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  • ArchaicRevival
    Apr 19, 10:56 AM
    This is so exciting! I'm not sure if I'm more excited about Detox or the White iPhone! :D

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  • ciTiger
    Apr 12, 06:29 PM
    Let's see if this improves performance...

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  • Marx55
    Oct 17, 04:40 AM
    Apple, please, make it right:

    - Smartphone.
    - Built-in Mac OS X mobile.
    - Wireless

    That will make it the ultimate presentation tool with a huge halo effect on corporate, education and domestic markets:

    1. Make presentation on Mac or PC with Keynote or Powerpoint.

    2. Save the presentation to the iPhone.

    3. Use the iPhone as a wireless computerless presentation remote.

    Wow! More here with great pictures:



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  • superericla
    Apr 25, 03:47 PM
    I don't want a boring DVD. I want Lion to come on one of those cool MacBook Air-style memory sticks, only compatible with ThunderBolt.

    Depending on what kind of memory it is that could make for really short installation times. :P


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  • koobcamuk
    Mar 27, 02:21 PM
    Two questions:

    1) Is that an iPad on the table?
    2) Who paid for the coffee? :D


    3) Does Steve Jobs actually wear anything else?

    I imagine him being buried in that outfit.

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  • kavika411
    Nov 15, 06:41 PM
    I need to get a better understanding of Places. Still not sure what it's about.


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  • rami.g
    Apr 19, 04:42 PM
    Did anyone noticed while the Safari browser, the "CANCEL" button moved to the title of the page, and the address bar was stretched across the screen??

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  • darbus69
    Mar 13, 09:51 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    never once had a time prob with my IP4, or any other model for that matter.


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  • theblueone
    May 3, 07:39 PM
    I just joined anonymously, but I used the MacRumors team number.

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  • AP_piano295
    May 6, 09:52 PM
    Lack of education and poverty don't cause terrorism, at least in the case of Islamic terrorists:


    No, jihad is one of the central tenets of islam; Allah's religion must be made supreme on the planet. Hence why Osama and others are referred to by muslims as mujahideen, holy warriors, as opposed to terrorists.

    The qur'an (numerous times) tells muslims to strike terror into the hearts of unbelievers, muhammad said he was made victorious through terror.

    So, islamic terrorism will still go on until the entire earth is made islamic. These are facts, alas.

    That article contradicts itself in the title...

    may not reduce terrorism but could make it less effective :rolleyes:


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  • cgratti
    Aug 19, 10:10 PM
    This new location feature is screaming "Im not at home, please break into my house!"

    I'll set mine to "on a 2 week vacation" and sit on my couch with my gun... haha

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  • thequicksilver
    Apr 2, 04:06 PM
    Apple are, in my mind, guilty of misrepresenting this. During the MWSF keynote, Jobs called this 'Word processing with an amazing sense of style', indicating that it's a word processor � la Word. It's not. It's a basic DTP application, in the realm of Microsoft Publisher, as Schiller's demo went on to show.

    If they'd just have said this from day one, it would have been much better received. To use the term word processor seriously misrepresents it: Pages is very good at what it does, but that ain't word processing. If all you want is to write letters, essays, that kind of thing, you still want Word.

    I bought it hoping for a basic word processor hoping to replace Word - which is unbearably slow - with a few fancy features on top. It quickly became clear though that on a 1024x768 screen Pages is pretty much unusable with all the palettes. Finding basic tasks is difficult with just the little buttons on the Inspector to find stuff, and I find myself wasting time when trying to do tiny things like accessing the word count.

    If I'd paid money for just Pages, I'd have been more than a little disgruntled. Just as well Keynote is everything I'd hoped for.


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  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 28, 04:34 PM
    I traded back SSF IV and got Lego Star Wars. Whilst most reviews have said that the 3D effect was minimal, I think it's actually more impressive in Lego StarWars than in SSFIV.

    Also it's not got as many jaggies Sikkinixx :p

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  • MacRumors
    Aug 19, 09:44 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com/iphone/2010/08/19/facebook-launches-places-location-check-ins/)



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  • Pachang
    Apr 12, 09:05 AM
    You forgot one thing. I added it for you. You're welcome.

    I love how so many here talk about needed cuts, but never talk about needing to raise taxes. :rolleyes:

    actually the reason I didn't add raising taxes that is that I don't think it would generate much more revenue. It might help but it wouldn't do much in comparison to just cutting waste. Also I think that atm a lot of businesses would just give up if they had taxes raised.

    But the thing is the US economy will collapse no matter what happens. After the collapse it would definitely be better if there was a low tax/low government spending environment.

    What we need to do is GET RID OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE and IRS.. thats what we need to get rid of and bring the jobs back from India.. We also need to take complete control of the banks and corporations - power to the people.. or freedom, something this country does not have at present.

    Errr so the government would control the corporations. Honestly I would leave to go and live in india if my government did that. Getting rid of the FED and the IRS would be nice though!

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  • davidjearly
    Dec 22, 07:20 AM
    You seem to have all the time in the world to come in here and point out how "pathetic" we all are. Really nice of you btw, thanks.

    1. I said I had "limited" time to discuss the idea behind the campaign. Limited is the key word. Note, I've not spent significantly more time discussing it than you or others in the thread. I enjoy discussing the idea behind things, trying to get to understand the logic involved. I apologise for expressing an opposing view to the OP. Obviously I have misunderstood the whole concept of a discussion forum.

    2. Like another poster above who seems to have incorrectly comprehended my earlier post, I described the campaign as "pathetic". At no point did I describe you, or any other individual as pathetic. There was no personal insults so lets avoid making stuff up, ok?

    Call people "pathetic" all you want.

    See point 2 above.

    I think it's pretty laughable how you've clearly been far more put out by it's very existence than any of those who took part were.

    I haven't actually. Again, you seem to be making stuff up. I already explained how I haven't been out out by this at all. I just thought that the whole campaign was totally pointless, and still do.

    People seem to be looking in to what was supposed to be a simple bit of fun/rebellion too much. No one cares what record label people are with. It wasn't an attack on labels or the music industry. The point was simple, to have something the complete opposite of X Factor at number 1. We did it, quickly and simply, with minimal fuss, and all from the comfort of sitting in front of our own computers.

    If it has made you all feel as though you have more power now to get things done then that's great. I'm really really pleased for you.


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  • Jarbo
    Jan 4, 02:50 PM
    And your piss poor Mac support for all of your devices, awful (if non-existant) syncing and overpriced proprietary maps. You have promised mac apps for years and have always failed to deliver.

    You still suck. Even with your iPhone app.

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  • rmitchell248
    Mar 18, 04:09 PM

    todays exchange rate thats $8.21/gallon

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  • lhotka
    Mar 13, 12:21 PM
    In Arizona - the Verizon phone shows the correct (unchanged time). The AT&T phone is an hour fast (it changed).

    This is such a basic function - how can Apple get it wrong?

    Oct 24, 01:16 PM
    I'm gonna be there at 6 I think. I'm flying from Dublin to get to the launch....(not really)
    But seeing as I'm in London for the weekend it would be rude not too take a gawk at Leopard :D

    Apr 14, 05:33 PM
    From what I understand, there are smart and creative people at MS but the company is bloated and unorganized so it is unable to really utilize its people effectively.My friend's son is a senior MS exec, and from what I know (third-hand, mind you), Microsoft has a history of hiring lots and lots of top-tier grads. From about 1990-2000, they pretty much had pick of the litter.

    Since then, Apple and Google among others have become magnets in their own right, and IBM and Oracle have also picked up their share - to name a few of the big boys.

    You're right about the bloated part too, tho' "overorganized," i.e., bureaucratic, rather than unorganized may be a better description. MS is a collection of jealous baronies where the Win, Server and Office groups can pretty much quash anything else that doesn't fit their grand schema.

    Which has resulted, e.g., in their seriously flawed efforts in the phone and "slate"/tablet markets. Including the recent "Pink"/Kin disaster.

    So a lot of the talent begins to feel misused, abused and undervalued. But there are interesting things going on with the X-Box, Sync and Surface teams, and a lot of talent and resources are being thrown into the growing (if hard to understand and manage) stable of Live (read: "cloud" and "SaaS) offerings.

    One semi-independent team is that developing Office for Mac. I've been in their advisory panel for a year or too now, and they really go out of their way to solicit feedback, suggestions, not just about Office (in some depth), but about how I use my Macs, and my attitudes about things like Office Apps on iOS devices. You get the impression they really care about their product and enjoy what they're doing.

    Yeah, yeah, they probably feed it back on ways to make Win more Mac-like, but in the long run, for all users and Apple itself, I don't necessarily see that as a bad thing.

    Both companies are going to be around for a long time, and while they overlap, they also have different missions that occupy different aspects of the whole computing "ecosystem." And both now have a common interest in not letting Google overrun key products.

    PS: If you're looking for new companies for Apple to wary about, also keep your eyes on Amazon, and yes, facebook. Both have "ideas."

    Mar 24, 05:56 PM
    Paid AU$1.33/L today to fill up. That equates to US$5.02/gal.

    $65 bikkies to get me 3/4 of a tank. They're saying that it will hit AU$2/L before the end of the year too.

    Apr 4, 11:58 AM
    A car that gets 60 mpg will do just as much 'damage' to a road surface as a car that get 8 mpg....but the 50mpg car will pay much, MUCH less for upkeep of that road than the other in a gas-tax based situation.

    damage to the road is mostly depending on vehicle weight: the biggest offender actually are trucks/semis

    one point to consider: a 40 ton truck doesn't t do the same damage as 40 1 ton cars. it actually does more damage to the surface. that's why it takes only a modest increase in truck traffic to really ruin roads

    Sep 17, 10:34 AM
    I hate to say it efoto, but the situation sounds dire.

    As a woman who has worked retail, I am sure she remembers you as well... and... if she had been interested, I think she would have found an excuse to 'help' you out. :(

    :edit: and yes, I read through the whole post. :p

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