulting company advertises ROW guys/gals to join their company .It tells a story about a ROW guy who worked in a fortune 500 company for 5 years but they did not file a green card for him. He joined SAGA and got his green card immediately and the whole process from PERM - GC card took less than 9 months.

    I think his perm got cleared in less than 3 months and he must have filed i-140/i-485 concurrently. Thus he must have got a GC in 9 months.

    Congratulations to XYZ for receiving his Green Card from XYZ as well. XYZ had applied for his labor on 1/30/2007 and received his final Green Card approval on 9/13/2007- that is less than 9 months. His case was filed under the EB2 category. He is a citizen on South America who was working for IBM for 5 years and was no where with his Green Card with the them. He then made a transition to XYZ and we filed his case immediately and today his final stage, I-485, has been approved as well.

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  • nixstor
    03-18 06:53 PM
    Now for the rest of this year the EB2 queues for China and India are merged. Visa allocations will be solely based on Priority date. So for example if India has many priority dates that are before China's, India may end up getting more visa allocations. The same holds true if China has earlier priority dates than India does. That's how I inderstood it and I thought I would try to explain it to some who did not. Otherwise sorry for stating the obvious.

    Read the Sec 202 a 5 I posted in 1st page and corresponding links. It clearly says that the left over visa numbers under each category in every Q can be assigned with out country limits. Is there any one who is reading it other wise (or) Is there any text in the bill I am possibly missing?


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  • agaudi
    11-13 12:10 PM
    The are playing with all of us, At this point after almost 10 years of following the law in order to get a GC I guess that is better to be undocumented. They at least can swith jobs or do other things, not paying lawyers USICS fees taxes etc etc. We are prisoners in this broken immigration system. the other day I called USCIS to see why my and my family's apps haven't been processed yet. They said they will review my case. 5 days later I got three identical e mails telling me they are ACTIVELY working on our cases! Can you believe that? I'm tired of all of this and I want to do whatever it takes to finish with this, I think I can produce more for me, my family and this country, but I'm loosing my youth in this battle. Tell me what to do and I'll do it.

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  • mpadapa
    07-01 04:31 PM
    Online petition is a great idea. But what will it accomplish?? Ultimately all those questions have to addressed in the form of a bill and that needs to be passed in the Congress. Is it a coincidence, we already have a bill HR5921 addressing those questions raised by OP All we need to do is channel our energy to make this bill along with the other Rep. Lofgren bills a success.

    IV is already raising all those questions mentioned in the petition with the lawmakers. So what is new in this petition?


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  • rbms
    11-01 01:27 AM

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  • GCNirvana007
    10-10 09:55 PM
    It is unreasonable to carry a passport at all times when you are living here. What happens if you leave it behind in the grocery store by mistake or leave it in the cab or something? I think the issue reported by the OP is more relevant close to the border. Nobody asks for your passport in Vegas or Denver.

    Which part you didnt understand?

    Once you enter USA, doesnt matter Vegas or Denver, you need to carry documents with you. Thats LAW. They dont stop everybody but if they do, we are answerable to them.

    Its similar to speeding. For a 55 miles speed limit, usually cops dont stop if you drive 70. However they are legally entitled to fine you if you drive 56. Its LAW.

    Now if you leave it by mistake, thats not their problem, you got to deal with it.


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  • sonaliak
    09-19 10:05 AM
    Legal Immigrants Voice is a good suggestions, place card was very heavy in future try to make place less heavy :)
    It is first time around 1000 people gathered for their rights, it was awesome view, and you are demanding your rights in front of number one democratic institution in the world. For movement I can feel what participants might have felt when Martin Luther King gave "I�ve dream" speech on the same ground long time back.

    It is not only mathematics of the number or support, It felt good for me, my wife and others, with the help of Immigration Voice, I was a part of movement which is democratic, legal, peaceful and required.

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  • abd
    09-21 01:59 PM
    May be approval is few hours away for you.

    I hope approval and not denial or other RFE. My RFE is posted on 1st page of this thread and it took lot of documents. so hopefully we will hear good news...


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  • carpediem
    06-08 11:32 PM
    I was thinking about the inconsistencies pointed out in Mr Oppenheim's interview by some people. My personal opinion is that he may be like some managers in the industry. Managers may not understand the deep down nitty-gritties of their projects. But usually they do understand the broad/big picture of the things their teams are working on.

    Mr Oppenheim may have some facts wrong but I am sure he doesn't have the big picture wrong. My 2c. Finally it's just an opinion.

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    10-15 04:58 PM
    Please wait and watch for couple of months. You can keep writing to congressmen, ombudsman, push for visa recapture in lame ducks, ask for more transparency into the process but please don't send any flowers now and try to embarrass any govt organization directly. We don't know what effect its going to have.Instead go through the Ombudsman to voice your concerns.Finally, please get the consent of core IV before you attempt this.

    We really, really want EB2/3-I folks, especially those who have been waiting for 5 years or more, to get out of this gc process as painlessly as possible.

    Hi, just matter of curiosity. You have total 4 posts out of them 3 are in this thread and Joined recently. I must appreciate your knowledge about forum including core etc. Must be pretty smart guy (or gal I don't know).

    Nice to see such a smart person.

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  • crazyghoda
    01-30 03:52 PM
    Whew! Thanks for the clarification (and the knowledge... I can help someone else out now)

    So now I just need to wait and see what exactly is asked in the RFE. Cant they send the damned thing by Fedex and bill me for it. Waiting for regular mail is painful. Here goes another weekend (sigh)

    No you are not. Like I said out of status UNTIL date of I-485 application is most important.

    02-21 01:59 PM
    EB1 quota 40K a year..

    08-15 04:01 PM

    That was expected.

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