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  • jongriff
    Oct 6, 11:04 AM
    Computers and phones isn't the same thing. I could see them doing it with the iPad since its a computer but I honestly can't see them doing it with the iPhone. Might they change the size of the screen for the next iPhone? Yes. Will they sell two models with different screen sizes? No.

    I think that apple's past success in expanding their ranges, specifically with iPods, has been their ability to market different models slightly differently. Look at the ipod mini, essentially the same as the original iPod, only smaller, but marketed as a cool new apple product in different colours that is more affordable. I don't see any reason why this strategy cannot be applied to phones. They wouldn't really have to do very much at all for this to work apart from make a good quality product. New apple product = hype = sales. I think that this is more true now than it ever has been.

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  • netdog
    Oct 27, 05:43 AM
    If you buy .Mac, you pay mainly for the integration with Apple's iLife applications.

    Actually, I pay for the IMAP service and automatic syncing of my contacts, datebook, bookmarks, etc. across both my Macs with an automatic online backup and a web-accessible copy. I am glad to get these services all from one integrated this case from Apple.

    I have a Google account too, but Google does not offer Mac users what .Mac offers. I've got nothing against people choosing not to pay for or use .Mac, but I am really tired of people miscasting .Mac as being much more limited than it actually is to get others to see things their way.

    If you want the services that .Mac offers, you can get it for anywhere from $45 to $79 per year, or about $3.75 to $6.50 per month. For me, that's a bargain. For others, it may admittedly not be worth it.

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  • dethmaShine
    Apr 21, 01:31 PM
    But then they would have to call it the iPhone 6.

    To be honest, Apple will not put out an iPhoneXS ever now. The name makes it clear that its a spec bump and not anything else.

    Not that is bad, this is how most of the phones have been; its just that it creates a bad impression. IMO, the new one will be called the iPhone 5 and so on...

    Think so. :|

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  • Vandam500
    Jan 7, 08:59 AM
    Has anyone else found that after installing this their iPhone battery can not get enough charge to turn on? I'm popping into  Regent Street this afternoon, but it would be useful to know if anyone else has had the same problem.

    Tried a hard reset, and it's not Jailbroken or Pwned or anything.

    UPDATE: iPhone is working again. Multiple hard resets, removing sim, unplugging seemed to do the trick.

    Glad you fixed the issue but I don't understand how is it possible for a app that is not running in the background to give any issue when it's closed. You know that surely it was something with your phone and had nothing to do with the Facebook app


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  • JDDavis
    Mar 10, 08:47 PM
    Apologies for not coming back earlier, and thank you for your suggestions and comments. I agree a pocket watch would look good. Less contrast but nicer photo. However, it's a moot point as I'm fresh out of pocket watches at the moment! :) I've been waiting for some sun and me being here to reshoot it. Had to do it from the other side as it was 2 pm before the opportunity arose and maybe the background isn't as good, also tried a lower viewpoint this time.

    I liked the first one much better. The angle and the background just don't work for me on this one. I think you were headed in the right direction on the first one though.

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  • BC2009
    Apr 16, 02:42 PM
    I can't say I am a fan of Adobe Flash as I am a big supporter of an open web, but I must say that if cross-compiled apps are inferior then the customers in the app store will certainly vote with their dollars to favor the natively written apps.

    However, I can see Apple putting this new restriction in their license agreement so as to protect themselves in case the Adobe folks find some way to sneak things onto the iPhone via their cross-compiling tools. Apple is protecting their turf, but by error on the side of caution they set themselves up for bad PR even if they intend to be more lax in acting on those restrictions.

    Here is another example of that occurring.... certainly Apple is choosing to reserve the right to bend the rules where they see fit. But without the strict wording in the developer agreement they really wouldn't have a leg to stand on. They are doing the same with pornography by revoking/rejecting all those junk porn apps that polluted the app store while still allowing the "main stream" stuff from established publishers.

    On one hand, its Apple's store and if they don't want to pollute their shelves with garbage then I applaud them. However, somebody is going to cry foul since there is not another legitimate store for iPhone apps, and I wonder if this will eventually blow-up as some sort of new anti-trust thing.


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  • Mainsail
    Mar 24, 08:42 PM
    Wow! great deal. All out of the 16gb at my local store. Congrats to those that got one. For those lucky buyers, $300 over a two year useful life is about 40 cents per day, or one quarter of the cost of the cheapest cup of starbucks coffee. Not bad for a device that you will probably use about an hour a day.....or maybe more.

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  • Rocketman
    Oct 9, 03:45 PM
    Online delivery is lower price than the physical artifact because it COSTS LESS. Interestingly the net $ to the publisher is HIGHER with online despite the fact target and Wal-Mart sell at loss leader prices.

    These facts means future CD/DVD artifact sales will be slight premium propositions and will of course remain valid for a long time.

    BUT online sales should not only take a big market share, but ADD customers from people which are convenience oriented or physically away from a big box retailer.

    Besides it is inevitable.



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  • niuniu
    Mar 26, 03:47 PM
    Publicity stunt?

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  • Fuzzy14
    Dec 21, 06:02 PM
    I didn't know about the discounting, makes it all the more sweeter! I don't follow Pop Factor, couldn't even name any previous winners. Somebody in work was talking about Alex somebody, it made them laugh when I asked 'who's he' (apparently he's a she?) I had to look up the Steve Brookstein reference! God I'm getting old!

    I would be interested to see the breakdown of how much the artist received after the writer, Cowell, Sony, publisher, distributor etc etc etc have taken their cut.


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  • saving107
    Oct 6, 10:39 AM
    No way in hell. They've already asked their developers to change app resolutions once. 3 screen sizes will never fly with developers.

    99.999% likelihood of this being total nonsense.

    its possible to have a 10" iPad and a 7" inch iPad, as long as they both have the same resolution, screen size doesn't really matter to developers, they wouldn't have to change anything on their apps. Same goes for the iPhone/iPod touch, Apple could have multiple screen sizes, but still keep the same resolution for all of their devices.

    that being said, I don't believe Apple will make multiple sizes.

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  • josun
    Mar 31, 01:14 AM
    1. Connect your iPad
    2. Open Xcode
    3. Click "Use for development" on the Xcode
    4. Ignore the credential request
    5. Look for the option under the iPad's menu


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  • Psilocybin
    Apr 20, 10:44 AM
    I'll second that, no intel 3000 will be entering my house
    And I doubt that there will be a backlit keyboard again. As I said in the last thread apple took it out for a reason not for fun

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  • Eidorian
    Apr 5, 04:53 PM
    Now we are playing with power.


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  • alongston
    Dec 27, 11:58 PM
    I often check into places just so I can see if any of my friends are there also (sporting events, concerts, etc). If you want to "check out" all you do is go to your profile and delete your check in.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 3, 07:19 PM
    I have no idea what you're talking about. I was responding to Ugg. :confused:

    My senility, of course.

    Just relax, and it will flow over you. ;)


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  • Macky-Mac
    Mar 17, 05:37 PM
    if you set up a business streaming somebody else's copyrighted material, you should certainly face stiff penalties but it shouldn't be a criminal charge

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  • dcv
    Oct 17, 05:14 PM
    pub is good, match bar for cocktails :p

    Have you met dcv or me before? :confused: :D

    Whoa, spooky, that's exactly where I was going to suggest! :eek: :D

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  • whooleytoo
    Mar 23, 02:17 PM
    It probably makes a lot of sense for Pioneer to pay the $4, as it gives them a USP. "One of the few (only?) receivers to which an iPhone/iPad can stream".

    If it becomes more widely licensed, it's no longer a USP. It's probably not worth $4 any more, and competing standards will become more common.

    Apr 24, 05:14 PM
    Sometimes the project has difficulties in sending the WUs, it will come in time :)

    Oct 17, 03:55 PM
    See Apple filing for iPhone trademarks worldwide (

    Apple has filed for trademarks in: the US, the UK, the EU, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and others.

    May 5, 10:33 AM
    The microsoft usability tax costs even more, in wasted time and low productivity.

    Apr 21, 04:21 PM
    Hopefully Samsung doesn't sue for the name:rolleyes:

    That would be funny if they did. Speaking of Suing for naming rights. You know what would be funny if Volkswagen AG Sued Apple for using the name A4,A5, being those are names of some Audi models. Since everyone is suing everyone else might as well give VW the idea to get in on the fun

    Sep 15, 09:19 AM
    Originally posted by atomwork

    Hi scem0,

    how do you do this to keep up with the programs if you switch every couple years from one system to the other. And isn't it confusing in your workflow or are u just a consumer user. If so then the power ain't matter my friend.


    I am definitelynot a 'power user', but I am a hardcore gamer. And when I see a friend with a year old PC playin Warcraft with less jumpiness then my 6 month old powermac, it makes me want to switch. Power does matter to me, and you cant get much power for the amount of money I have when it comes to computers from apple.

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