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  • mrsir2009
    May 5, 02:41 PM
    Where did they say in the website that you need to buy antivirus software?

    And did they compare the build quality or just specs?

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  • TwoSocEmBoppers
    Feb 23, 01:50 PM
    This is appalling. I cannot believe this government intrusion is even legal.

    So...where does parenting come into the picture here?! That is the problem with this and many, many other problems in society.

    Edit: Posted my response without even reading other comments. Glad to see I'm not alone on this one.

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  • twoodcc
    May 14, 06:22 PM
    Very much agree, we have had great new participation for new users, even 100-200 ppd from a user is great and still will help the team out.

    Since begining again and having lower points, I have now 2 dangerous enemies that are trying to take me out, stay away daygokid619 and Oculus, I have to admit it really is fun and I will make sure that none of you overtake me so I have recruited my iBook and old P4 to give me an extra 200ppd :eek::p

    I might build a system soon as well as my main is getting really old, should be able to afford it in 3-6 months, what do you guys recommend, I am on a thight budget. Thinking an AMD Phenom with 4gb of ram and a Nvidea gtx260?

    agreed. and i've seen other very active forums where they have give-aways and stuff for the "folder of the month" and such. i've even seen some members give other members video cards or computers, as long as they agree to use it for folding.

    as far as a new system on a budget - what is your budget, and when do you plan on buying? both of those factors play a part

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  • GulGnu
    Jun 11, 03:17 PM
    Well, I formally switched today (my iBook arrived) - and I must say I am very impressed with the Mac. It feels like a quality build, and OS X feels better overall than Windows XP. (I think XP is a pretty good OS btw)

    I went with the iBook because it was a pretty good value notebook, especially after recent price drops here in Europe. I don't think I qualify as a Mac zealot quite yet though... We'll see how the 'book holds up in a few weeks =P


    -Stabil som fan!


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  • Chwisch87
    Jun 11, 03:34 AM
    Oh wonderful ... how many of these brilliant analysis's have we had?? They are gonna go for T-Mobile cus they the GSM ... they are gonna go to verizon because they have an awesome network!

    Everyone seems to forget that of the big 4, all of the carriers told apple to take a hike (except atnt) because of their the demands of total control of the app store, and the demand of a cut of the general revenue from the phone. atnt pays apple more for the devices than competing products.

    atnt now has a data hog of a phone, and because they don't receive revenue from app store sales (even when its being downloaded over the network and not wifi or on a computer) and have to pay and arm and a leg to apple, thus they can't affording to upgrade their network. Mark my words, they will be the last to 4G and they will have the worst 4G network too.

    All 3 of the carriers not with the iPhone have gotten behind Android. They have more control over the product, pay less for it, and receive revenue from the android market. Their flagship phones, are all android devices, the Incredible, the Evo and the Nexus One.

    A manager has to say ... what exactly does apple have to offer us exactly? except a headache ..

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  • GSX
    Apr 17, 07:01 PM
    I have heard of Folding@home at it sounds interesting. I like the idea of helping scientists with their experiments.

    Unfortunately I have two problems with this.

    1) Ultimately where does all this research go? Who is benefitting from it all? I can't help but think that all this research will just enable some multi-billion dollar drug company to come up with some pill that they can patent and make billions of more dollars. I tried reading the faqs of Folding@home, but it does not really say where all this research is going. I am sure the scientists mean well with their research, but ultimately they will not be the ones creating the drugs to cure these diseases. Drug companies will be doing that, and they are strictly profit oriented.

    2) My electricity prices are going up by about 10% so I really don't like the idea of my iMac running 24-7 eating up electricity, and adding to the wear and tear of my system. I'm not sure what the monthly cost would be running Folding@home, but I'm sure it adds up.

    Can anyone here comment on these concerns?


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  • batchtaster
    Apr 6, 01:24 AM
    It's not about figuring it out. It's about having a computer period. A normal person doesn't own multiple computers. He owns a computer. He might not even have bought it himself, and certainly won't maintain multiple computers (nor will the person who gifted the computer). So once the tablet is the normal person's computer, it's going to be the only one he's using. Telling him he needs a second computer just to use his primary computer is unacceptable.

    This is not what you originally said. You said "unless every normal person has a tech friend/relative to keep the tablet working/updated" which is something else altogether, about personal ability. Why else would they have to be a "tech friend". If it was only about having one "period" then any dumbo friend/relative with a computer would do.

    When tablets are mature enough to be stand-alone, they will be. Just like Mac OS X initially ran most things in Classic. Now, where is Classic?

    You can get apps without a computer. You can get music without a computer. You can get TV shows and movies without a computer. You can get mail without a computer. You don't actually need to sync anything. If you do not have anything to transfer over anyway (your "it's going to be the only one he's using" scenario), then you don't need a desktop.

    The computer is needed only if, hey, you might have some stuff already that you might want to use, instead of starting from scratch - but if you don't, then you activate the device once and you're done - or to back the device up or restore it, because, well, where else are you going to back it up? It's like complaining that you have to have a server or external drive to backup your computer. Everything's gotta go somewhere.

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  • Full of Win
    Mar 28, 09:29 AM
    From the graphic announment it is pretty clear what OS is now the focus of ACE (Apple Consumer Eletronics).

    ACE should drop all pretense and rename WWiOSDC:mad:


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  • HiVolt
    Apr 1, 08:36 AM
    Gotta love the old dinosaurs, they never want to adapt to new technologies...

    Who cares if its being shown on a TV or an iPad? Obviously the iPad app owner must be a cable subscriber to view the content, so its paid for.

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  • Consultant
    May 5, 10:56 AM
    Oh and it falsely compares the fast MacBook Air to snail netbooks.

    Apple definitely has the coolness going and the "halo" affect from its iPhone and iPads but in this tough economic time. Its hard to 30% and more for a Mac and you're not getting any much different in terms of hardware (other then a glowing apple logo)

    WRONG. OS X is worth its value.

    Good luck getting magsafe and other Apple exclusive features on a PC.


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  • lolnick
    Mar 11, 03:05 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Northpark isn't doing any cards

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  • Sined
    Apr 25, 10:19 PM
    When has Apple ever made anything more than "just a small improvement"?

    iOS evolution from 1 to 4 is somewhat disappointing. It has become somewhat stale, especially for the iPad. Hopefully iOS 5 is a big leap forward.


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  • DPinTX
    Mar 11, 11:32 AM
    Line is about 46 now at Stonebriar. Posting pics on twitter @dpedini

    Cookies are still calling my name must resist.

    Stop by say Hello


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  • ikir
    Nov 17, 05:00 PM
    I think the iPhone 4 looks great without a case....but it drops calls without the damn bumper!

    It doesn't. My and my friend's iPhones 4 have no problem without cover. Stop the paranoia and FUD.


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  • iPoster
    Sep 14, 09:21 PM
    Yeah, I get to have my wisdom teeth out next Thursday, so it's anesthesia for me too!

    Where do you people live that you get general anesthesia for wisdom teeth? I had all four of mine removed at the same time, and had to make do with 12 (4 by each tooth) shots of Novocain (local anesthetic) !!!! Then I got to listen as the dentist crunched the one that was coming in sideways and recessed so he could suction out the little pieces.

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  • Saladinos
    Apr 19, 10:28 AM
    File Sharing (1:24)


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  • MacRumorUser
    Jul 17, 05:37 AM
    picking mine up today.

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  • xli_ne
    Oct 26, 08:24 PM
    - doesn't work on firefox (1.5) under WinXP

    - still can't use an email address other than email address as "reply to"

    At least they have fixed it so that it properly quotes previous emails in replies!

    the hell if it doesn't

    works fine for me :D

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  • rgomez
    Sep 28, 10:46 AM
    I have a Mac Pro with that build. I've had no serious problems. The only odd thing is that sometimes when I when I go into date/time preferences dialog and try to change something in there the color wheel spins for a couple of minutes and then the controls in there don't work right. All the other system preferences appear to work normally. I've had no other problems. Even iTunes 7 works fine.

    Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to an update. OS upgrades are always cool.

    Ditto here. I have that build and the only problem I have experienced was yesterday, where I couldn't open Photoshop. It just bounced one time in the Dock and nothing else. I had to restart the machine. But, in the 2-3 weeks I have had my Mac Pro that's the only problem I found.

    Anyway, 10.4.8 looks really interesting :)

    Jan 6, 07:22 PM
    How do you block farmville? It's annoying me the amount of posts I get a day from people who've found a sparkly pure egg or a wounded badger. I'd love to not have all that guff clogging up my iPhone screen.

    I am having similar issues with notification sounds in that I get none. Not too fussed but would be nice if it did exactly what it said on the tin.

    Try going to settings->application settings
    Once the page loads, go to the drop down box and select "allowed to post"
    Find farmville and click edit settings and you can change it there.

    Also, on the news page you can go and click the hide next to any farmville news, then you can select Hide Farmville. This will prevent it from showing up in the news feed.

    Apr 29, 09:51 AM
    Should we tax those in high crime areas more because police respond there more often?

    I was poking at SactoGuy18 and his evangelistic "Flat Tax" posts.

    I went car free two years ago. I'd gladly pay a tax based on my use of the roads, whether it be by bicycle or bus. Or even the rare occasions I use ZipCar.

    There's a serious rethinking going on about the use of automobiles in society. Whether it's London's congestion charge or San Francisco's dynamic parking meter rates or the total rethinking of requiring retailers to have x number of "free" parking spots.

    The days of free roadways and free parking are over.

    Jan 14, 08:51 AM
    I purchased the App to compare it to Navigon and TomTom. While the app is fairly new, you would have to wonder how much testing they did before submitting it to app store.

    I would say the app has some potential but needs a lot of work. No need to name all the issues since they are obviously already mentioned in the thread.

    As of now, my trust with an Iphone GPS App would have to go to TomTom. ;)

    May 6, 05:51 PM
    I'll take the Fonz mantra here: If you're cool, you know it and don't have to tell everyone. I think the guy that wrote that article is probably a moron in a depressed state trying to make himself feel better.

    JOEG4?The guy is not a moron,he know what he wrote.Let us respect ourselves here.To call someone a moron is not good,I think you should apologize to the guy in question

    May 3, 01:56 PM
    Both my friend Cass and I are playing SC II on Late 2009 MBP 15", and we cannot get voice chat to work. I am running 10.6.3, he is running 10.5.8 (it's still .8, isnt it?)

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