rihanna katy perry kesha

rihanna katy perry kesha. katy perry bust, kesha
  • katy perry bust, kesha

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 15, 10:13 PM
    i don't think we can do 'pass it on' thing on this forum. but we do need more involvement.

    i know a lot of people on this forum have some very nice computer power. and i'm sure they do use them 24/7 either. we could be a great team. i'm doing all i can already

    Thats great, I'm doing all I can to at the moment. Might not be able to cope with all that PPD as it is a laptop doing it all :D My goal is to get to 100k in points then to get into the top 100 :)

    Remember all those who join, team number is 3446.

    rihanna katy perry kesha. Rihanna denies Katy Perry feud
  • Rihanna denies Katy Perry feud

  • paul4339
    Feb 24, 10:03 AM
    i thought you can just turn app purchases off in Parental controls (or does exclude in-app purchases?)


    rihanna katy perry kesha. Katy Perry, who?
  • Katy Perry, who?

  • saving107
    May 2, 01:05 PM
    Cool. Now where are the spy shots of the new iMacs?

    Shh, don't tell anyone I showed you this
    http://files.macbidouille.com/mbv2/news/photonews19/pastedGraphic8.jpg http://files.macbidouille.com/mbv2/news/photonews19/pastedGraphic9.jpg
    2004 reference

    rihanna katy perry kesha. Panic not, Rihanna and Katy
  • Panic not, Rihanna and Katy

  • Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 21, 05:09 PM
    Maybe we should have a secret handshake or wink... could be interesting...


    rihanna katy perry kesha. Rihanna, Katy Perry, Kesha,
  • Rihanna, Katy Perry, Kesha,

  • takao
    Mar 16, 09:44 AM
    Excuse me, I was talking about consumer pickup trucks, not large16+ Ton HD shipping trucks.

    well you said "large" trucks ;)

    the problem with pick up market is that the US manufacturers still have problems of selling theirs worldwide in emerging markets opposed to toyota etc.

    and in europe and japan there simply is not much of demand for them apart of the novelty factor

    edit: one of the problems of the US car industry sometimes is the thinking of a "this years model" which from time to time surfaces again and again, Perhaps not so much with the companies but with consumers.

    rihanna katy perry kesha. Katy Perry - Fireworks HDTV
  • Katy Perry - Fireworks HDTV

  • biohazard6969
    Sep 17, 06:12 PM
    I have a lot of girl friends because I am a ''nice guy'', but I have very few dating relationship currently (at 0 sadly), and am looking to increase those. Any advice to how to approach and what is a valid offer of something to do for a first date that isn't overly forward?.

    dude i'm in the EXACT same position as you...don't you hate it when they call ya sweet? it doesn't help when all ur girl friends are hot as hell either. but yea, so no advice ccomin from me, but good luck neways


    rihanna katy perry kesha. kesha rihanna katy perry
  • kesha rihanna katy perry

  • dscuber9000
    Apr 9, 10:20 PM
    Are you suggesting it is harder to abort than to raise a child?

    Both are terrible for two very different reasons.

    rihanna katy perry kesha. the work of Katy Perry,
  • the work of Katy Perry,

  • KingYaba
    Mar 15, 06:13 PM
    Most of the foods I buy are domestically grown. I always look for the oranges from Southern Texas because those taste the best.


    rihanna katy perry kesha. California Gurls, Katy Perry
  • California Gurls, Katy Perry

  • Dreadnought
    Jun 20, 03:46 PM
    Redeye, you have to enjoy the warm weather a bit. Stop developing that widget and get out into the sun! What am I saying.... Get back to work and work on it all day tomorrow, it's gonna rain anyhow! :D

    rihanna katy perry kesha. Rihanna Calls Katy Perry#39;s
  • Rihanna Calls Katy Perry#39;s

  • mattwolfmatt
    Mar 24, 12:29 PM
    I do wish people in this forum stop referring to 'the military' as though they were some sort of alien life-forms. 'The military' are people, and even if you happen to be in the oh-so-unique moral high ground of opposing war and violence from your comfortable desk, soldiers deserve the best kit we can afford to give them. Ditto for the returning veterans. And their families.

    Well said. Thank you. I agree 100%.


    rihanna katy perry kesha. Rihanna, Katy Perry et KeSha
  • Rihanna, Katy Perry et KeSha

  • roach
    Mar 23, 10:34 AM
    That's why you can buy that case as an accessory, it holds the iPad upright.

    While I don't think the iPad is a device for schools and serious stuff, it's awesome for when you want to watch a movie in an airplane or bus. In an airplane, you can't use your laptop since there isn't enough space to open it because of the seat in front of you, so the only way you could watch a movie on a plane is either by taking an iPhone/iPod Touch, or using a portable DVD player (yuck!). But if you want a bigger screen, you can get the iPad and it will fit in the 10cm space between your head and the seat in front of you perfectly.

    Watching a movie on a laptop would drain the battery within 1 or 2 hours anyway, while on the iPad you can easily watch 3 movies and still have some battery left (if the 10 hour battery life is true).

    Using case to prop up an iPad has a very limited angle viewing. Just hope the angle available will allow you to view movies from airplane seat to lying on a bed.

    Hate to say it but netbook is a better option. You can't use screen size or cramp keyboards (which is better than iPad's screen thumb input) argument because there are tons out there ranging from 10 inch and up. And they are getting more powerfull (ions).

    rihanna katy perry kesha. Ke$ha is featured on the
  • Ke$ha is featured on the

  • bc2610
    Sep 28, 01:33 PM
    I have not even downloaded any update yet but I have to say that safari is snappier in anticipation.


    rihanna katy perry kesha. rihanna robbie williams eminem
  • rihanna robbie williams eminem

  • Riemann Zeta
    Apr 28, 09:17 AM
    $29, Not a chance. Probably at least $79.
    I don't see anything in Lion that would warrant that kind of pricing: some minor UI changes and lots of under-the-hood optimizations...sounds a whole lot like Snow Leopard.

    rihanna katy perry kesha. Firework ::: Katy Perry
  • Firework ::: Katy Perry

  • Roessnakhan
    Apr 19, 12:47 PM

    I had such a great mental image:eek:

    Its like someone shaking an expensive Etch-A-Sketch


    rihanna katy perry kesha. Rihanna, Ke$ha, Katy Perry And
  • Rihanna, Ke$ha, Katy Perry And

  • rovex
    Apr 5, 11:58 AM
    True, physical plastic home button is very easy to get micro scratches which are pretty visible. Again, capacitive home button flush with the glass will not have micro scratches like on plastic.

    The issue which arises now though is the responsiveness of capacitive buttons. As in maybe they lose responssiveness after a while.

    rihanna katy perry kesha. Gaga, Katy Perry, Rihanna
  • Gaga, Katy Perry, Rihanna

  • Rt&Dzine
    Apr 27, 07:10 PM
    I thought this was funny.

    Imagine President Trump feuding with global enemies. �I�ve met Kim Jong Il. Guy�s a midget. Who cares what a midget thinks! I take dumps bigger than that guy.�



    rihanna katy perry kesha. Katy Perry , Rihanna, Ke$ha,
  • Katy Perry , Rihanna, Ke$ha,

  • JaSuS
    Aug 19, 02:44 PM
    I don't understand all the bad push back for this new feature.

    I'm walking down inner city and notice Jane is at the local coffee shop, I'll say hi. I'm at the concert with a buddy, and notice Brad is there too. I just entered this really neat cupcake place, I want to let my FRIENDS know.

    If you're freaked out a creeper may know your location, why are you friends with them?

    All the positive to this new, cool feature - and everyone says is - this will track your every move and people will kidnap you and break into your house, blah blah blah.

    I agree my friend......you might just catch Jane in a vulnerable position of getting laid !!!!

    rihanna katy perry kesha. NOTE: Ke$ha takes the #1 spot,
  • NOTE: Ke$ha takes the #1 spot,

  • Twe Foju
    Apr 23, 02:19 AM
    I think to dictate what people should or shouldn't do with their machines is silly. Search the forums and the internet. The Air has proven to be plenty capable as a gaming machine for it's size and has many satisfied users talking about it.

    A computer is certainly a tool, but it can also be a gaming machine, a home theater pc, an entertainment hub, etc.; whatever a user may find use for it for.

    Obviously, certain machines are better and worse at certain functions than others, but don't forget that this generation of MBA, there are people that actually did go out and buy the Air because one of the reasons is that it did happen to be a decent performer in games, while remaining ultra portable. In this case, I think the Air strikes an excellent balance between function and form.

    I use my Air for live music sets and this is exactly a scenario where such a BL KB would be grand. I read similar opinions from other musicians on this forum in another thread. Creative artists like live musicians can definitely find appropriate use for a backlit kb, but even average everyday users who don't share the same skill level as you would also benefit from it. If anything, adding convenience is always a welcome.

    If you don't want or need the backlit kb, then you could always turn it off. It's there for people who might need it. Win-win situation.

    You sir, just made my morning :D

    And i Think this thread should be rename into:

    Sandy Bridge and Thunderbolt + HD3000 vs 320M


    rihanna katy perry kesha. Bieber, Perry, Ke$ha for AMAs
  • Bieber, Perry, Ke$ha for AMAs

  • Glen Quagmire
    Sep 25, 10:46 AM
    Another event, yet another disappointment.

    Yes, where's the MacBook Pro with integrated toaster?

    Quite why people keep expecting announcements of upgraded laptops at a photography conference is beyond me.

    Apr 3, 12:49 PM
    I couldn't agree more. There has to be a way to implement this. Though, getting the approval from APA, and MLA might be a problem. They want to sell their manuals, and this could, conceivably, cut into their sales.
    EndNote and the like don't seem to have a problem. Just imagine an open XML database of references that could be transformed into different citation and bibliography styles using XSLT with a super friendly front-end that can hide the complexity of XML and XSLT for most people, but still leaves all the flexibility there for those that want it, all integrated into Word.

    But back to Pages... I think this is an example of a really useful word processing feature that would absolutely ruin Pages. As soon as it tries to compete with Word, the product will be doomed. Apple needs to stay true to the conception of simple page layout app with some decent word-processing features. I still think the perfect comparison is to Microsoft Publisher on Windows. I could use something like that on the Mac.

    Apr 12, 01:06 PM
    Pages and Number are TRASH compared to Word and Excel(especially excel)

    Keynote is actually pretty good!

    I personally use open office for spreadsheet work but do have all three systems on my ibeast.

    Apr 18, 03:23 PM
    ive got a ps3 and a mac pro coming monday or tuesday so will contribute these to project ps3 +24/7 (i did a weeks folding for toms hardware a month os so ago and i got 1250 ppd just on the ps3) mac pro probly only about 5-6 hours a day but more like 15 hours in the school holidays and weekends :rolleyes:! could you suggest a client for the mac :confused:?? and i think i will start a new folding acount but just to make sure you can put more than one client/machine on one acount/username also how many ppd can the 2009 quad core enty leval mac pro achive on 24/7 ????

    Jun 11, 01:17 PM
    My guess is that T-Mobile wasn't able to acquire enough 2100 spectrum to go both ways. That's just a guess though, and I don't know why it's not using 1700 in both directions.

    Apr 19, 09:55 AM
    Looks like multifl0w from cydia.... actually I think it is... Springboard was in the settings in the video

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