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  • justflie
    Oct 27, 07:41 AM
    - No iCal integration with a fully editable calendar

    Agreed! That calendar thing really bothers me. Also, whenever you do publish calendars, it doesn't show the location of the event! That's REALLY annoying. I have to put it in the notes box in order to view it online. I actually recently emailed .mac feedback about that. Pain in the butt!

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  • chisnic
    Apr 12, 02:38 PM
    Outlook still only works with gmail email. There is no support for gmail calendars, contacts, todo's, etc...

    Outlook is still unusable.

    Yeah, what's up with that? Wasn't that one of the major additions announced for SP1? Or are we missing here something?

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  • BlizzardBomb
    Jun 11, 03:48 PM
    Wow, I don't look at the guides for a few days and look what's happened. Nice work Eraserhead.

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  • Bennieboy�
    Apr 24, 08:32 PM
    still not getting nothing lol my ps3 on the other hand seems to have stepped up a gear, i was on 13 completed WU's yesterday and it's jumped to 20 today :O seems weird lol my ps3 not having any trouble getting the units lol

    ^^ oh no i'm using the gui version, i'm rubbish with out point and click haha
    i've restarted the program now about 10 times, rebooted my computer once, and my router, but still nothing lol

    *edit* finally, i turned on ' no preferences ' and it found something lol it dont look big WU, so should be rolling :D


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  • AidenShaw
    Oct 28, 09:45 AM
    Parallels :D

    Boot Camp

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  • atomwork
    Sep 13, 09:20 AM
    you know what. If Apple would finally give up ther Megaherz Myth and equal up the numbers that PCs have, then dummies out there would understand the need of a mac. So far the service, the own apps and etc is amazing. But what does it matter if my mom would never get it?



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  • szark
    Jan 6, 08:26 AM
    Nice...a new day is dawning for Apple...hopefully. :)

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  • rdowns
    Feb 24, 01:37 PM
    What about regulations to protect the consumer from those that find loop holes to make big bucks....

    Parents need to do their part, but government needs to try to protect from the greed that that brought us to the mess we are in today....

    Are we really comparing looking into in-app purchases with the crimes committed by Wall Street? Wow.

    This is a 100% parental issue. As for Apple, the least they could do (and it might be there) is to post a video teaching parents to use parental controls.


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  • applemacdude
    Jul 3, 08:15 PM
    UH and if you have 6 youre dead. I thihnk that the SE' work with early deskwriters, stylewriters, laserwriters and and imagewriters. better compatibility with 7 than in 6

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  • corbijnal
    Jan 4, 10:06 AM
    I used to have a Garmin Nuvi but I won't be going anywhere near this!

    I'd say your 500MB data allowance on O2 would be churned up in no time.

    What's the problem with downloading the maps? TomTom takes up about 2-3GB on my 32GB iPhone... big deal!


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  • Famous Love Quotes In Hindi. love quotes in hindi; love quotes in hindi. canuckdesigner. Aug 23, 11:38 AM. Great installation.looks awesome. now if he

  • Ugg
    Apr 28, 11:21 PM
    This may be true - further analysis is needed. Either way, concrete roads (like interstates and state highways) are much more resistant to this type of wear than asphalt. And again, the real culprits are soil conditions and thermal expansion/contraction.

    If that's the case, then 18 wheels are going to heat up a road faster than four. I'd also like to see the impact of braking on road surfaces. I'm sure it's significant.

    It's all more or less pointless because if you want to argue efficiency, the trucks don't rank very high on the scale. Trains win that argument hands down.

    If you really want to argue the issue then it should be about how many extra miles or lanes of asphalt are needed to support all the commercial trucks on the road. I'll bet it's a lot.

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  • ArmCortexA8
    Apr 19, 10:29 AM
    If you watch the 2nd Youtube video, at around 40-43 seconds you will see the volume buttons dont have their engraved "+" and "-" markers, so this is definately a prototype phone. I also noticed where the rear camera is there is no silver ring around it as well. It also looks as if the antenna is also painted, but this is probably the light reflecting plus the very visible "ring" around the home button (raised). On the same video at 1.08 in the Settings screen you will see "Carrier Settings" with a new "C" logo, plus "Developer" with the "D" and "Internal Settings" with an "M" logo. At 1.13 you will then see when he choses "Carrier Settings" you will see "Show WiFi RSSI" / "Show Internal Apps" / "VMAC" which to me seems to possibly mean "VirtualMAC" which may be the reason for the new search function as well. Under "Logging" in "Carrier Settings" you see "Logging" / "Baseband" and "Enable VM Logging". At 1.15 I could make out the following options "Enable Bypass Mode" / "Activate Bluetooth Test Mode" / "Activate Data PDF Context" / "Deactivate Data PDF Context" and "Ping Testing". At 1.25, I also noticed under "General" an option that says "File Sharing"

    So far, most of these options seem to indicate this is a test version of iOS.


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  • TheSlush
    Feb 18, 01:28 PM
    Can't help thinking that if Eric Schmidt and Steve Jobs could split the difference on their weight, they'd both be better off. :D

    This is getting silly, maybe he was at the cancer center for a checkup and that's it

    Yes, this is perfectly possible.

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  • rdowns
    Mar 16, 09:12 AM
    Maybe if people who buy cars only for the name and because it was (or is perceived) to be built in America would have stopped this insanity 30 years ago, we'd have American car companies more able to compete today.

    There it is folks. The American consumer is at fault for the problems of the US auto industry.


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  • iHarrison
    Jan 6, 03:16 PM
    someone explain this to me.....wouldn't activating push notifications absolutely KILL my iPhone 3GS battery life?? I've never been able to figure out if push notifications are bad to turn on cause they drain battery life?


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  • AdeFowler
    Mar 28, 08:48 AM
    after all this hype if iOS 5 is just a small improvement that would be ludicrous.

    What hype? :confused:


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  • shingi70
    Mar 8, 12:05 PM
    smugmug or flickr

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  • FadeToBlack
    Sep 15, 05:34 AM
    I've gone under anesthesia twice now, once under general anesthesia for a broken and dislocated arm, and on the other under a peridural for the removal of a pilonidal cyst directy above my tailbone (not nice).

    I'll tell you straight away the general anesthesia was MUCH worse. I was about 12 at the time, and it was all pretty smooth throughout. Don't try to cheat while fasting, otherwise you'll almost certainly throw up. I stayed under observation for about two days, and it was worth it. When I was told I could walk, I went to the bathroom with some help from a nurse to take a bath (or at least rinse a little) and fainted (the only time in my life). I woke up a little later on the bed, still a little dazed. After that it was hard to keep food or drinks down, too. I'm absolutely certain it was the anaesthesia, since I was only on paracetamol and I have NEVER had ANY problem with that, and I have migraines once every two or three days (genetic thing).

    During the cyst operation, which happened in january of this year, the peridural was smooth. I was given something to make me sleepy, since I told the anaesthesiologist it would be boring and I'd be annoying him with questions about how everything was going "down there". I could "walk" fine after I laid on my gurney for a couple of hours, though you have to remember that a surgeon had just removed all the tissue above my tailbone. First time I had ever seen a nurse I deemed "hot as hell".

    Anyway, yeah. Good times. Oh, and both were IV. According to my father, who is a surgeon himself, gas is hardly used nowadays, and the main reason for it to be used is if the person does NOT want needles. If its general, you'll probably be woozly later and feel light-headed, although it might be local for you, I'm not sure. It seems scary to be awake while someone is cutting you with a scalpel, but you really feel nothing at all. For kicks, get someone to film you when you wake up, it can get really funny. :p

    P.S. First post, yay.

    Congrats on your first post and welcome to MacRumors!

    Anyway, the only surgery I've had that I know of was back when I was a kid and I can't really remember it. I'm pretty sure they used gas, though.

    Good luck with the surgery, iGary. I'm sure it'll all go fine. :cool:

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  • boch82
    Apr 27, 10:56 AM
    MPEG Stream Clip (assuming these are not protected DVDs)

    Drag the VOB file into the app
    Open as a stream so you get the whole dvd.

    drag the slider to the beginning of the clip you want press "i" drag the slider to the end press "o"

    export to the settings you need for your editing app

    Jan 6, 04:51 PM
    Apart from the streaming fail, Garmin are way too late to the party. Even when everyone was criticising TomTom, I went and bought it and it (for me) is the ultimate GPS navigator. Free map and service updates, no streaming involved, full multitasking support, been flawless in its navigation, accurate in its info (time of arrival is almost always spot on) and there's traffic when I want it for longer journeys, albeit not free.

    The mapping display also doesn't look like a Scooby Doo 'toon unlike the Garmin app, judging from these screenshots...

    Apr 12, 04:41 PM
    I'm holding off on the ipad. I really like it and I'm not waiting for some future specs. I just am not sure I have enough need for it to spend that kind of cash. I have a three year old laptop and I think I'd rather save a little more money and get a new laptop than add an ipad to my collection. And I think the needs of an ipad are not that great for me right now.

    I think if I were to buy one it would be as a gift for my parents. You know these are ideal for people in the family who do not really need a full computer but you'd like to have the ability to interact with on-line. You can set it up with your own computer and occasionally update it for them. It looks to be a lot less of a headache to manage for someone who is not tech savvy than a full computer.

    Jan 5, 08:06 PM
    Always good to see more options. But my Android friends relying on Google navigation find themselves up a creek due to this same issue of network dependence. While my pre-stored Navigon MyRegion for iPhone keeps on navigating! 3G has small dead spots even in major cities, and that’s enough to miss a turn.

    In fact, my old iPhone 3G that doesn’t even have phone service anymore still works great as an in-car voice-guided GPS with Navigon. (Just don’t put it into airplane mode—that saves power but seems to shut down the GPS as well as the other radios.)

    MyRegion is cheap (it’s regional but upgradable) and it even goes on sale sometimes—I’m really happy with it. Very slick iOS UI, but in a non-distracting black-and-brown. (Unlike the cluttered, garish UI that Garmin app seems to have.) And it multitasks nicely with Pandora AND any other GPS app I want! Sometimes I run Navigon MyRegion in the background for the voice guidance, while Google Earth is in the foreground showing me the real photographic landscape. Two GPS apps running at once can be the best of both worlds :)

    Sep 14, 09:01 AM
    If your Mac is slower than a PC for any reason on the same application it is because the software hasn't been optimized for the Mac. Write the software developer before you complain about the Mac speed. Get them to develop for Altivec. It makes a world of difference.

    No chance.

    Most applications that can take advantage of Altivec already do, there's a lot of processes that can't benefit from Altivec at all and that's where the G4 is getting beaten senseless.

    Even Altivec itself is crippled by the bus speed.

    The G4 achieves 1.3Gb/s on the dual 1Ghz G4 with the 167Mhz Front Side Bus.

    Remembering that there's 8 bits in a byte and memory is 64 bit the Mb/s of the FSB works out as follows :

    (100 / 3) x 5 = 166.666 this is just the precise way of calculating the bus speed

    64 bit / 8 = 8 bytes

    8 x 166.666Mhz = 1.333 GB/s

    Remembering that 1.3Gb/s is the most the system controller can transfere to either CPU, altivec is hardly getting any of the juice it needs at all with the current G4 design.

    Assuming we're still talking about that dual Ghz G4, Altvec works out like this :

    (128 / 8) x 1000Mhz = 15.625 Gb/s

    It's only getting a measly 1.3Gb/s, hardly what it needs.

    Plus both CPUs and both Altivec units have to share the same 167Mhz FSB to transfere data to and from main memory.

    Even though the L2 and L3 cache have a lot to play in getting around the FSB bottleneck, that's 1.3Gb/s of bandwidth shared between cpus and SiMD units that require a total of 33.85Mb/s.

    If you're working on data that's less than 256K it fits in the L2 cache and there's no bottleneck, anything bigger than that and it's either got to fit in the L3 which is half the required bandwidth or it's coming from main system memory with that tiny 1.3Mb/s of bandwidth.

    Aug 19, 10:15 AM
    I agree; It's way too easy for people with bad intentions to know the best times to break into your home.

    You are only sharing your location information with people in your facebook friends list, so if you have people on your friends list that want to break into your house than you have more serious issues to deal with than the new "Places" feature. ;) I would start deleting all those criminals from your friends list right away! :p

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