lynda lopez

lynda lopez. younger sister Lynda Lopez
  • younger sister Lynda Lopez

  • kuebby
    Apr 25, 08:56 PM
    Only the contemporary GOP would think that running a fat obnoxious trust-fund billionaire who is most famous for firing people, as a populist candidate would be a good idea.

    lynda lopez. Duran and Lynda Lopez
  • Duran and Lynda Lopez

  • drlunanerd
    Oct 26, 01:50 PM
    Hmm, this could work in Apple's favour if, for example, the unthinkable happened and CS3 was released as Intel-only. It'd force a lot of pro users to upgrade their hardware to Intel Macs. Then again it could piss them all off into gradually abandoning the Mac platform and switching to PC.

    It's not a good precedent, but inevitable at some point. Surprising that it's happening already though.

    lynda lopez. My Photos by Lynda Lopez ► ◄
  • My Photos by Lynda Lopez ► ◄

  • Sal510
    Aug 21, 05:52 PM
    so are they trying to run "FourSquare" out of business haha

    lynda lopez. My Photos by Lynda Lopez ► ◄
  • My Photos by Lynda Lopez ► ◄

  • ~Shard~
    Oct 26, 12:52 PM
    Interesting, I didn't hear anything about this in the rumor mill. I'm not sure how it will fare, but competition is always a good thing...


    lynda lopez. By Lynda Lopez
  • By Lynda Lopez

  • tvguru
    Sep 28, 11:54 AM
    Apple won't use 10.4.10, it doesn't look elegant.

    Instead, they'll stop at 10.4.9 and any changes after that will be called a "Security Update".

    I kinda think it looks balanced with the 10 on each side.

    lynda lopez. Camila Sodi, Lynda Lopez,
  • Camila Sodi, Lynda Lopez,

  • farmboy
    Apr 12, 03:05 PM
    The update, which weighs?

    Weight is other thing. The update has a size of...

    Let's use the English language correctly.

    It's a perfectly acceptable colloquialism.


    lynda lopez. Lynda began her career as a DJ
  • Lynda began her career as a DJ

  • JackAxe
    Mar 17, 07:36 PM
    COOOL! I didn't know about the Master Quest! It will be a whole game for me... Well, sort of. :)

    lynda lopez. Jennifer and Lynda Lopez
  • Jennifer and Lynda Lopez

  • dampfnudel
    Apr 21, 01:58 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    Did Apple do this last year? If not, this could mean Apple really wants developers to give users who purchase the next iPhone an enhanced experience over iPhone 4 users. What that enhanced experience is remains to be seen. Maybe 1GB of ram and something else that will make some iPhone 4 users jealous, especially when their iPhone 4 turns into an iPhone 3G someday.


    lynda lopez. and Her Sister Lynda Lopez
  • and Her Sister Lynda Lopez

  • chaosbunny
    Apr 30, 12:04 PM
    As long as I don't have to use the AppStore it's fine.

    lynda lopez. lynda amp; jennifer lopez behind
  • lynda amp; jennifer lopez behind

  • MisterMe
    Sep 14, 05:20 PM
    Originally posted by bullrat
    I'm a potential "switcher" that wants to buy an iMac now but I keep reading all the posts on the various Mac boards about how even the latest 17 inch iMac looks "choppy" or "jerky" when resizing or moving windows and how much slower browsing the Web is than bad old MS on Wintel.
    I have not seen those posts, but then I have seen a lot of other bitching and moaning about one thing or another. Point No. 1: Although I don't have access to a 17" iMac, I do have Jaguar installed on my 2000 Firewire PowerBook G3. I don't see any of that choppiness and jerkiness that you mentioned. I would be astonished to find it on a faster machine like the 17" iMac. Point No. 2: Don't take anybody's word for it. Drive down to your nearest Apple retailer. Look at the machines yourself. That should end all arguments.

    I'm so bored reading all the MHz doesn't matter blather. It does matter. When a brand new $2000 computer looks choppy using a brand new OS, then something is not right. It should be blazing on all basic functions. Flame away if you like, I see a lot of that on the Mac boards whenever someone happens to disagree with the party line but I'd wager I speak for a lot of potential switchers.
    Again, have your actually seen this "choppiness" on that $2000 machine with the brand new OS? Now for the issue of MHz, browse the web sites of the expensive UNIX workstations and servers. Look at the clock speeds of the offerings from IBM, HP, SGI, and Sun. For the most part, you will see that their machines have clock speeds in the sub-GHz range. Yet these are the machines of choice when price is no object and the job must get done. Just think about this: these boards are filled with laments that effectively tell you that you need substaintially higher clock speeds to run a computer game than you need to simulate the gas flow in a jet engine. Don't you think that something is just a bit warped here?

    I guess what really blows me away is that Apple appears to be *purposely* cripppling their systems. From what I understand it's possible for Apple to upgrade the processor, bus, memory and other components without any technical difficulties.
    Think. Think. Think. Apple does not "appear" to be purposesly crippling its systems. The entirity of the corporation orbits about the Macintosh. No company would purposely cripple its central product. The fact that Apple is only one of two profitable personal computer manufacturers serve as loud testimony to the contrary. Just because a bunch of idle college students post things on the Internet does not make them so.

    Okay, you can flame away now -- but all I'm saying is there are a lot of potential switchers waiting to plunk down their hard earned cash if Apple would get it together. I see more and more Apple folks waking up, no longer satisfied to let Apple off the hook for getting further and further behind the rest of the computer world.
    If you are serious, then nobody wants to see you flamed. But again, think. Exactly how is Apple behind? If you are talking about the race toward bankruptcy, then I would agree with you. Apple is second to last in that race among personal computer makers.

    The best OS deserves the best hardware or at least a lot better hardware than being currently used. You want premium prices? Then give us premium hardware. Geez, drop Motorola if they can't deliver the goods and go with IBM (don't go with Intel or AMD to keep that Apple distinction). But pul-leeze do it soon. I want to buy!

    I cannot agree more that the best OS deserves the best currently available hardware. However, the machine has to be affordable. For many years, Apple has ranked among the highest quality hardware manufactures. I am not just talking about microprocessors. I've endured conditions that put Dells out to pasture while my Mac chugged along like a champ.

    As for all this business about Motorola this, IBM that, and AMD the other thing, I will leave it to Apple to make the best decision. It knows the players and its own business better than any nitwit posting on an Internet bulletin board.


    lynda lopez. Sisters: Lynda Lopez and
  • Sisters: Lynda Lopez and

  • yoshi31
    Sep 26, 01:53 AM
    The only thing that I'm skeptical about this whole thing is that the actual cease and desist letter has not been published. All we have are a few people claiming that Apple has slapped them with a letter and the "poor us" act. Once I see the letter I'll be more apt to believe these claims, until then I think that they are just trying to drum up hits on their sites...

    lynda lopez. Lynda Lopez la soeur de J-Lo
  • Lynda Lopez la soeur de J-Lo

  • Icaras
    Apr 19, 09:51 AM
    Sometimes knowing about iOS in advance ruins the fun at WWDC....

    Lovin' the white! Doesn't look cheap to me at all. After now having the white iPad 2, I want the white iPhone more than I did before :D


    lynda lopez. and sister, Lynda Lopez.
  • and sister, Lynda Lopez.

  • karsen
    Mar 31, 05:58 PM
    I filled up yesterday with Shell VPower (premium) at $3.91....just happy it was under $4! (Chicago North Shore)

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    lynda lopez. My Photos by Lynda Lopez ► ◄
  • My Photos by Lynda Lopez ► ◄

  • slffl
    Apr 5, 09:48 AM
    The xoom tied the iPad? That's a joke! And I say this because yes I have used a xoom. It was a pile of turd.


    lynda lopez. her sister Lynda Lopez at
  • her sister Lynda Lopez at

  • edesignuk
    Dec 22, 08:11 AM
    I'm really really pleased for you.Thanks, I'm sure you are.

    Nice to know we're all happy.

    lynda lopez. Jennifer Lopez and Lynda Lopez
  • Jennifer Lopez and Lynda Lopez

  • inkswamp
    Mar 25, 09:27 AM
    Before all you Apple fannies disagree with this; just remember Apple is trying to sue everyone else too.

    It's all ridiculous.

    That's rather a sweeping generalization, isn't it? Sure, many lawsuits over patents are silly but does that mean we should discount the legitimate ones?

    Amen. Some people here act like Kodak has no right to sue. Egads! Apple does it all the time also.

    I don't see a single person on this thread so far saying Kodak has no right to sue, and yet you're third person now to claim people on this site are going to react that way. Where I'm from, that's called a strawman argument and just a thinly veiled way to insult people.


    lynda lopez. Lynda Lopez and bf Adam
  • Lynda Lopez and bf Adam

  • lhotka
    Mar 13, 12:21 PM
    In Arizona - the Verizon phone shows the correct (unchanged time). The AT&T phone is an hour fast (it changed).

    This is such a basic function - how can Apple get it wrong?

    lynda lopez. Guadalupe Lopez and Linda
  • Guadalupe Lopez and Linda

  • Project
    Nov 5, 06:33 AM
    I think we can see it all around us that people are switching. Im a recent switcher myself and have had 2 Macs now in 12 months.

    What im interested in though, is what effect Vista will have on the rate of switchers. Its fairly easy to get a casual PC user to switch on eye candy alone. Will this work when Vista out eye candys OSX?

    lynda lopez. Nicole Zakheim middot; Lynda Lopez
  • Nicole Zakheim middot; Lynda Lopez

  • kingdonk
    Feb 28, 08:28 PM
    more server app setting and profile editor

    Oct 26, 10:33 PM
    This is just the beginning of eh end for PPC software. How long do you really think that Apple will support the PPC with new OS revisions? If things stay the way Steve Jobs has done in the past, 10.5 will either be the last or at most the next to last version of a PPC version of the OS.

    More companies will probably start taking the easy way out. This means skipping the Universal Binary file & making it Intel Mac only.

    Bill the TaxMan

    Apr 5, 10:56 AM

    You can see where they have retouched the Home button.

    First shot especially changes colour as it gets near the white square and there is a definite difference in texture in a circular shape around the home square in the second shot.

    Might happen on the final release but this is not a picture of it and just someone after a pathetic 5mins of fame.

    It's an obvious fake.

    The entire idea of capacitive home button is ridiculous. It would not add one positive thing to the iPhone/iPod, and would instead introduce instant problems that can't be remedied:

    1. Accidental home button presses would be a nightmare.
    2. Double (And Triple) click which are essential commands, are impossible to implement with the same level of accuracy, ease of use, and convenience.
    3. Physical home button press has other functions that for the OS that would need to be relocated and duplicated elsewhere.
    4. Having One physical button is essential to people requiring handicapped access.


    Oct 27, 08:07 AM
    What do you guys mean no student discount?

    Is that only on launch day or is that a permanent thing now at Regent street? First it's the iPods that don't have any student discount and now the OS? That's a little too harsh don't you think?

    Here's why, it's something like �75 on their for students, but if you look at the US Student price it's only $65, so..... I'm getting screwed either way!! With or without student discount it's WAY too expensive in the UK.

    Ok, so, when I saw the line of people circling the entire building, I was more impressed about that and wanting to know JUST how long the line of people actually was than getting Leopard. See, I can just pick it up from anywhere else if need be or today at apple or tomorrow... I don't need the insane people trying to cut in and giving me attitude when I can simply wait a few days and then get it nice and calmly.

    Anyway, I think Apple should have opened up their apparels store again. With so many people buying apple products so enthusiastically, why not open up a section in Apple store for, T-Shirts, watches, badges, stickers, pins you name it. Like they once had. I think it would sell very well, if only they'd do that.

    But, what you are saying is that the Regent Street isn't offering any Student Discount on Leopard? At all?

    And there were no deaths reported yesterday during the premier!! That's probably the best news huh?


    Lyra if you had read the thread you would have seen my comment about the student discount in the store.

    I just came back from the store.

    Incidentally, they are *not* offering *any* form of student discount on Leopard here. No higher education discount and no standard discount. Full price or family pack price only.

    This is not TRUE I just showed them my univeristy ID and I got the discount. Btw when I came to the store it was about 18:15 and although the queue stretched around the block it only took 10 min before I was in the store and got my hands on a copy of leopard.

    No tshirt unfortunately, which simply means that by 10pm tonight the Apple Store at Regent street will by my estimation have sold a few thousand copies. Amazing how an operating system can cause such interest, but that's what Apple do well.

    Aug 25, 12:59 AM
    Cool i was wondering also, thanks for putting the effort into making it and im looking forward to it too :)

    Apr 13, 06:14 AM
    Can't find an iPad 2 for AT&T, but bunch of VZ on the shelves in California...:p

    well obviously the stock levels at your local Apple store are a far better indicator than a national survey

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