ohio mississippi river valley

ohio mississippi river valley. Ohio and Illinois River
  • Ohio and Illinois River

  • Tilpots
    Jan 4, 10:15 AM
    Ok, but when a road changes and you don't have the newest map then what are you doing? Manually downloading is what.

    I'd rather it be an automatic process.

    Both methods have drawbacks: "Not always available" vs. "Not always current."
    Given that I've never had a problem with availability, I'm actually interested in an app that promises to stay current without my having to download maps manually ahead of time.

    Every situation is different, granted, but a re-route due to road change is so much less likely to occur than a traffic congestion re-route or other spur of the moment situation. If you're not in a 3G area, forget it. I'll take my chances with an "outdated" map than I will with not being able to quickly access any map at all every time.

    ohio mississippi river valley. Ohio River valley regions
  • Ohio River valley regions

  • D'Illusion
    Jan 16, 09:36 AM
    In the UK where customers of the like of O2 (me) have more chance of getting a w##k off the Pope than a decent data signal without resorting to standing up a ladder and waving their phone in the air, this is a definate no win app.

    Depends. If you're a little choir boy then you might arouse the Pope's interest.

    ohio mississippi river valley. into the Ohio River Valley
  • into the Ohio River Valley

  • Beezy
    Feb 18, 10:56 AM
    He doesn't look that much thinner than Obama. Maybe he is going to die too OMGZ. Guy could get run over by an Android user tomorrow. Oh well everyone goes eventually.

    ohio mississippi river valley. Explore the Mississippi River
  • Explore the Mississippi River

  • Vegasman
    Apr 12, 02:44 PM
    I find that it corrupts the database when it reaches 2GB in storage, no matter how many messages are involved.

    Try reaching that limit again. You will surprise yourself.


    ohio mississippi river valley. ohio mississippi river valley.
  • ohio mississippi river valley.

  • fourthtunz
    Nov 4, 04:31 PM
    Wow this is big! I'm not sure but hasn't it been like forever since Mac had 5% marketshare? Over 5% must put them in the top 5 pc makers? Maybe top 3? This is already huge growth, if they get to 10% or more look out!
    The jerks who make viruses for windows will take the time to make them for Mac which would suck:mad:
    Great time for us Mac owners:D

    ohio mississippi river valley. ohio mississippi river valley.
  • ohio mississippi river valley.

  • randyharris
    Oct 27, 02:26 AM
    I sure hope that Apple does a bang up job of updating Mail.App for Leopard. I like the GUI to Mail but have to admit that it causes me a lot of grief that I've never experienced before with other mail clients...

    My fingers are crossed.


    ohio mississippi river valley. Arkansas River Valley -USA
  • Arkansas River Valley -USA

  • hakuryuu
    Apr 23, 01:11 PM
    1. Real men ride Harleys.

    If being a real man equals only being able to ride slowly in a straight line and have a "pay attention to me" exhaust, then yes. (This also applies to sportbike riders in long beach, ca)

    Otherwise, real men ride Triumphs. :cool:

    ohio mississippi river valley. 1903 Mississippi River flood
  • 1903 Mississippi River flood

  • robbieduncan
    Sep 25, 10:42 AM
    Can't believe aperture doesn't support more RAW types yet.

    Until it supports more/all of the raw types, it will never be a real 'pro' application imho

    Which cameras in particular. It already supports all the serious Pro cameras if you ignore the very recently announced Canon and Nikon amature DSLRs.


    ohio mississippi river valley. in the Ohio River Valley
  • in the Ohio River Valley

  • PeterQVenkman
    Mar 29, 11:34 AM
    Once again,it's not a turtleneck and I've yet to see Jobs wear a turtleneck. Can anyone find a pic of him in a turtleneck?

    He wears mock turtlenecks all the time:



    ohio mississippi river valley. Mississippi River Valley
  • Mississippi River Valley

  • Tha_Sylent1
    Aug 14, 09:53 AM
    I'm digging those commercials...;)


    ohio mississippi river valley. Mississippi River Valley
  • Mississippi River Valley

  • slackersonly
    Oct 27, 09:03 AM
    Awesome, I love it! I want to sign up for .Mac so bad, but I can't justify it being worth $99 per year. I would gladly pay $49 per year, especially since I would use iWeb, Photocasting, and all the other good stuff.

    Took me 3 weeks but I got it for $41 on fleabay.

    ohio mississippi river valley. ippi and Ohio river valleys.
  • ippi and Ohio river valleys.

  • BladeJB343
    Apr 20, 06:32 PM
    Multifl0w is one of my favorite, if not my no.1 jailbreak app.

    Here's hoping that the next iOS has Expose built in.


    ohio mississippi river valley. Ohio Mississippi River Valley.
  • Ohio Mississippi River Valley.

  • mlblacy
    Mar 18, 07:05 AM
    The one in bold is what I see the most. I've done photography for years and see new people get into the game and worry about the wrong things. Photoshop being one of them. Photoshop shouldn't even come to someones mind.

    Learn the camera, learn composition, learn lighting, learn photographic techniques to get what you want such as second curtain sync, hyperfocal distancing, etc. Once you can get it done right in camera then you can take it to the next level in photoshop (skin smoothing, removing hair wisps, correcting lens distortion, etc.).

    Too many people want to be a pro right out of the gate, they buy photoshop, get a NAPP membership, a fancy computer (that is 99% of the time overkill), raid storage when they've only shot 500 pictures, etc but never bother to learn the fundamentals.

    I'm all for learning on Digital, I think it helps someone learn better, but focus on learning the most important and fundamental things first, then learn about the post processing. A picture can still look fantastic without running it through photoshop.

    These days much of the craftsmanship that used to take place in the darkroom coaxing a master print from a negative now takes place digitally. A technically well exposed frame can still produce a crappy print at the end of a less skilled artist. Conversely, technical perfection (second curtain sync, hyperfocal distancing gobbledygook) has very little to do with art, or even creativity. Great "art" these days is even being shot on a cellphone.

    Both camps (the technical-crats & the ones who are blissfully unaware of the minutiae) can produce "great" work.

    Many beginners suffer from the same bad pshop skills (hey, look... I can make grass grow on his head, no make that two heads) and mistakes that beginning designers can (hey look, I can make EACH letter a different color, and a different font).

    All that being said, if I was teaching beginning photographers I would remove almost everything to start (camera, lens, etc.) and go primitive and start with building pinhole cameras. Then I would progress to the end point which would be post-processing. Post-processing is huge though...

    ohio mississippi river valley. ohio mississippi river valley.
  • ohio mississippi river valley.

  • ProstheticHead
    May 10, 04:56 PM
    So i got the Beta Copy of Star Craft but I don't seem to have any playable maps... :S What gives?

    Did you actually get the beta from Blizzard? Or did you just download some random beta from a pirate site?

    If you're not a part of the authorized Beta, you're not going to be able to play maps (as far as I know) on a Mac. The beta is based on online multiplayer only.


    ohio mississippi river valley. Mississippi River Valley
  • Mississippi River Valley

  • alm99
    Mar 24, 03:34 PM
    Thinking about it, but its $50 more than I can get my wife to spend over the $349 refurb 16gig from Apple.com

    Called all the stores around me and they do not have the 16gb.

    ohio mississippi river valley. Upper Mississippi River Valley
  • Upper Mississippi River Valley

  • tech4all
    Nov 11, 02:55 PM
    But for not doing much Japanese (actually none), I kinda followed along quite well. :D Kinda cool seeing the ads in another language.


    ohio mississippi river valley. ohio mississippi river valley.
  • ohio mississippi river valley.

  • Andronicus
    Aug 19, 12:19 PM
    You need the app to use places....

    Well now I just feel stupid. . . .

    ohio mississippi river valley. Mississippi River Valley.
  • Mississippi River Valley.

  • codymac
    Apr 4, 10:38 AM
    You're right that this state does have one of the highest deficits and tax rates for high incomes. However, if you look at the figures, despite the tax rate, Californians still earn more per capita on average than Texans. If you're looking to save money, it doesn't necessarily make sense to move.

    Without going into the chicken/egg of it, Californians have to earn more since their housing costs are roughly 2/3 higher than Texas (per bankrate.com's cost of living comparison calculator as of this morning).

    We earn less, but pretty much everything also costs less here.

    ohio mississippi river valley. Ohio River Valley Ecosystem
  • Ohio River Valley Ecosystem

  • xPismo
    Oct 27, 01:14 AM
    Yeah! I knew paying for .mac would pay off in the end!! I like it. Cool stuff.

    Apr 30, 11:47 AM
    3GB download. It's times like this I wish I lived in Hong Kong.

    That's not too big. Just set it to download while you sleep. :)

    Feb 23, 02:10 PM
    In-app purchase can be disabled using parental control. This is stupid. I expect my tax to be used by my government to tackle bigger problems, oh maybe like jobs and the economy, not to appease some idiot "parents."

    Yes correct, this is the parents fault. Its called parenting or should the government send you a check to do that every month too!

    May 2, 11:06 PM
    The Liberals deserved it, they need a new leader and this is a big wake up call. The NDP deserved what they received as well. But thankfully we won't waste more of taxpayers money on elections until 2015!

    Oct 10, 01:24 PM
    I just hope they update the Black Macbook to a reasonable price like the white one...

    and 12" has to be an option soon.

    Oh, and fixing all the bugs I read about, so when I get mine...I don't have to deal with them.

    REV B!

    Apr 25, 11:31 AM
    What has Obama really done besides go on vacation for the last few years? How the hell has he raised any bar? Tell me what all he promised to do and then tell me exactly how many of those things he has accomplished so far.

    Looks like he's done quite a bit.

    Even though I doubt you actually want to see anything here (http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/promises/obameter/rulings/promise-kept/) is a list of some things he promised to do and actually did. As far as politicians go Obama has been pretty good at keeping promises, I don't agree with him on everything but some of his problems with doing things come from the republicans stopping him and him having too much of a desire to compromise.


    Replace the **** with a certain 4 letter word that begins with f and rhymes with duck.

    Rich bastard who deserves to be shot 300 times in the heart.. Yes, I hate rich people... I am glad many died in WWII and other wars.. at least they can't take their money which is worthless anyway to heaven.

    Whoa. Put the coffee down.

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